Facail a’ tòiseachadh le:
- uachdar
- surface
- n(m)
- uachdair - surface poss csurfaces - uachdaran pl
- leasachadh uachdair surface development
- Subject: Technical
- uachdar
- surface
- n(m)
- uachdair - surface poss csurfaces - uachdaran pl
- farsaingeachd uachdair surface area
- farsaingeachd-raoin surface area
- Subject: Mathematics
- Uachdar Àrdair
- Auchterarder
- baile fada Uachdar Àrdair the long town of Auchterarder
- Subject: Geography
- Uachdar Mucadaidh
- Auchtermuchty
- seann bhaile Uachdar Mucadaidh the old town of Auchtermuchty
- Subject: Geography
- uachdranas
- jurisdiction
- n(m)
- uachdranais - jurisdiction poss cjurisdictions - uachdranasan pl
- lagh uachdranasan sònraichte law of specific jurisdictions
- uachdranasan sònraichte specific jurisdictions
- Subject: General
- Uachtar Ard
- Oughterard
- Subject: Geography
- uaimh
- cave
- n(f)
- uaimhe - cave poss cuamha - cave poss ccaves - uaimhean plcaves - uamhan pl
- dealbh-uaimhe cave painting
- Subject: Geography
- uair
- time
- n(f)
- uarach - time poss ctimes - uairean pl
- 24-uarach 24 hour
- ag innse dè an uair a tha e telling the time
- ag innse na h-uarach telling the time
- airgead, uair agus tomhas money, time and measure
- àm fàgail departure time
- àm ruighinn arrival time
- àm ruigsinn arrival time
- clàr-ùine timesheet
- dè an uair a tha e? what is the time?
- leth-uair an dèidh half past
- tha e trì uairean it is three o' clock
- Subject: Mathematics
- uair
- hour
- n(f)
- uarach - hour poss chours - uairean pl
- an spòg bheag the hour hand
- cloc 24-uarach 24 hour clock
- leth-uair an dèidh half past
- mìle/mìltean san uair (msu) miles per hour (mph)
- mullach na h-uarach top of the hour
- reat san uair rate per hour
- Subject: Mathematics
- uair a thìde
- hour
- n(f)
- uair a thìde - hour poss chours - uairean a thìde pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- uaireadair-stad
- stop-watch
- n(m)
- uaireadair-stad - stop-watch poss cstop-watches - uaireadairean-stad pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- uairean a bharrachd
- overtime
- n(f)
- Subject: Mathematics
- uairean grèine
- sunshine hours
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- uaisleachadh
- gentrification
- n(m)
- uaisleachaidh - gentrification poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- ualabaidh
- wallaby
- n(m)
- ualabaidh - wallaby poss cwallabies - ualabaidhean pl
- ualabaidh creige rock wallaby
- Subject: Science
- uamh
- cave
- n(f)
- uamha - cave poss ccaves - uamhan pl
- Subject: Geography
- uamhaireachd
- caving
- n(m)
- uamhaireachd - caving poss c
- Subject: GeographyPhysical EducationGeneral
- uan
- lamb
- n(m)
- uain - lamb poss clambs - uain pl
- Subject: Science
- uàrdan
- warden
- n(m)
- uàrdan - warden poss cwardens - uàrdanan pl
- uàrdan-trafaig traffic warden
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- uasal
- noble
- adj
- an t-slighe uasal ochd-fillte the noble eightfold path
- ceithir fìrinnean uasal four noble truths
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- uat
- watt
- n(m)
- uat - watt poss cwatts - uatan pl
- cile-uat kilowatt
- Subject: Science
- ubhalghort
- apple orchard
- n(m)
- ubhalghoirt - apple orchard poss capple orchards - ubhalghortan pl
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- uchdan
- embankment
- n(m)
- uchdain - embankment poss cembankments - uchdanan pl
- uchdan-aibhne river embankment
- Subject: Geography
- uchdan-rèile
- embankment
- n(m)
- uchdain-rèile - embankment poss cembankments - uchdanan-rèile pl
- Subject: Geography
- Uganda
- Uganda
- n(m/f)
- Uganda - Uganda poss c
- crìochan Uganda borders of Uganda
- Subject: Geography
- ugh
- egg
- n(m)
- uighe - egg poss ceggs - uighean pl
- cealla uighe egg cell
- ceallan uighe egg cells
- Subject: Science
- ugh
- ovum
- n(m)
- uighe - ovum poss covums - uighean pl
- Subject: Science
- ugh-chruth
- oval
- n(m)
- ugh-chrutha - oval poss covals - ugh-chruthan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ugh-chruthach
- oval
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- ughachadh
- ovulation
- n(m)
- ughachaidh - ovulation poss c
- Subject: Science
- ughaich
- ovulate
- vb
- ughachadh ovulating
- Subject: Science
- ùghdar
- author
- n(m)
- ùghdair - author poss cauthors - ùghdaran pl
- catalog a rèir ùghdair, deit, agus eile catalogues arranged by author, date, etc.
- ùghdar nan lirigean author of the lyrics
- Subject: General
- ùghdarras
- authority
- n(m)
- ùghdarrais - authority poss cauthorities - ùghdarrasan pl
- ùghdarras aonadach unitary authority
- Ùghdarrasan Ionadail Local Authorities
- Subject: General
- ùghdarras ionadail
- local authority
- n phr
- roinnean ùghdarrasan ionadail local authority regions
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- ùghdarras Lunnainneach
- London borough
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- ughlann
- ovary
- n(f)
- ughlainn - ovary poss covaries - ughlannan pl
- Subject: Science
- Uibhist a Deas
- South Uist
- cabhsair Uibhist a Deas South Uist causeway
- Subject: Geography
- Uibhist a Tuath
- North Uist
- cabhsair Uibhist a Tuath North Uist causeway
- Subject: Geography
- uidheam
- apparatus
- n(f)
- uidheim - apparatus poss capparatuses - uidheaman pl
- Subject: General
- uidheam
- equipment
- n(f)
- uidheim - equipment poss cequipment - uidheaman pl
- Subject: General
- uidheam
- machine
- n(f)
- uidheim - machine poss cmachines - uidheaman pl
- Subject: General
- uidheam
- plant
- n(f)
- uidheim - plant poss cplant - uidheaman pl
- rianachd uidheaman administration of physical plant
- Subject: General
- uidheamachd
- equipment
- n(f)
- uidheamachd - equipment poss cequipment - uidheamachdan pl
- uidheamachd taighe household equipment
- Subject: General
- Ùig
- Uig
- Fir-tàileisg Ùig Uig Chessmen
- Subject: Geography
- Ùige
- Uig
- aiseag Ùige Uig ferry
- Subject: Geography
- uile-chumhachd
- omnipotence
- n(f)
- uile-chumhachd - omnipotence poss c
- uile-chumhachd Dhè God's omnipotence
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- uile-chumhachdach
- omnipotent
- adj
- dia uile-chumhachdach omnipotent god
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- uile-dheatachadh
- sublimation
- n(m)
- uile-dheatachaidh - sublimation poss csublimations - uile-dheatachaidhean pl
- Subject: Science
- uile-dheataich
- sublimate
- vb
- Subject: Science
- uile-fhiosrach
- omnicient
- adj
- dia uile-fhiosrach omnicient god
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- uile-itheadair
- omnivore
- n(m)
- uile-itheadair - omnivore poss comnivores - uile-itheadairean pl
- Subject: Science
- uile-làthaireachd
- omnipresence
- n(f)
- uile-làthaireachd - omnipresence poss c
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- uimhir
- amount
- n(f)
- a dhà uimhir twice the amount
- Subject: Mathematics
- ùine
- duration
- n(f)
- ùine - duration poss cdurations - ùineachan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ùine
- time
- n(f)
- ùine - time poss ctimes - ùineachan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ùir
- soil
- n(f)
- ùireach - soil poss csoils - ùirean pl
- bleith ùire soil erosion
- ùir thorrach fertile soil
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- uiread
- quantity
- n(f)
- uireid - quantity poss cquantities - uiread pl
- àireamh agus uiread number and quantity
- Subject: Mathematics
- uiread
- times
- n(f)
- uiread - times poss ctimes - uireadean pl
- clàr nan uireadan times table
- tha 2 uiread 3 a' dèanamh 6 2 times 3 makes 6
- tha 3 uiread 3 a' dèanamh 9 3 times 3 makes 9
- Subject: Mathematics
- uirsgeul
- legend
- n(m/f)
- uirsgeil - legend poss cuirsgeòil - legend poss clegends - uirsgeulan pl
- samhlachas, cosamhlachd, miotas-eòlas agus uirsgeul symbolism, allegory, mythology and legend
- Subject: General
- uisge
- water
- n(m)
- uisge - water poss cwaters - uisgeachan plwaters - uisgichean pl
- cearcall an uisge water cycle
- còmhdhail uisge water transportation
- cumhachd uisge water power
- ìre-làin àrd high water mark
- ìre-làin ìosal low water mark
- òrnamaidean uisge water features
- polo-uisge water polo
- sgitheadh-uisge water skiing
- stòradh uisge water storage
- stòrasan uisge water resources
- Uisge Liddel Liddell Water
- Subject: Geography
- uisge
- river
- n(m)
- uisge - river poss crivers - uisgeachan plrivers - uisgichean pl
- Uisge Dùin River Doon
- Subject: Geography
- uisge
- aquatic
- adj
- spòrsan uisge aquatic sports
- Subject: Physical Education
- uisge
- aquatic
- adj
- Plana-manaidsearachd an Uisge Chostail Aquatic Management Plan
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- uisge
- rain
- n(m)
- uisge - rain poss crains - uisgeachan plrains - uisgichean pl
- a bheil an t-uisge ann? is it raining?
- gèidse-uisge rain gauge
- sgàil-uisge rain shadow
- sìor-uisg’ continuous rain
- uisge ràitheil seasonal rain
- Subject: Geography
- Uisge Aln
- River Aln
- n(m)
- Uisge Aln - River Aln poss c
- faid Uisge Aln length of the River Aln
- Subject: Geography
- Uisge Choniston
- Coniston Water
- n(m)
- Uisge Choniston - Coniston Water poss c
- seòladh air Uisge Choniston sailing on Coniston Water
- Subject: Geography
- Uisge Dè
- River Dee
- n(m)
- beul Uisge Dè mouth of the River Dee
- Subject: Geography
- Uisge Deathann
- River Don
- n(m)
- beul Uisge Deathann mouth of the River Don
- Subject: Geography
- Uisge Derwent
- Derwent Water
- n(m)
- Uisge Derwent - Derwent Water poss c
- faid Uisge Derwent length of Derwent Water
- Subject: Geography
- Uisge Dubh-Èireann
- River Deveron
- n(m)
- beul Uisge Dubh-Èireann mouth of River Deveron
- Subject: Geography
- Uisge Dùin
- River Doon
- n(m)
- beul Uisge Dùin mouth of River Doon
- Subject: Geography
- Uisge Eadaraig
- Ettrick Water
- n(m)
- bruachan Uisge Eadaraig banks of Ettrick Water
- Subject: Geography
- Uisge Easg
- Esk
- n(m)
- bruachan Uisge Easg banks of the Esk
- Subject: Geography
- Uisge Easg a Deas
- South Esk
- n(m)
- àrainneachd Uisge Easg a Deas South Esk environment
- Subject: Geography
- Uisge Èireann
- River Earn
- n(m)
- beul Uisge Èireann mouth of River Earn
- Subject: Geography
- Uisge Kielder
- Kielder Water
- n(m)
- Uisge Kielder - Kielder Water poss c
- seòladh air Uisge Kielder sailing on Kielder Water
- Subject: Geography
- Uisge Liddel
- Liddell Water
- n(m)
- beul Uisge Liddel mouth of Liddell Water
- Subject: Geography
- Uisge Rutland
- Rutland Water
- n(m)
- Uisge Rutland - Rutland Water poss c
- Tèarmann Nàdair Uisge Rutland Rutland Water Nature Reserve
- Subject: Geography
- uisge searbhagach
- acid rain
- n(m)
- uisge shearbhagaich - acid rain poss cacid rains - uisgeachan searbhagach pl
- Subject: Science
- Uisge Tatha
- River Tay
- n(m)
- beul Uisge Tatha mouth of the River Tay
- Subject: Geography
- Uisge Thuaidh
- River Tweed
- n(m)
- bradan Uisge Thuaidh River Tweed salmon
- Subject: Geography
- Uisge Tìbhiot
- River Teviot
- n(m)
- bruachan Uisge Tìbhiot banks of the River Teviot
- Subject: Geography
- Uisge Wast
- Wast Water
- n(m)
- Uisge Wast - Wast Water poss c
- Uisge Wast ann am Pàirce Nàiseanta Sgìre nan Lakes Wast Water in the Lake District National Park
- Subject: Geography
- uisge-beatha
- whisky
- n(m)
- uisge-beatha - whisky poss c
- diofar sheòrsaichean uisge-beatha different whiskys
- glainne uisge-beatha whisky glass
- glainne uisge-beatha a glass of whisky
- poit-dhubh whisky still
- Subject: General
- uisge-pìoba
- running water
- n(m)
- uisge-pìoba - running water poss c
- Subject: Geography
- uisge-thuar
- aquatint
- n(m)
- uisge-thuair - aquatint poss caquatints - uisge-thuaran pl
- a' cur uisge-thuar air applying aquatint
- Subject: Art
- uisge-thuaradh
- aquatinting
- n(m)
- uisge-thuaraidh - aquatinting poss c
- Subject: Art
- uisgeachadh
- irrigation
- n(m)
- uisgeachaidh - irrigation poss c
- dìgean uisgeachaidh irrigation channels
- uisgeachadh fuadain artificial irrigation
- Subject: Geography
- Ulbha
- Ulva
- Eilean Ulbha Island of Ulva
- Subject: Geography
- ullachadh
- preparation
- n(m)
- ullachaidh - preparation poss cpreparations - ullachadh pl
- ullachadh airson dheuchainnean exam preparation
- Subject: General
- Ullapul
- Ullapool
- aiseag Ullapuil Ullapool ferry
- Subject: Geography
- ultra-bhìolait
- ultraviolet
- adj
- rèididheachd ultra-bhìolait ultraviolet radiation
- tachartasan ultra-bhìolait ultraviolet phenomena
- Subject: Science
- umha
- bronze
- n(m)
- umha - bronze poss c
- Linn an Umha Bronze Age
- Subject: Science
- unnsa
- ounce
- n(m)
- unnsa - ounce poss counces - unnsachan plounces - unnsaichean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ununhexium
- ununhexium
- n(m)
- ununhexium - ununhexium poss c
- Subject: Science
- ununoctium
- ununoctium
- n(m)
- ununoctium - ununoctium poss c
- Subject: Science
- ununpentium
- ununpentium
- n(m)
- ununpentium - ununpentium poss c
- Subject: Science
- ununquadium
- ununquadium
- n(m)
- ununquadium - ununquadium poss c
- Subject: Science
- ununseptium
- ununseptium
- n(m)
- ununseptium - ununseptium poss c
- Subject: Science
- ununtrium
- ununtrium
- n(m)
- ununtrium - ununtrium poss c
- Subject: Science
- ùr
- new
- adj
- Subject: Computing
- ùrachadh
- update
- n(m)
- ùrachaidh - update poss cupdates - ùrachaidhean pl
- ùrachaidhean puist-d e-mail updates
- Subject: Computing
- ùraich
- update
- vb
- ag ùrachadh updating
- Subject: Computing
- ùraichte
- updated
- adj
- ùrachadh mu dheireadh last updated
- Subject: Computing
- Uralaig
- Uralic
- adj
- cànanan Uralaig Uralic languages
- Subject: Language
- Uralaig
- Uralic
- n(f)
- Uralaig - Uralic poss c
- Subject: Language
- Urànas
- Uranus
- n(m)
- Urànais - Uranus poss c
- 'S e Urànas an t-seachdamh planaid bhon Ghrèin Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun
- meud Urànais the size of Uranus
- Subject: Science
- uranium
- uranium
- n(m)
- uranium - uranium poss c
- sreath uranium uranium series
- Subject: Science
- urras
- trust
- n(m)
- urrais - trust poss ctrusts - urrasan pl
- Urras Nàiseanta National Trust
- Subject: Geography
- Uruguaidh
- Uruguay
- n(m/f)
- Uruguaidh - Uruguay poss c
- Paraguaidh agus Uruguaidh Paraguay and Uruguay
- Poblachd Uruguaidh Republic of Uruguay
- Subject: Geography
- Usbeagastan
- Uzbekistan
- n(m/f)
- Usbeagastan - Uzbekistan poss c
- eaconamaidh Usbeagastan economy of Uzbekistan
- Subject: Geography
- utilitarianach
- utilitarian
- adj
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- utilitarianachd
- utilitarianism
- n(f)
- feumalachd - utilitarianism poss c
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education