Facail a’ tòiseachadh le:
- m
- a.m
- adv
- Subject: Mathematics
- macaw
- macaw
- n(m)
- macaw - macaw poss cmacaws - macawan pl
- macaw sgàrlaid scarlet macaw
- Subject: Science
- MacDhòmhnaill
- MacDonald
- càr Seonaig NicDhòmhnaill Joan MacDonald's car
- Dòmhnall MacDhòmhnaill Donald MacDonald
- NicDhòmhnaill MacDonald (fem)
- Seonag NicDhòmhnaill Joan MacDonald
- taigh Dhòmhnaill MhicDhòmhnaill Donald MacDonald's house
- Subject: General
- MacGumaraid
- Montgomery
- Calum MacGumaraid Malcolm Montgomery
- Ceiteag NicGumraid Katie Montgomery
- leabhar Chaluim MhicGumaraid Malcolm Montgomery's book
- NicGumaraid Montgomery (fem)
- taigh Ceiteig NicGumraid Katie Montgomery's house
- Subject: General
- mach-bhathar
- export(s)
- n(m) / n
- mach-bhathair - export poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneralBusiness Studies
- mach-chur
- output
- n(m)
- mach-chuir - output poss coutputs - mach-churan pl
- Subject: Computing
- mach-ghluais
- export
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- mach-raon
- range
- n(m)
- mach-raoin - range poss cranges - mach-raointean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- Machaire Fíolta
- Magherafelt
- Subject: Geography
- Machaire Rátha
- Maghera
- Subject: Geography
- machete
- machete
- n(m)
- machete - machete poss cmachetes - machetean pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- MacIllFhinnein
- MacLennan
- Subject: General
- macro-eaconamas
- macroeconomics
- n(m)
- macro-eaconamais - macroeconomics poss c
- macro-eaconamas agus cuspairean co-cheangailte macroeconomics and related topics
- Subject: General
- madadh-allaidh
- wolf
- n(m)
- madaidh-allaidh - wolf poss cwolves - madaidhean-allaidh pl
- Subject: Science
- madadh-cuain
- killer whale
- n(m)
- madaidh-cuain - killer whale poss ckiller whales - madaidhean-cuain pl
- Subject: Science
- Madagascar
- Madagascar
- n(m/f)
- Mhadagascar - Madagascar poss c
- Eilean Mhadagascar Island of Madagascar
- Subject: Geography
- maestro di capella
- maestro di capella
- n(m)
- maestro di capella - maestro di capella poss c
- Subject: Music
- magairle
- testis
- n(m)
- magairle - testis poss ctestes - magairlean pl
- Subject: Science
- magma
- magma
- n(m)
- magma - magma poss c
- seòmar magma magma chamber
- Subject: Geography
- magnaiteach
- magnetic
- adj
- an tuath magnaiteach magnetic north
- raon magnaiteach magnetic field
- Subject: Science
- magnaiteachd
- magnetism
- n(f)
- magnaiteachd - magnetism poss c
- Subject: Science
- magnesium
- magnesium
- n(m)
- magnesium - magnesium poss c
- magnesium ogsaid magnesium oxide
- Subject: Science
- mahoganaidh
- mahogany
- n(m)
- mahoganaidh - mahogany poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- mahoganaidh
- mahogany
- adj
- àirneis mhahoganaidh mahogany furniture
- fiodh mahoganaidh mahogany wood
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- maicreasgop
- microscope
- n(m)
- maicreasgoip - microscope poss cmicroscopes - maicreasgopan pl
- Subject: Science
- maicreobach
- microbial
- adj
- Subject: Science
- maidhòsach
- miotic
- adj
- Subject: Science
- maidhòsas
- miosis
- n(m)
- maidhòsas - miosis poss cmioses - maidhòsasan pl
- Subject: Science
- maids
- match
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- maidseadh
- matching
- n(m)
- maidsidh - matching poss cmatchings - maidsidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- màidsear
- major
- adj
- màidsear-ghleus major key
- màidsear-sgèile major scale
- Subject: Music
- Màigh
- May
- n(f)
- Màighe - May poss c
- a' Mhàigh May
- Latha (Buidhe) Bealltainn May Day
- latha anns a' Mhàigh a day in May
- meadhan na Màighe end of May
- Subject: General
- Maigh Chromtha
- Macroom
- Subject: Geography
- Maigh Nuad
- Maynooth
- Subject: Geography
- maighdeag
- pivot
- n(f)
- maighdeig - pivot poss cpivots - maighdeagan pl
- alt-maideig pivot joint
- drochaid-maideig pivot bridge
- Subject: Science
- màileachan
- elf
- n(m)
- màileachain - elf poss celves - màileachain pl
- Subject: General
- mailèiria
- malaria
- n(f)
- mailèiria - malaria poss c
- banachdach mailèiria malaria vaccine
- Subject: Science
- Màilidh
- Mali
- n(m/f)
- Mhàilidh - Mali poss c
- Poblachd Mhàilidh Republic of Mali
- Subject: Geography
- màilleach
- chain mail
- n(f)
- màillich - chain mail poss c
- Subject: General
- Mainistir Fhear Maí
- Fermoy
- Subject: Geography
- Mainistir na Búille
- Boyle
- Subject: Geography
- Mainistir na Corann
- Midleton
- Subject: Geography
- Mainistir na Féile
- Abbeyfeale
- Subject: Geography
- maise-gnùis
- make up
- n(f)
- maise-gnùis - make up poss c
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- maiseachadh
- ornament
- n(m)
- maiseachaidh - ornament poss cornaments - maiseachaidhean pl
- maiseachadh ciùil musical ornament
- Subject: Music
- maiseachadh
- decoration
- n(m)
- maiseachaidh - decoration poss cdecorations - maiseachaidhean pl
- deilbh agus maiseachadh design and decoration
- maiseachadh taobh-a-staigh interior decoration
- Subject: General
- maiseachadh-làimhe
- manicure
- n(m)
- maiseachaidh-làimhe - manicure poss cmanicures - maiseachaidhean-làimhe pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- maiseachaidh
- decorative
- adj
- a' tarraing dhealbhan agus ealain maiseachaidh drawing and decorative arts
- cuspairean sònraichte ann an ealain fhìnealta agus maiseachaidh special topics in fine and decorative arts
- ealain fhìnealta agus maiseachaidh fine and decorative arts
- ealain maiseachaidh decorative arts
- faclairean ealain fhìnealta agus maiseachaidh dictionaries of fine and decorative arts
- feallsanachd ealain fhìnealta agus maiseachaidh philosophy of fine and decorative arts
- irisean ealain fhìnealta agus maiseachaidh serial publications of fine and decorative arts
- measgachadh de ealain fhìnealta agus maiseachaidh miscellany of fine and decorative arts
- Subject: General
- maisich
- ornament
- vb
- maisich an ceòl ornament the music
- Subject: Music
- maisich
- decorate
- vb
- Subject: General
- maiteocondrion
- mitochondrion
- n(m)
- maiteocondrion - mitochondrion poss cmitochondria - maiteochondria pl
- maiteocondrach mitochondrial
- Subject: Science
- maitheasach
- benevolent
- adj
- Subject: General
- maitòsach
- mitotic
- adj
- Subject: Science
- maitòsas
- mitosis
- n(m)
- maitòsas - mitosis poss c
- Subject: Science
- màl-cheannachd
- hire-purchase
- n(m)
- màl-cheannachd - hire-purchase poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- Mala
- Mallow
- Subject: Geography
- mala
- eyebrow
- n(f)
- mala - eyebrow poss ceyebrow - mailghean pleyebrow - malaichean pleyebrow - malaidhean pl
- Subject: Science
- Malaig
- Mallaig
- port Mhalaig port of Mallaig
- Subject: Geography
- malairt
- trade
- n(f)
- malairt - trade poss c
- comharra malairt trademark
- fèill-mhalairt trade fair
- lagh malairt trade law
- malairt chothromach fair trade
- malairt chruinneil world trade
- Subject: General
- malairt
- commerce
- n(f)
- malairt - commerce poss c
- malairt eadar-nàiseanta international commerce
- malairt, conaltradh agus còmhdhail commerce, communications and transportation
- Subject: General
- Malawi
- Malawi
- n(m/f)
- Mhalawi - Malawi poss c
- Poblachd Mhalawi Republic of Malawi
- Subject: Geography
- Malèisia
- Malaysia
- n(m/f)
- Mhalèisia - Malaysia poss c
- roinnean Mhalèisia regions of Malaysia
- Subject: Geography
- Malta
- Malta
- n(m/f)
- Mhalta - Malta poss c
- riaghaltas Mhalta government of Malta
- Subject: Geography
- mamal
- mammal
- n(m)
- mamail - mammal poss cmammals - mamalan pl
- mamalan fosaileach fossil mammals
- Subject: Science
- mamalach
- mammal
- adj
- Subject: Science
- manaidsear
- manager
- n(m)
- manaidseir - manager poss cmanagers - manaidsearan pl
- manaidsear chlàran records manager
- manaidsear conaltraidh communications manager
- manaidsear dhàimhean a-muigh external relations manager
- manaidsear ghoireasan facilities manager
- manaidsear ghoireasan eileagtronaigeach electronic resources manager
- manaidsear leasachadh gnothachais business development manager
- manaidsear leasachaidh development manager
- manaidsear margaidheachd marketing manager
- manaidsear pròiseict project manager
- manaidsear seirbheisean luchd-ceannaich customer services manager
- manaidsear tuigse margaidheachd market intelligence manager
- Subject: General
- mangaineis
- manganese
- n(m)
- mangaineis - manganese poss c
- Subject: Science
- manioc
- manioc
- n(m)
- manioc - manioc poss c
- Subject: GeographyHome Economics
- Maoileas
- Myles
- taigh Mhaoileis Myles' house
- Subject: General
- maoim-slèibhe
- landslide
- n(f)
- maoim-slèibhe - landslide poss clandslides - maoimean-slèibhe pl
- Subject: Geography
- maoim-sneachda
- avalanche
- n(f)
- maoime-sneachda - avalanche poss cavalanches - maoimean-sneachda pl
- Subject: Geography
- maoim-uisge
- waterspout
- n(f)
- maoime-uisge - waterspout poss cwaterspouts - maoimean-uisge pl
- Subject: Geography
- maol
- dense
- adj
- Subject: General
- Maol Chinn Tìre
- Mull of Kintyre
- eachdraidh Mhaol Chinn Tìre history of the Mull of Kintyre
- Subject: Geography
- Maol na h-Obha
- Mull of Oa
- cladach Mhaol na h-Obha shore of Mull of Oa
- Subject: Geography
- Maol nan Gall
- Mull of Galloway
- taigh-solais Mhaol nan Gall Mull of Galloway lighthouse
- Subject: Geography
- Maolros
- Melrose
- Abaid Mhaolrois Melrose Abbey
- Subject: Geography
- maorach
- seafood
- n(m)
- maoraich - seafood poss c
- Subject: Home Economics
- maoth-chnàimh
- cartilage
- n(m)
- maoth-chnàimh - cartilage poss c
- maoth-chnàimh na sròine nasal cartilage
- Subject: Science
- maothadair
- mute
- n(m)
- maothadair - mute poss cmutes - maothadairean pl
- còn-mhaothadair mute cone
- Subject: Music
- maothaichte
- muted
- adj
- ceòl maothaichte muted music
- ionnsramaid mhaothaichte muted instrument
- umha maothaichte muted brass
- Subject: Music
- map
- map
- n(m)
- mapa - map poss cmaps - mapaichean pl
- atlasan, mapaichean, cairtean-iùil agus planaichean atlases, maps, charts and plans
- lorgair-mapa map locator
- map an t-saoghail world map
- map cuspaireil thematic map
- map rèidh flat map
- map Suirbhidh Òrdanais (SÒ) Ordinance Survey map
- map topografaig topographic map
- map-riochdachadh map projection
- map-sgaoilidh-dhotagan dot distribution map
- samhla mapa map symbol
- stoidhle mapa map style
- Subject: Geography
- map
- map
- vb
- Subject: Geography
- mapadh
- mapping
- n(m)
- mapaidh - mapping poss cmappings - mapaidhean pl
- Subject: Geography
- mara
- marine
- adj
- neo-dhruim-altachain fhosaileach mara fossil marine invertebrates
- neo-dhruim-altachain mara marine invertebrates
- Tèarmann Nàdair Mara Marine Nature Reserve
- Subject: Science
- marcachd
- equestrian
- adj
- spòrsan marcachd equestrian sports
- Subject: Physical Education
- margadh
- market
- n(m)
- margaidh - market poss cmarkets - margaidhean pl
- margadh nan earrannan stock market
- Subject: GeographyGeneralBusiness Studies
- margadh nan earrannan
- stock exchange
- n(m)
- margaidh nan earrannan - stock exchange poss cstock exchanges - margaidhean nan earrannan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- margadh nan earrannan
- stock market
- n(m)
- margaidh nan earrannan - stock market poss cstock markets - margaidhean nan earrannan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- margaid
- market
- n(f)
- margaid - market poss cmarkets - margaidean pl
- baile-margaid market town
- gàirnealachd-margaid market gardening
- margaid chruinneil world market
- Subject: GeographyGeneralBusiness Studies
- margaidh
- market
- n(f)
- margaidh - market poss cmarkets - margaidhean pl
- margaidh a-staigh internal market
- Subject: GeographyGeneralBusiness Studies
- margaidheachd
- marketing
- n(f)
- margaidheachd - marketing poss c
- manaidsear margaidheachd marketing manager
- margaidheachd agus conaltradh marketing and communications
- Subject: General
- Màrs
- Mars
- n(f)
- Mhàrs - Mars poss c
- 'S e Màrs an ceathramh planaid bhon Ghrèin Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun
- uachdar Mhàrs the surface of Mars
- Subject: Science
- Màrt
- March
- n(m)
- Màirt - March poss c
- 23 Màrt 23 March
- 23mh (Am) Màrt 23rd of March
- am Màrt March
- an 23mh dhen Mhàrt 23rd of March
- an trìtheamh (no treas) latha fichead / air fhichead dhen Mhàrt the twenty-third of March
- deireadh a' Mhàirt end of March
- latha anns a' Mhàrt a day in March
- Màrt Mar
- Subject: General
- Masadonia, Poblachd Iugoslàbhach o Shean
- Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of
- n(m/f)
- Mhasadonia, Poblachd Iugoslàbhach o Shean - Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of poss c
- Subject: Geography
- masg
- mask
- n(m)
- masg - mask poss cmask - masgaichean plmask - masgan pl
- bogsa masg gas gas mask box
- bucas masg gas gas mask box
- masg gas gas mask
- Subject: General
- matamataig
- mathematics
- n(m)
- matamataig - mathematics poss c
- cruinn-eòlas matamataigeach mathematical geography
- matamataig agus a bhuaidh air an t-saoghal mathematics and its impact on the world
- matamataig gnìomhach applied mathematics
- matamataig nàdarra natural mathematics
- prionnsapalan coitcheann matamataig general principles of mathematics
- Subject: Mathematics
- matamataigeach
- mathematical
- adj
- comharran matamataigeach mathematical symbols
- cruinn-eòlas matamataigeach mathematical geography
- Subject: Mathematics
- math
- good
- n(m)
- maith - good poss c
- Subject: General
- math
- good
- adj
- glè mhath very good
- Subject: General
- màthair
- mother
- n(f)
- màthar - mother poss cmothers - màthraichean pl
- latha nam màthraichean mother's day
- màthair aoigheachd host mother
- màthair-chèile mother-in-law
- mo mhàthair my mother
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- mathan
- bear
- n(m)
- mathain - bear poss cbears - mathanan pl
- cuilean mathain bear cub
- mathan bàn polar bear
- mathan molach grizzly bear
- Subject: Science
- mathanasach
- benevolent
- adj
- Subject: General
- matraigs
- array
- n(m)
- matraigs - array poss carrays - matraigsean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- matraigs
- matrix
- n(m)
- matraigs - matrix poss cmatrixes - matraigsean pl
- ann am matraigs in a matrix
- Subject: Mathematics
- Mauritius
- Mauritius
- n(m/f)
- Mhauritius - Mauritius poss c
- sluagh Mhauritius people of Mauritius
- Subject: Geography
- Maybole
- Maybole
- Seann Chrois Mhaybole (The) Old Maybole Cross
- Subject: Geography
- mazurka
- mazurka
- n(f)
- mazurka - mazurka poss cmazurkas - mazurkathan pl
- dannsa mazurka mazurka dance
- Subject: Music
- meacanaigs
- mechanics
- n(pl)
- meacanaigs clasaigeach classical mechanics
- meacanaigs cuantam quantum mechanics
- meacanaigs gas gas mechanics
- meacanaigs nan speuran celestial mechanics
- meacanaigs stuth lionnach liquid mechanics
- meacanaigs stuth sruthach fluid mechanics
- meacanaigs teann-stuth solid mechanics
- Subject: General
- meadail
- medal
- n(m)
- meadail - medal poss cmedals - meadailean pl
- Subject: General
- meadhain
- median
- adj
- àireamh-meadhain median number
- astar-meadhain median distance
- loidhne-meadhain median line
- sgòr-meadhain median score
- teòthachd-meadhain median temperature
- Subject: Mathematics
- meadhan
- centre
- n(m)
- meadhain - centre poss ccentres - meadhanan pl
- loidhne-meadhain centre line
- meadhan-cothromachaidh centre of symmetry
- Subject: Mathematics
- Meadhan Aoisean
- Middle Ages
- n phr
- muinntir nam Meadhan Aoisean people of the Middle Ages
- Subject: History
- Meadhan Linn na Cloiche
- Mesolithic
- n phr
- Subject: History
- meadhan-aoiseach
- medieval
- adj
- feallsanachd àrsaidh, nam meadhan-aoisean agus na h-àird an ear ancient, medieval and eastern philosophy
- feallsanachd meadhan-aoiseachd medieval philosophy
- feallsanachd meadhan-aoiseil na h-àird an iar medieval western philosophy
- Subject: General
- meadhan-bheàrn
- mid-interval
- n(m)
- meadhan-bheàirn - mid-interval poss cmid-intervals - meadhan-bheàrnan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- meadhan-bheàrnach
- mid-interval
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- meadhan-chiùb
- centred cube
- n(m)
- meadhan-chiùb - centred cube poss ccentred cubes - meadhan-chiùban pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- meadhan-latha
- midday
- n(m)
- meadhain-latha - midday poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- meadhan-latha
- noon
- n(m)
- meadhain-latha - noon poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- meadhan-oidhche
- midnight
- n(m)
- meadhain-oidhche - midnight poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- meadhan-raon
- mid-interval
- n(m)
- meadhan-raoin - mid-interval poss cmid-intervals - meadhan-raointean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- meadhan-raonach
- mid-interval
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- Meadhan-thìreach
- Mediterranean
- adj
- am Muir Meadhan-thìreach Mediterranean sea
- Subject: Geography
- meadhanach
- median
- adj
- àireamh mheadhanach median number
- Subject: Mathematics
- meadhanach
- medium
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- meadhanan
- media
- n(pl)
- nam meadhanan - the media poss c
- eòlas nam meadhanan media studies
- leughadh agus cleachdadh meadhanan fiosrachaidh eile reading and use of other information media
- meadhanan nàidheachd, obair-naidheachd agus foillseachadh news media, journalism and publishing
- mothachadh mu na meadhanan media awareness
- Subject: General
- meadhanta
- mediant
- n(f)
- meadhanta - mediant poss cmediants - meadhantan pl
- Subject: Music
- Meagsago
- Mexico
- n(m/f)
- Mheagsago - Mexico poss c
- Camas Mheagsago Gulf of Mexico
- crìochan Mheagsago borders of Mexico
- Subject: Geography
- meall
- shower
- n(m)
- mill - shower poss cshowers - mill pl
- Subject: Geography
- meall an sgòrnain
- adam's apple
- n(m)
- meall an sgòrnain - adam's apple poss cadam's apples - meallan sgòrnain pl
- meud meall an sgòrnain size of the adam's apple
- Subject: Science
- meamran
- membrane
- n(m)
- meamrain - membrane poss cmembranes - meamranan pl
- meamran cealla cell membrane
- meamran pliùrail pleural membrane
- Subject: Science
- mean-atharrachadh
- adjustment
- n(m)
- mean-atharrachaidh - adjustment poss cadjustments - mean-atharrachaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- mean-atharraich
- adjust
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- mean-fhàs
- evolution
- n(m)
- mean-fhàis - evolution poss cevolutions - mean-fhàsan pl
- tachraidh mean-fhàs evolution will happen
- teòiridh mean-fhàis theory of evolution
- thig mean-fhàs air it will evolve
- Subject: Science
- mean-fhàs
- evolve
- vb
- Subject: Science
- mean-fhàsach
- evolutionary
- adj
- cuairt mhean-fhàsach evolutionary cycle
- Subject: Science
- mean-thomhais
- precision
- n(m)
- ionnsramaidean mean-thomhais precision instruments
- Subject: General
- meanbh-fhrìde
- insect
- n(f)
- meanbh-fhrìde - insect poss cinsect - meanbh-fhrìdean pl
- cultar mheanbh-fhrìdean insect culture
- Subject: Science
- mearachadh
- aberration
- n(m)
- mearachaidh - aberration poss caberrations - mearachaidhean pl
- Subject: Science
- mearachd
- error
- n(f)
- mearachd - error poss cerrors - mearachdan pl
- bàr-mearachd error bar
- còd-mearachd error code
- loga-mhearachdan error log
- tùsan mhearachdan sources of error
- Subject: Computing
- mearcair
- mercury
- n(m)
- mearcair - mercury poss c
- mearcair clòraid mercury chloride
- Subject: Science
- Mearcair
- Mercury
- n(m)
- Mhearcair - Mercury poss c
- De na h-ochd planaidean sa Chrios-grèine, 's e Mearcair a' phlanaid as lugha agus as fhaisge air a' Ghrèin Mercury is the smallest and closest to the Sun of the eight planets in the Solar System
- meud Mhearcair the size of Mercury
- Subject: Science
- meas
- evaluate
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- meas
- fruit
- n(m)
- measa - fruit poss cfruits - measan pl
- liosan-mheas, measan agus coilltearachd orchards, fruits and forestry
- tuathanachas mheasan fruit farming
- Subject: General
- measadh
- assessment
- n(m)
- measaidh - assessment poss cassessments - measaidhean pl
- measadh agus coileanadh assessment and achievement
- Measadh airson Ionnsachadh Assessment is for Learning (AifL)
- Subject: General
- measadh
- evaluation
- n(m)
- measaidh - evaluation poss cevaluations - measaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- measgachadh
- miscellany
- n(m)
- measgachaidh - miscellany poss cmiscellanies - measgachaidhean pl
- measgachadh de ealain fhìnealta agus maiseachaidh miscellany of fine and decorative arts
- Subject: General
- measgachadh
- selection
- n(m)
- measgachaidh - selection poss cselections - measgachaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- measgaichte
- mixed
- adj
- àireamhan measgaichte mixed numbers
- obrachadh a-mach measgaichte mixed calculation operation
- Subject: Mathematics
- measgaichte
- miscellaneous
- adj
- sgrìobhaidhean measgaichte miscellaneous writings
- Subject: General
- measgaichte
- miscelleneous
- adj
- sgrìobhaidhean measgaichte miscellaneous writings
- Subject: General
- Measopotàmia
- Mesopotamia
- n(f)
- Mheasopotàmia - Mesopotamia poss c
- Measopotàmia & Àrd-chlàr Iran Mesopotamia and Iranian Plateau
- Subject: Geography
- meatafiosaigs
- metaphysics
- n(m/f)
- meatafiosaigs - metaphysics poss c
- Subject: General
- meatailt
- metal
- n(f)
- meatailt(e) - metal poss cmetals - meatailtean pl
- meatailt iarannach ferrous metal
- meatailtean alcalaidh alkali metals
- meatailtean eile other metals
- meatailtean neo-iarannach nonferrous metals
- meatailtean talmhaidh alcaileach alkaline earth metals
- meatailtean trastach transition metals
- Subject: Science
- meatailt
- metal
- adj
- bòrd meatailt metal table
- Subject: Science
- meatailt
- metal
- n(f)
- meatailt(e) - metal poss cmetals - meatailtean pl
- gràbhalachd meatailt metal engraving
- obair-mheatailt ealain art metalwork
- Subject: Art
- meatailteach
- metallic
- adj
- pròiseasan salann meatailteach metallic salt processes
- Subject: Science
- meatailteachd
- metallurgy
- n(f)
- meatailteachd - metallurgy poss c
- Subject: Science
- meatair
- metre
- n(m)
- meatair - metre poss cmetres - meatairean pl
- àirde ann am meatairean height in metres
- leth-mheatair half-metre
- maide meatair metre stick
- meatair/meatairean san diog (msd) metres per second (mps)
- roth-tomhais meatair metre trundle wheel
- Subject: Mathematics
- meatair
- meter
- n(m)
- meatair - meter poss cmeters - meatairean pl
- meatair-dealain electricity meter
- Subject: Mathematics
- meatair-fiaraidh
- tiltmeter
- n(m)
- meatair-fiaraidh - tiltmeter poss ctiltmeters - meatairean-fiaraidh pl
- Subject: Geography
- meatair-gaoithe
- anemometer
- n(m)
- meatair-gaoithe - anemometer poss canemometers - meatairean-gaoithe pl
- Subject: Geography
- meataloighd
- metalloid
- n(f)
- meataloighd - metalloid poss cmetalloids - meataloighdean pl
- Subject: Science
- meatatarsal
- metatarsal
- n(m)
- meatatarsal - metatarsal poss cmetatarsals - meatatarsalan pl
- Subject: Science
- Meatodach
- Methodist
- n(m)
- Meatodaich - Methodist poss cMethodists - Meatodaich pl
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Meatodach
- Methodist
- adj
- an Eaglais Mheatodach the Methodist Church
- an Eaglais Mheatodach agus eaglaisean co-cheangailte Methodist and related churches
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- meatrach
- metric
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- meatranòm
- metronome
- n(m)
- meatranòm - metronome poss cmetronomes - meatranòman pl
- tiog a' mheatranòm metronome tick
- Subject: Music
- meatso-thuar
- mezzotint
- n(m)
- meatso-thuair - mezzotint poss cmezzotints - meatso-thuaran pl
- a' cur meatso-thuar air applying messotint
- Subject: Art
- meatso-thuaradh
- mezzotinting
- n(m)
- meatso-thuaraidh - mezzotinting poss c
- Subject: Art
- megafòn
- megaphone
- n(m)
- megafòn - megaphone poss cmegaphones - megafònaichean pl
- Subject: General
- meidh
- scales
- n(f)
- meidhe - scales poss cscales - meidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- meidh
- balance
- n(f)
- meidhe - balance poss cbalances - meidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- meidigeach
- medical
- adj
- bathar meidigeach medical supplies
- ionad meidigeach medical centre
- Ionad Meidigeach Fhoithir Foyers Medical Centre
- lannsaireachd agus raointean meidigeach co-cheangailte surgery and related medical specialities
- rannsachadh meidigeach medical research
- raointean meidigeach medical specialities
- Subject: General
- mèinn
- mine
- n(f)
- mèinne - mine poss cmines - mèinnean pl
- mèinn guail coal mine
- Subject: Science
- mèinneadh
- mining
- n(m)
- mèinnidh - mining poss c
- Subject: Geography
- mèinnear
- miner
- n(m)
- mèinneir - miner poss cminers - mèinnearan pl
- mèinnear guail coal miner
- Subject: Science
- mèinnear
- mineral
- n(m)
- mèinneir - mineral poss cminerals - mèinnearean pl
- Subject: Science
- mèinnear-eòlaiche
- mineralogist
- n(m)
- meinneir-eòlaiche - mineralogist poss cmineralogists - meinnear-eòlaichean pl
- Subject: Science
- mèinnear-eòlas
- mineralogy
- n(m)
- mèinneir-eòlais - mineralogy poss c
- Subject: Science
- mèinnearachd
- mining
- n(f)
- mèinnearachd - mining poss c
- mèinnearachd agus obrachadh co-cheangailte mining and related operations
- mèinnearachd fhosgailte opencast mining
- Subject: Geography
- mèinneareach
- mineral
- adj
- uisge mèinnireach mineral water
- Subject: Science
- meitnerium
- meitnerium
- n(m)
- meitnerium - meitnerium poss c
- Subject: Science
- Melanesia
- Melanesia
- n(f)
- Mhelanesia - Melanesia poss c
- cultar Mhelanesia culture of Melanesia
- Subject: Geography
- melo-dràma
- melodrama
- n(f)
- melo-dràma - melodrama poss cmelodramas - melo-dràmathan pl
- melo-dràma chlasaigeach classical melodrama
- Subject: Music
- mendelevium
- mendelevium
- n(m)
- mendelevium - mendelevium poss c
- Subject: Science
- menu
- menu
- n(m)
- menu - menu poss cmenus - menuthan pl
- bàr-menu menu bar
- iar-mhenu cascading menu
- menu teàrnach drop-down menu
- putan-menu menu button
- Subject: Computing
- menu-seallaidh
- view menu
- n(m)
- menu-sheallaidh - view menu poss cview menus - menuthan-seallaidh pl
- Subject: Computing
- meòrachadh
- reflection
- n(m)
- meòrachaidh - reflection poss c
- taic airson meòrachadh support for reflection
- Subject: General
- meòrachadh
- meditation
- n(m)
- meòrachaidh - meditation poss cmeditations - meòrachaidhean pl
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- mescit
- mesquite
- n(m)
- mescit - mesquite poss cmesquites - mescitean pl
- craobh-mescit mesquite tree
- Subject: Science
- mesozoic
- mesozoic
- adj
- an Linn Mesozoic the Mesozoic Era
- Subject: History
- meud
- dimension
- n(m)
- meud - dimension poss cdimensions - meudan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- meud
- amount
- n(m)
- meud - amount poss camounts - meudan pl
- tomhais am meud anns a' bhotal measure the amount in the bottle
- Subject: Mathematics
- meud
- size
- n(m)
- meud - size poss csizes - meudan pl
- meud a’ cheàirn size of the angle
- Subject: Mathematics
- meudachadh
- increase
- n(m)
- meudachaidh - increase poss cincreases - meudachaidhean pl
- meudachadh ceudadach percentage increase
- Subject: Mathematics
- meudachadh
- augmentation
- n(m)
- meudachaidh - augmentation poss caugmentations - meudachaidhean pl
- notaichean a' mheudachaidh notes of the augmentation
- Subject: Music
- meudachadh
- enlargement
- n(m)
- meudachaidh - enlargement poss cenlargements - meudachaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- meudachadh
- amplification
- n(m)
- meudachaidh - amplification poss camplifications - meudachaidhean pl
- Subject: Science
- meudachadh nàdarra
- natural increase
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- meudachd
- amplitude
- n(f)
- meudachd - amplitude poss camplitudes - meudachdan pl
- Riaghladh meudachd (AM) Amplitude Modulation (AM)
- Subject: Science
- meudachd
- amplitue
- n(f)
- meudachd - amplitue poss camplitudes - meudachdan pl
- sgeids grafaichean y = -2 sin x° agus y = -3 sin x° agus sgrìobh cuairt agus meudachd gach graf sketch the graphs y = -2 sin x° and y = -3 sin x° and write the period and amplitude of each graph
- sgrìobh cuairt agus meudachd y = cos x° write down the period and the amplitude of y = cos x°
- Subject: Mathematics
- meudachd
- size
- n(f)
- meudachd - size poss csizes - meudachdan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- meudaich
- increase
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- meudaich
- augment
- vb
- meudaich eadar-ùine sa cheòl augment interval in the music
- Subject: Music
- meudaich
- enlarge
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- meudaich
- amplify
- vb
- meudaich am fuaim amplify the sound
- Subject: Science
- meudaichear
- amplifier
- n(m)
- meudaicheir - amplifier poss camplifiers - meudaichearan pl
- meudaichear acustaig acoustic amplifier
- meudaichear fuaim sound amplifier
- meudaichearan acustaig acoustic amplifiers
- Subject: Science
- meur
- branch
- n(f)
- meòir - branch poss cbranches - meòir plbranches - meòirean plbranches - meuran pl
- meuran einnseanaireachd branches of engineering
- Subject: General
- meur-chlàr
- keyboard
- n(m)
- meur-chlàir - keyboard poss ckeyboards - meòir-chlàr pl
- a’ cluich a’ mheur-chlàr playing the keyboard
- fonn air meur-chlàr tune on a keyboard
- Subject: Music
- meur-creideimh
- denomination
- n(m)
- meur-creideimh - denomination poss cdenominations - meuran-creideimh pl
- meuran agus seactaichean Crìosdail Christian denominations and sects
- meuran agus seactaichean eile other denominations and sects
- meuran Criosdail Christian denominations
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- meurachadh
- fingering
- n(m)
- meurachaidh - fingering poss cfingerings - meurachaidhean pl
- Subject: Music
- mì-chinnt
- uncertainty
- n(f)
- mì-chinnt - uncertainty poss cuncertainties - mì-chinntean pl
- beachdan turchairt agus mì-chinnt ideas of chance and uncertainty
- Subject: General
- mì-fheum de stuthan
- substance misuse
- n(m/f)
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- mi-ghnàthach
- abnormal
- adj
- Subject: Science
- mì-ghnàthas
- abnormality
- n(m)
- mì-ghnàthais - abnormality poss cabnormalities - mì-ghnàthasan pl
- Subject: Science
- mì-mhodhail
- offensive
- adj
- Subject: Language
- mì-mhoralta
- immoral
- adj
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Mianmar
- Myanmar
- n(m/f)
- Mhianmar - Myanmar poss c
- Aonadh Mhianmar Union of Myanmar
- Subject: Geography
- mias
- wash basin
- n(f)
- mèise - wash basin poss cmias - wash basin poss cwash basins - miasan pl
- Subject: Technical
- mias
- basin
- n(f)
- mèise - basin poss cmias - basin poss cbasins - miasan pl
- Subject: Technical
- micro-bith-eòlas
- micro-biology
- n(m)
- micro-bith-eòlais - micro-biology poss c
- Subject: Science
- micro-fhàs-bheairt
- microorganism
- n(f)
- micro-fhàs-bheairt - microorganism poss cmicroorganisms - micro-fhàs-bheairtean pl
- micro-fhàs-bheairtean fosaileach fossil microorganisms
- Subject: Science
- micro-thonn
- microwave
- n(m)
- micro-thuinn - microwave poss cmicrowaves - micro-thuinn pl
- siostam conaltraidh micro-thonn microwave communications system
- tricead micro-thonn microwave frequency
- Subject: Science
- mil
- honey
- n(f)
- meala - honey poss cmealach - honey poss choneys - mealan pl
- poit-meala honeypot
- Subject: Home Economics
- mìle
- mile
- n(m/f)
- mìle - mile poss cmiles - mìltean pl
- mìle/mìltean san uair (msu) miles per hour (mph)
- Subject: Mathematics
- mìle
- thousand
- n(f)
- mìle - thousand poss cthousands - mìltean pl
- Roinnean nam Mìltean The Thousand Sections
- Subject: Mathematics
- mìle
- thousand
- adj
- ceud mìle hundred thousand
- ceud mìle fàilte hundred thousand welcomes
- Subject: Mathematics
- mìle-mara san uair
- knot
- n phr
- mìle-mara san uair - knot poss cknots - mìltean-mara san uair pl
- Subject: Geography
- mìleamh
- thousandth
- n(m/f)
- mìleimh - thousandth poss cthousandths - mìleamhan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- milemeatair
- millimetre
- n(m)
- milemeatair - millimetre poss cmillimetres - milemeatairean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- miligram
- milligram
- n(m)
- miligram - milligram poss cmilligrams - miligraman pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- mililiotair
- millilitre
- n(m)
- mililiotair - millilitre poss cmillilitres - mililiotairean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- millean
- million
- n(m)
- millein - million poss cmillions - milleanan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- millteach
- corrosive
- adj
- Subject: Science
- mìnear
- minor
- adj
- mìnear-sgèile minor scale
- Subject: Music
- minim
- minim
- n(m/f)
- minim - minim poss cminims - minimean pl
- notaichean minim minim notes
- Subject: Music
- Mintlaw
- Mintlaw
- baile Mhintlaw Mintlaw village
- Subject: Geography
- Mion-chunntas Làraich
- Rich Site Summary
- n(m)
- Mion-chunntas Làraich - Rich Site Summary poss cRich Site Summaries - Mion-chunntasan Làraich pl
- Subject: Computing
- mion-dhealbh
- thumbnail image
- n(m)
- mion-dheilbh - thumbnail image poss cthumbnail images - mion-dheilbh pl
- Subject: Computing
- mion-lorg
- advanced search
- n(f)
- mion-luirg(e) - advanced search poss cadvanced searches - mion-lorgan pl
- Subject: Computing
- mionaid
- minute
- n(f)
- mionaid(e) - minute poss cminutes - mionaidean pl
- an spòg mhòr the minute hand
- liotair/liotairean sa mhionaid litres per minute
- Subject: Mathematics
- mionaideach
- accurate
- adj
- dè cho mionaideach 's a tha an tomhas? how accurate is the measure?
- Subject: Mathematics
- mionaideach
- exact
- adj
- àireamh mhionaideach exact number
- luach mionaideach exact value
- Subject: Mathematics
- mionaideachd
- accuracy
- n(f)
- mionaideachd - accuracy poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- mionamalachd
- minimalism
- n(f)
- mionamalachd - minimalism poss c
- Subject: Music
- mìorceit
- meerkat
- n(m)
- mìorceit - meerkat poss cmeerkats - mìorceit pl
- Subject: Science
- mìos
- month
- n(m/f)
- mìosa - month poss cmonths - mìosan pl
- deireadh a' mhìos end of the month
- deireadh na mìos end of the month
- Mìos Eachdraidh nan Daoine Dubha Black History Month
- Subject: Science
- Mìos Eachdraidh nan Daoine Dubha
- Black History Month
- Subject: General
- mìosachan
- calendar
- n(m)
- mìosachain - calendar poss ccalendars - mìosachain pl
- mìosachan Gregorian Gregorian calendar
- Subject: General
- miotas
- myth
- n(m)
- miotais - myth poss cmyths - miotasan pl
- Subject: General
- miotas-eòlas
- mythology
- n(m)
- miotas-eòlais - mythology poss c
- miotas-eòlas chràbhach agus eòlas-diadhachd sòisealta religious mythology and social theology
- samhlachas, cosamhlachd, miotas-eòlas agus uirsgeul symbolism, allegory, mythology and legend
- Subject: General
- miotasach
- mythical
- adj
- creutairean miotasach mythical creatures
- Subject: General
- misean
- mission
- n(m)
- misein - mission poss cmissions - miseanan pl
- miseanan agus foghlam creideimh missions and religious education
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- misneachail
- confident
- adj
- daoine misneachail confident individuals
- Subject: General
- misneachd
- confidence
- n(f)
- misneachd confidence
- Subject: General
- mith-chainnt
- slang
- n(f)
- mith-chainnt - slang poss cslangs - mith-chainntean pl
- Subject: Language
- Miùghalaigh
- Mingulay
- Eilean Mhiùghalaigh Island of Mingulay
- Subject: Geography
- mòd
- mode
- n(m)
- mòd - mode poss cmodes - mòdan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- mòdach
- modal
- adj
- sgòr mòdach modal score
- Subject: Mathematics
- mòdail
- modal
- adj
- ceòl mòdail modal music
- Subject: Music
- modail
- model
- n(m)
- modail - model poss cmodels - modailean pl
- modail-sgèile scale model
- Subject: Mathematics
- modal
- module
- n(m)
- modail - module poss cmodules - modalan pl
- manaidsear mhodalan modularisation manager
- Subject: General
- mòdam
- modem
- n(m)
- mòdaim - modem poss cmodems - mòdaman pl
- mòdam a-staigh internal modem
- Subject: Computing
- modaràtor
- moderator
- n(m)
- modaràtoir - moderator poss cmoderators - modaràtoran pl
- bheir am modaràtor sùil air a' chòmhradh seo this discussion is moderated
- chaidh an nì seo a chur chun mhodaràtor this item as been sent for moderation
- Subject: Computing
- modh
- mode
- n(m)
- modha - mode poss cmodes - modhan plmodes - modhannan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- modh-obrach
- procedure
- n(m/f)
- modh-obrach - procedure poss cprocedures - modhan-obrach pl
- modh-obrach catharra civil procedure
- Subject: General
- modhan
- etiquette
- n(m)
- modhan - etiquette poss cetiquette - modhan pletiquette - modhannan pl
- cleachdaidhean, modhan agus beul-aithris customs, etiquette and folklore
- Subject: General
- Moffat
- Moffat
- muinntir Mhoffat people of Moffat
- Subject: Geography
- moileciuil
- molecule
- n(f)
- moileciuil - molecule poss cmolecules - moileciuilean pl
- Subject: Science
- moileciuileach
- molecular
- adj
- saidheans moileciuileach molecular science
- Subject: Science
- moilibdeanum
- molybdenum
- n(m)
- moilibdeanum - molybdenum poss c
- Subject: Science
- mòinteach
- moor
- n(f)
- mòintich - moor poss cmoors - mòintichean pl
- Mòinteach Iorc a Tuath North York Moors
- rathad na mòintich the moor road
- Subject: Geography
- Mòinteach Bhodmin
- Bodmin Moor
- n(f)
- Mòinteach Bhodmin - Bodmin Moor poss c
- Mòinteach Bhodmin anns a' Chòrn Bodmin Moor in Cornwall
- Subject: Geography
- Mòinteach Hayward
- Haywards Heath
- n(f)
- Mòinteach Hayward - Haywards Heath poss c
- stèisean-rèile Mòinteach Hayward Haywards Heath railway station
- Subject: Geography
- Mòinteach Iorc a Tuath
- North York Moors
- n(f)
- Mòinteach Iorc a Tuath - North York Moors poss c
- Pàirce Nàiseanta Mòinteach Iorc a Tuath North York Moors National Park
- Subject: Geography
- Móinteach Mílic
- Mountmellick
- Subject: Geography
- Moireach
- Murray
- dachaigh Mòraig Mhoirich Morag Murray's home
- Mhoireach Murray (fem)
- Mòrag Mhoireach Morag Murray
- Murchadh Moireach Murdo Murray
- taigh Mhurchaidh Mhoirich Murdo Murray's house
- Subject: General
- mol
- shingle
- n(m)
- moil - shingle poss cmola - shingle poss cshingle - molan pl
- Subject: Geography
- molasc
- mollusk
- n(m)
- molasc - mollusk poss cmollusks - molascan pl
- molascan fosaileach fossil mollusks
- Subject: Science
- molascoid
- molluscoid
- n(f)
- molascoid - molluscoid poss cmolluscoids - molascoidean pl
- molascoidean fosaileach fossil molluscoids
- Subject: Science
- Moldòbha
- Moldova
- n(m/f)
- Mhòldobha - Moldova poss c
- Poblachd Mhòldobha Republic of Moldova
- Subject: Geography
- Molton a Deas
- South Molton
- n(m)
- Mholton a Deas - South Molton poss c
- Colaiste Mholton a Deas South Molton College
- Subject: Geography
- Monaco
- Monaco
- n(m/f)
- Mhonaco - Monaco poss c
- An Fhraing agus Monaco France and Monaco
- buidhnean anns an Fhraing agus ann am Monaco organisations in France and Monaco
- pàipearan-naidheachd anns an Fhraing agus ann am Monaco newspapers in France and Monaco
- Rìgh Mhonaco King of Monaco
- Subject: Geography
- monadh
- mountain
- n(m)
- monaidh - mountain poss cmountains - monaidhean pl
- Am Monadh Cambrian Cambrian Mountains
- Am Monadh Dubh Black Mountains
- Am Monadh Liath Monadhliath Mountains
- Monadh Phreseli Preseli Mountains
- Subject: Geography
- Monadh Aontroma
- Antrim Mountains
- Subject: Geography
- Monadh Bhlackdown
- Blackdown Hills
- n(m)
- Monadh Bhlackdown - Blackdown Hills poss c
- mapa de Mhonadh Bhlackdown map of the Blackdown Hills
- Subject: Geography
- Monadh Boirche
- Mourne Mts
- Subject: Geography
- Monadh Chamsaidh
- Campsie Fells
- n(m)
- luchd-coiseachd Monadh Chamsaidh Campsie Fells walkers
- Subject: Geography
- Monadh Cheviot
- Cheviot Hills
- n(m)
- Monadh Cheviot - Cheviot Hills poss c
- Monadh Cheviot a deas the southern Cheviots
- Monadh Cheviot a tuath the northern Cheviots
- Subject: Geography
- Monadh Chiltern
- Chiltern Hills
- n(m)
- Monadh Chiltern - Chiltern Hills poss c
- Monadh Chiltern, Ear-dheas Shasainn Chiltern Hills, South East England
- Subject: Geography
- Monadh Chleveland
- Cleveland Hills
- n(m)
- Monadh Chleveland - Cleveland Hills poss c
- Monadh Chleveland, Siorrachd Iorc a Tuath Cleveland Hills, North Yorkshire
- Subject: Geography
- Monadh Chotswold
- Cotswold Hills
- n(m)
- Monadh Chotswold - Cotswold Hills poss c
- Monadh Chotswold, Sasainn Cotswold Hills, England
- Subject: Geography
- Monadh Lammermuir
- Lammermuir Hills
- n(m)
- àirde Monadh Lammermuir height of Lammermuir Hills
- Subject: Geography
- Monadh Mhendip
- Mendip Hills
- n(m)
- Monadh Mhendip - Mendip Hills poss c
- uamhan air Monadh Mhendip caves in the Mendip Hills
- Subject: Geography
- Monadh Néifinn Bheag
- Nephin Beg Range
- Subject: Geography
- Monadh Ochail
- Ochil Hills
- n(m)
- a' sreap Monadh Ochail climbing the Ochil Hills
- Subject: Geography
- Monadh Phentland
- Pentland Hills
- n(m)
- Monadh Phentland - Pentland Hills poss c
- a' sreap Monadh Phentland climbing (the) Pentland Hills
- Monadh Phentland, iar-dheas air Dùn Èideann Pentland Hills, south-west of Edinbugh
- Subject: Geography
- Monadh Phreseli
- Preseli Mountains
- n(m)
- Monadh Phreseli - Preseli Mountains poss c
- Monadh Phreseli air taobh an iar na Cuimrigh Preseli Mountains in West Wales
- Subject: Geography
- Monadh Quantock
- Quantock Hills
- n(m)
- Monadh Quantock - Quantock Hills poss c
- mapa de Mhonadh Quantock map of the Quantock Hills
- Subject: Geography
- Monadh Rois
- Montrose
- n(m)
- ailtireachd Mhonadh Rois Montrose architecture
- Subject: Geography
- monator
- monitor
- n(m)
- monatoir - monitor poss cmonitors - monatoran pl
- monator Ghould Gould's monitor
- Subject: Science
- Mongòilia
- Mongolia
- n(m/f)
- Mhongòilia - Mongolia poss c
- cànan Mhongòilia the language of Mongolia
- Subject: Geography
- monocotyledon
- monocotyledon
- n(m)
- monocotyledon - monocotyledon poss cmonocotyledons - monocotyledonan pl
- Subject: Science
- monotrim
- monotreme
- n(m)
- monotrim - monotreme poss cmonotremes - monotrimean pl
- Subject: Science
- Montenegro
- Montenegro
- n(m/f)
- Mhontenegro - Montenegro poss c
- cruth-tìre Mhontenegro landscape of Montenegro
- Subject: Geography
- mòr
- great
- adj
- nas motha na greater than
- Subject: Mathematics
- mòr
- large
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- mòr
- big
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- mòr-bhaile
- city
- n(m)
- mòr-bhaile - city poss ccities - mòr-bhailtean pl
- mòr-bhaile Lunnainn city of London
- Subject: Geography
- mòr-chaochladh
- revolution
- n(m)
- mòr-chaochlaidh - revolution poss crevolutions - mòr-chaochlaidhean pl
- Am Mòr-chaochladh Uaine The Green Revolution
- Linn nan Caochlaidhean Mòra The Age of Revolutions
- Mòr-chaochladh a' Ghnìomhachais The Industrial Revolution
- Mòr-chaochladh an Àiteachais The Agricultural Revolution
- mòr-chaochladh poilitigeach political revolution
- Subject: GeneralGeographyHistory
- mòr-earrann
- passage
- n(f)
- mòr-earrainn - passage poss cpassages - mòr-earrannan pl
- mòr-earrann à concerto passage from concerto
- obair-earrainn passage work
- Subject: Music
- mòr-ghalar
- epidemic
- n(m)
- mòr-ghalair - epidemic poss cepidemics - mòr-ghalaran pl
- Subject: Science
- mòr-ghil
- gorge
- n(f)
- mòr-ghile - gorge poss cgorges - mòr-ghilean pl
- coiseachd mhòr-ghilean gorge walking
- Subject: Geography
- mòr-rathad
- motorway
- n(m)
- mòr-rathaid - motorway poss cmòr-rothaid - motorway poss cmotorways - mòr-rathaidean plmotorways - mòr-ròidean pl
- mòr-rathad ga thogail motorway under construction
- Subject: General
- mòr-roinn
- province
- n(f)
- mòr-roinne - province poss cprovinces - mòr-roinnean pl
- Subject: Geography
- mòr-thìr
- continent
- n(f)
- mòr-thìr - continent poss c
- Subject: Geography
- mòr-thìreach
- continental
- adj
- rùsg mòr-thìreach continental crust
- sgeilp mhòr-thìreach continental shelf
- Subject: Geography
- Mòr-thoradh Dùthchail (GDP)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyBusiness Studies
- Mòr-thoradh Nàiseanta (GNP)
- Gross National Product (GNP)
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyBusiness Studies
- mòr-thurasachd
- mass tourism
- n(f)
- mòr-thurasachd - mass tourism poss c
- Subject: Geography
- moralta
- moral
- adj
- eòlas-diadhachd Crìosdail, moraltan agus adhradh Christian moral and devotional theology
- na còig reachdan moralta the five moral precepts
- olc moralta moral evil
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Moratàinia
- Mauritania
- n(m/f)
- Mhoratàinia - Mauritania poss c
- Poblachd Mhoratàinia Republic of Mauritania
- Subject: Geography
- morèin
- moraine
- n(m)
- morèin - moraine poss cmoraine - morèinean pl
- Subject: Geography
- Morogo
- Morocco
- n(m/f)
- Mhorogo - Morocco poss c
- Rìoghachd Mhorogo Kingdom of Morocco
- Subject: Geography
- Mosambìog
- Mozambique
- n(m/f)
- Mosambìog - Mozambique poss c
- muinntir Mhosambìog people of Mozambique
- Subject: Geography
- mosgìoto
- mosquito
- n(f)
- mosgìoto - mosquito poss cmosquito - mosgìotothan pl
- Subject: Science
- mothachadh
- awareness
- n(m)
- mothachaidh - awareness poss cawarenesses - mothachaidhean pl
- mothachadh mu na meadhanan media awareness
- mothachadh poilitigeach political awareness
- Subject: General
- mothachadh
- consciousness
- n(m)
- mothachaidh - consciousness poss c
- Subject: Science
- mu
- about
- prep
- mar deidhinn about us
- Subject: Computing
- muc-mhara
- whale
- n(f)
- muic-mhara - whale poss cmuice-mara - whale poss cwhales - mucan-mara pl
- Subject: Science
- mufain
- muffin
- n(m)
- mufain - muffin poss cmuffins - mufainean pl
- Subject: Home Economics
- Muile
- Mull
- Eilean Mhuile Isle of Mull
- Subject: Geography
- muile-mhàgag
- toad
- n(f)
- muile-mhàgaig - toad poss ctoads - muile-mhàgagan pl
- casan goirid muile-mhàgaig toad's short legs
- Subject: Science
- muileann
- mill
- n(m/f)
- muilinn - mill poss cmuilne - mill poss cmills - muileanan plmills - muilnean pl
- clach-mhuilinn millstone
- Subject: Geography
- Muileann na Buaise
- Bushmills
- Subject: Geography
- muileann-gaoithe
- windmill
- n(m/f)
- muilinn-gaoithe - windmill poss cwindmills - muileannan-gaoithe plwindmills - muilnean-gaoithe pl
- dealan muilinn-gaoithe windmill electricity
- Subject: Geography
- Muineachán
- Monaghan
- Subject: Geography
- muir
- sea
- n(m/f)
- mara - sea poss cseas - marannan pl
- ceanglaichean mara sea connections
- feachdan agus cogadh mara sea forces and warfare
- fo ìre na mara below sea level
- ìre na mara sea level
- làn-mara high tide
- Muir a' Chiùineis the sea of tranquility
- muir-gealaich lunar sea
- muir-làn high tide
- muir-tràigh low tide
- os cionn ìre na mara (ocm) above sea level (asl)
- sgìre mara sea area
- tha làn mòr ann the tide is high
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- muir-thìreach
- amphibian
- n(m)
- muir-thìrich - amphibian poss camphibians - muir-thìrich pl
- Subject: Science
- muir-thìreach
- amphibious
- adj
- Subject: Science
- muir-tiachd
- jellyfish
- n(m/f)
- muir-tiachd - jellyfish poss c
- Subject: Science
- mulad
- the blues
- n(m)
- mulaid - the blues poss c
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- mullach
- top
- n(m)
- mullaich - top poss ctops - mullaichean pl
- làr mullaich top floor
- Subject: Mathematics
- mullach
- roof
- n(m)
- mullaich - roof poss croofs - mullaich plroofs - mullaichean pl
- còmhdach mullaich roof covering
- cuach-mhullach dome roof
- mullach sglèat slate roof
- mullach tughaidh thatch roof
- Subject: Technical
- mullach
- summit
- n(m)
- mullaich - summit poss csummits - mullaich plsummits - mullaichean pl
- mullach (àirde ann am meatairean) summit (height in metres)
- mullach Beinn Uais summit of Ben Wyvis
- mullaich a' Mhonaidh Liath Monadhliath Mountain summits
- Subject: Geography
- mumaidh
- mummy
- n(m)
- mumaidh - mummy poss cmummies - mumaidhean pl
- Subject: General
- muncaidh
- monkey
- n(m)
- muncaidh - monkey poss cmonkeys - muncaidhean pl
- donnal-mhuncaidh howler monkey
- muncaidh an damhain-allaidh spider monkey
- Subject: Science
- muran
- marram grass
- n(m)
- murain - marram grass poss cmarram grasses - murain pl
- Tìr a' Mhurain South Uist (poetic)
- Subject: Geography
- Muslamach
- Muslim
- n(m)
- Muslamaich - Muslim poss cMuslims - Muslamaich pl
- na Muslamaich Sunni the Sunni Muslims
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Muslamach
- Muslim
- adj
- ainmean Muslamach Muslim names
- an creideamh Muslamach the Muslim religion
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- mustard
- mustard
- n(m)
- mustaird - mustard poss cmustard - mustardan pl
- sìol mustaird mustard seed
- Subject: Home Economics