Facail a’ tòiseachadh le:
- à bith
- extinct
- adj
- bholcàno marbh extinct volcano
- gnè à bith extinct species
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- a cappella
- a cappella
- adj
- seinn a cappella a cappella singing
- seinn atharraiseach a cappella a cappella imitative singing
- Subject: Music
- a cappella
- a cappella
- adv
- sheinn iad a cappella they sang a cappella
- Subject: Music
- a' beagachadh
- decrease
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' beothalachadh
- activating
- vb n
- Subject: Science
- A' Bheilg
- Belgium
- n(f)
- na Beilg(e) - Belgium poss c
- Rìoghachd na Beilg(e) Kingdom of Belgium
- siubhal anns a' Bheilg travel in Belgium
- Subject: Geography
- A' Bheinn Dearg
- Beinn Dearg
- n(f)
- na Beinne Deirge - Beinn Dearg poss c
- a' sreap na Beinne Deirge climbing Beinn Dearg
- Subject: Geography
- A' Bheinn Mhòr
- Ben More
- n(f)
- na Beinne Mòire - Ben More poss c
- àirde na Beinne Mòire height of Ben More
- Subject: Geography
- a' breug-riochdachadh
- camouflaging
- vb n
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- a' cairteal(ach)adh
- quartering
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' caitheamh
- spending
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' canuthadh
- canoeing
- vb n
- Subject: GeographyPhysical EducationGeneral
- a' ceangal
- linking
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' ceannach
- buying
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' ceàrnagachadh
- squaring
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' ceartachadh
- adjusting
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' chiad
- first
- adj
- a' chiad fhear/tè the first one
- Subject: Mathematics
- A' Chòrn
- Cornwall
- n(f)
- A' Chùirn - Cornwall poss c
- ’S e 'Kernow' am facal Còrnach airson a' Chùirn 'Kernow' is the Cornish word for Cornwall
- Subject: Geography
- A' Chrìon-Làraich
- Crianlarich
- rathad na Crìon-Làraich Crianlarich road
- Subject: Geography
- A' Chruthaigheachd
- Creation
- n(f)
- A' Chruthaigheachd - Creation poss c
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- A' Chuimrigh
- Wales
- n(f)
- A' Chuimrigh - Wales poss c
- muinntir na Cuimrigh people of Wales
- Sasainn agus A' Chuimrigh England and Wales
- Subject: Geography
- a' ciùbadh
- cubing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' claonadh
- sloping
- vb n
- a’ claonadh gu aon taobh sloping to one side
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' claonadh
- deviating
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' clàr(ach)adh
- arraying
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' clàradh
- recording
- vb n
- Subject: General
- a' cleachdadh
- applying
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' cnàmh
- digesting
- vb
- Subject: Science
- a' co-cheangal
- linking
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' copaigeadh
- copying
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' cosg
- costing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' cosg
- spending
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' cothromachadh
- balancing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' crìonadh
- decaying
- vb n
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- a' crìonadh
- declining
- vb n
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- a' cruinneachadh
- collecting
- vb n
- Subject: General
- a' cruinneachadh gu
- rounding off to
- vb n
- a' toirt tuairmse agus a' cruinneachadh gu estimating and rounding
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' cuartachadh
- circulating
- vb n
- Subject: Science
- a' cunntadh
- counting
- vb n
- a' cunntadh air adhart counting on
- a' cunntadh air ais (bho) counting back (from)
- a' cunntadh gu counting to
- a' cunntadh seachad air counting beyond
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' cunntais
- counting
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' cur (ann) an òrdugh
- arraying
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' cur air clàr
- arraying
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' cur ann an òrdugh
- putting in order
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' cur ann an òrdugh
- arranging
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' cur car
- turning
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' cur fiaradh ann
- adding a bias
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' cur mun cuairt
- rotating
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' cur mun cuairt
- turning
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' cur-ris
- adding
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' daingneachadh
- consolidating
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' dealbh matraigs
- arraying
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' dèanamh coimeas air/eadar
- comparing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' dèanamh copaidh (de)
- copying
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' dèanamh dà leth air/de
- bisecting
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' dèanamh dà leth air/de
- halving
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' dèanamh lethbhreac (de)
- copying
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' deasbad
- debating
- vb n
- deasbad ann an sgoiltean debating in schools
- Subject: General
- a' deiteadh
- dating
- vb n
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- a' diofarachadh
- differentiating
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' dlùthadh
- compressing
- vb n
- a' dlùthadh mhoileciuilean compressing molecules
- ann an lionntan, tha na moileciuilean cho faisg air a chèile ’s nach gabh iad an dlùthadh molecules in a liquid are so tightly packed they can't be compressed
- Subject: Science
- a' dol thairis air
- bridging
- vb n
- a' dol thairis air iomadan de 10 bridging multiples of 10
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' dubhadh às
- cancelling out
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' dùblachadh
- doubling
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' factar(ach)adh
- factorising
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' faicinn nad inntinn
- visualising
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' faighinn iasad de...
- borrowing
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' fiarachadh
- adding a bias
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' fo-roinn
- subdividing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' freagrachadh
- adapting
- vb n
- Subject: Science
- a' fuaigheal
- sewing
- vb n
- Subject: Home Economics
- a' fuasgladh
- solving
- vb n
- a' fuasgladh cheistean doirbh solving complex problems
- fuasgladh cheistean problem solving
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' gabhail air iasad
- borrowing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' gealachadh
- bleaching
- vb n
- Subject: Science
- a' geamhrachadh
- wintering
- vb n
- a' geamhrachadh chaorach wintering sheep
- Subject: General
- A' Ghàidhealtachd
- The Highlands
- n(f)
- na Gàidhealtachd - The Highlands poss c
- ceann a deas na Gàidhealtachd the southern Highlands
- ceann a tuath na Gàidhealtachd the northern Highlands
- iar-thuath na Gàidhealtachd northwest Highlands
- Stiùiriche, CRF na Gàidhealtachd Director, Highland CRF
- taobh sear na Gàidhealtachd the eastern Highlands
- taobh siar na Gàidhealtachd the western Highlands
- Subject: Geography
- A' Ghambia
- Gambia, The
- n(f)
- na Gambia - Gambia poss c
- Poblachd na Gambia Republic of Gambia
- Subject: Geography
- A' Ghearmailt
- Germany
- n(f)
- na Gearmailt(e) - Germany poss c
- buidhnean ann am Meadhan na Roinn Eòrpa; anns a' Ghearmailt organisations in Central Europe; in Germany
- Crois Iarainn na Gearmailt German Iron Cross
- feallsanachd na Gearmailt agus na h-Ostair philosophy of Germany and Austria
- Meadhan na Roinn Eòrpa; a' Ghearmailt Central Europe; Germany
- pàipearan-naidheachd ann am meadhan na Roinn Eòrpa; anns a' Ghearmailt newspapers in Central Europe; in Germany
- Seansailear na Gearmailt (The) German Chancellor
- Subject: Geography
- A' Ghrèig
- Greece
- n(f)
- na Grèige - Greece poss c
- A' Ghrèig gu 323 Greece to 323
- bailtean na Grèige the towns of Greece
- Subject: Geography
- a' gleidheadh
- conserving
- vb n
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- a' jogadh
- jogging
- vb n
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- a' lasachadh
- discount
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' leacadh
- tiling
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' letheadh
- bisecting
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' letheadh
- halving
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' lorg luach
- finding the value
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' luchdachadh a-nuas
- downloading
- vb n
- Subject: Computing
- a' luchdachadh suas
- uploading
- vb n
- Subject: Computing
- a' lùghdachadh
- decreasing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' lùghdachadh
- decrease
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' lùghdachadh
- discount
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' maidseadh
- matching
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' mapadh
- mapping
- vb n
- Subject: Geography
- a' mean-atharrachadh
- adjusting
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' measadh
- evaluating
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' meudachadh
- increasing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' meudachadh
- enlarging
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- A' Mhaoil
- The Minch
- n(f)
- sruthan na Maoile currents of The Minch
- Subject: Geography
- a' pàigheadh
- paying
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- A' Phoblachd Dhominicanach
- Dominican Republic
- n(f)
- na Poblachd Dhominicanaich - Dominican Republic poss c
- àireamh-sluaigh na Poblachd Dhominicanaich population of the Dominican Republic
- Subject: Geography
- A' Phòlainn
- Poland
- n(f)
- na Pòlainn - Poland poss c
- Poblachd na Pòlainn Republic of Poland
- Subject: Geography
- a' piocadh
- plucking
- vb n
- Subject: Music
- a' pògadh
- kissing
- vb n
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- a' rainseadh
- ranching
- vb n
- rainseadh-chruidh cattle ranching
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- a' raiseanadh
- rationing
- vb n
- a' raiseanadh a' bhìdh rationing food
- Subject: GeneralHistory
- a' rannsachadh
- enquiring
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' riarachadh
- sharing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' ro-innse
- predicting
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' roiligeadh
- rolling
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' roinn
- dividing
- vb n
- nuair a tha thu a' roinn 100 le 10 when you are dividing 100 by 10
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' roinn
- sharing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' sàbhaladh
- saving
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' sealg
- hunting
- vb n
- a' sealg an fhèidh hunting deer
- Subject: General
- a' searmonachadh
- preaching
- vb n
- a' searmonachadh an t-soisgeil preaching the gospel
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- a' sèibheadh
- shaving
- vb n
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- a' seòrsachadh
- sorting
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' seòrsachadh
- classifying
- vb n
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- a' sgeidseadh
- sketching
- vb n
- Subject: Art
- a' sgòradh
- scoring
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' sìmpleachadh
- simplifying
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' sìneadh
- stretching
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' spèileadh
- skating
- vb n
- Subject: Physical Education
- a' suirighe
- dating
- vb n
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- a' tar-iomadachadh
- cross-multiplying
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' tasgadh
- depositing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' tasgadh
- depositing
- vb n
- Subject: Geography
- a' tionndadh
- inverting
- vb n
- a' tionndadh bhloighean inverting fractions
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' tionndadh
- turning
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' tionndadh
- translating
- vb n
- Subject: Language
- a' togail
- building
- vb n
- a' togail a' churraicealaim building the curriculum
- a' togail chomasan ionmhais building financial capacities
- a' togail coimhearsnachdan Glow building Glow communities
- Subject: General
- a' toirt anail a-mach
- exhalation
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- a' toirt anail a-steach
- inhalation
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- a' toirt leat
- carrying
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' toirt tuairmse (air)
- guessing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' toirt tuairmse air
- estimating
- vb n
- a' toirt tuairmse air farsaingeachd cumaidh estimating the area of a shape
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' toirt tuairmse air
- approximating
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' toirt-air-falbh
- subtracting
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' toirt-air-falbh
- taking away
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' tomhas
- measuring
- vb n
- siolandair-tomhais measuring cylinder
- teip-tomhais measuring tape
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' tomhas
- guessing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' trasnadh
- intersecting
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a' tweetadh
- tweeting
- vb n
- Subject: Computing
- a-muigh
- external
- adv
- ceangalan a-muigh external links
- Chan eil X an urra ri làraich a-muigh X is not responsible for external sites
- dàimhean a-muigh external relations
- làraich a-muigh external sites
- sgrion a-muigh external display
- Subject: Computing
- A-nis A' cluich
- Now Playing
- vb n
- prògram a-nis a' cluich program now playing
- Subject: Computing
- a-staigh
- indoor
- adj
- dibhearsain a-staigh indoor amusements
- geamannan a-staigh indoor games
- geamannan-sgil a-staigh indoor games of skill
- Subject: General
- a-staigh
- internal
- adj
- margaidh a-staigh internal market
- mòdam a-staigh internal modem
- sgrùdaire a-staigh internal auditor
- Subject: General
- abairt
- expression
- n(f)
- abairt - expression poss cexpressions - abairtean pl
- abairt dhà-theirmeach binomial expression
- abairt thrì-theirmeach trinomial expression
- abairtean agus co-aontaran expressions and equations
- is e abairt thrì-theirmeach a tha ann an \( 3x^2 − 3y^2 + 2 \) \( 3x^2 − 3y^2 + 2 \) is a trinomial
- Subject: Mathematics
- abairt
- quotation
- n(f)
- abairt(e) - quotation poss cquotations - abairtean pl
- Subject: General
- abairt thrì-theirmeach
- trinomial
- n(f)
- is e abairt thrì-theirmeach a tha ann an \( 3x^2 − 3y^2 + 2 \) \( 3x^2 − 3y^2 + 2 \) is a trinomial
- Subject: Mathematics
- abairt-faire
- passphrase
- n(f)
- abairt-faire - passphrase poss cpassphrases - abairtean-faire pl
- cleachd abairt-faire use passphrase
- Subject: Computing
- Abèidh
- Aboyne
- Geamannan Abèidh Aboyne Games
- Subject: Geography
- àbhachdas
- humour
- n(m)
- àbhachdais - humour poss c
- àbhachdas Eadailtis Italian humour
- Subject: General
- abhainn
- river
- n(f)
- abhainn(e) - river poss caibhne - river poss crivers - aibhneachan plrivers - aibhnichean pl
- Abhainn Chluaidh River Clyde
- Abhainn Mhississippi Mississippi River
- Abhainn Nìl River Nile
- bearradh-aibhne river cliff
- bun-aibhne river source
- cuach-aibhne river basin
- cùrsa aibhne river course
- cùrsa na h-aibhne course of the river
- grunnd aibhne river bed
- lùb-thràigh river beach
- tràigh-aibhne river beach
- uchdan-aibhne river embankment
- Subject: Geography
- Abhainn an Chláir
- Clare
- Subject: Geography
- Abhainn an Chláir
- River Clare
- Subject: Geography
- Abhainn an Lagáin
- Laggan
- Subject: Geography
- Abhainn an Lagáin
- River Laggan
- Subject: Geography
- Abhainn Chluaidh
- River Clyde
- n(f)
- Òran Abhainn Chluaidh Song of the Clyde
- Subject: Geography
- Abhainn Foirthe
- River Forth
- n(f)
- beul Abhainn Foirthe mouth of the River Forth
- Subject: Geography
- Abhainn na Deirge
- Derg
- Subject: Geography
- Abhainn na Deirge
- River Derg
- Subject: Geography
- Abhainn Nid
- River Nith
- n(f)
- beul Abhainn Nid mouth of River Nith
- Subject: Geography
- Abhainn Nìl
- River Nile
- n(f)
- Abhainn Nìl - River Nile poss c
- Subject: Geography
- Abhainn Theòrsa
- River Thurso
- n(f)
- bruachan Abhainn Theòrsa banks of (the) River Thurso
- Subject: Geography
- Abhainn Tyne a Tuath
- North Tyne River
- n(f)
- Abhainn Tyne a Tuath - North Tyne River poss c
- docaichean air Abhainn Tyne a Tuath docks on the North Tyne River
- Subject: Geography
- Abhainn Ùige
- River Wick
- n(f)
- bruachan Abhainn Ùige banks of (the) River Wick
- Subject: Geography
- Abhainn Urchaidh
- River Orchy
- n(f)
- beul Abhainn Urchaidh mouth of River Orchy
- Subject: Geography
- àbhaisteach
- standard
- adj
- claonadh àbhaisteach standard deviation
- dòigh-sgrìobhaidh àbhaisteach standard written method
- riochd àbhaisteach standard notation/number form
- Subject: Mathematics
- abhcaid
- joke
- n(f)
- abhcaid(e) - joke poss cjokes - abhcaidean pl
- abhcaid èibhinn funny joke
- Subject: General
- abhcaideach
- jokey
- adj
- Subject: General
- abrèisean
- abrasion
- n(m)
- abrèisean - abrasion poss c
- Subject: Geography
- acadaimigeach
- academic
- adj
- leasachadh acadaimigeach academic development
- oifigear faire ìre feabhais academic quality monitoring officer
- rianaire acadaimigeach academic administrator
- rianaire leasachadh acadaimigeach academic development administrator
- tiotalan acadaimigeach academic titles
- Subject: General
- Acaill
- Achill Island
- Subject: Geography
- accelerando
- accelerando
- adj
- mòr-earrann accelerando an accelerando passage
- Subject: Music
- accelerando
- accelerando
- adv
- chluich iad accelerando they played accelerando
- Subject: Music
- accompagnato
- accompagnato
- n(f)
- accompagnato - accompagnato poss caccompagnatos - accompagnatothan pl
- Subject: Music
- acfhainn
- article
- n(f)
- acfhainn(e) - article poss carticles - acfhainnean pl
- acfhainn agus innealan taighe hardware and household appliances
- àirneis agus acfhainnean eaglais church furnishings and articles
- Subject: General
- acfhainn
- hardware
- n(f)
- acfhainn(e) - hardware poss c
- acfhainn agus innealan taighe hardware and household appliances
- Subject: General
- achadh
- field
- n(m)
- acha - field poss cachaidh - field poss cfields - achaidhean plfields - achannan pl
- achadh-buana harvest field
- bàrr achaidh field crops
- bàrr achaidh agus planntachais field and plantation crops
- Subject: Geography
- Achadh na Cloiche
- Aughnacloy
- Subject: Geography
- acriolach
- acrylic
- adj
- peant ròiseid acriolach acrylic resin paint
- Subject: Art
- acriolaig
- acrylic
- n(f)
- acriolaig(e) - acrylic poss cacrylics - acriolaigean pl
- Subject: Art
- actanach
- actinide
- n(m)
- actanaich - actinide poss cactinides - actanaich pl
- sreath nan actanach actinide series
- Subject: Science
- actanach
- actinoid
- n(m)
- actanaich - actinoid poss cactinoids - actanaich pl
- sreath nan actanach actinoid series
- Subject: Science
- actinium
- actinium
- n(m)
- actinium - actinium poss c
- sreath actinium actinium series
- Subject: Science
- acustaig
- acoustic
- adj
- feartan acustaig acoustic qualities
- giotàr acustaig acoustic guitar
- meudaichear acustaig acoustic amplifier
- Subject: Music
- acustaigs
- acoustics
- n(m/f)
- acustaigs - acoustics poss c
- acustaigs mhath good acoustics
- feartan acustaigs acoustics qualities
- Subject: Music
- adacs
- addax
- n(m)
- adacs - addax poss caddax - adacsan pl
- Subject: Science
- adaptair
- adaptor
- n(m)
- adaptair - adaptor poss cadaptors - adaptairean pl
- cuir am plug don adaptair put the plug in the adaptor
- Subject: Science
- Adelaide
- Adelaide
- Raointean Adelaide Adelaide Plains
- Subject: Geography
- adhair-bheàrn
- air space
- n(f)
- adhair-bheàirn - air space poss cair spaces - adhair-bheàrnan pl
- Subject: Science
- adhar
- sky
- n(m)
- adhair - sky poss c
- còmhdhail adhair air transportation
- Feachd an Adhair the (Royal) Air Force
- feachdan adhair air forces
- feachdan adhair agus feachdan speisealta eile air and other specialised forces
- Subject: General
- adhar
- air
- n(m)
- adhair - air poss c
- ceanglaichean-adhair air connections
- còmhdhail adhair air transportation
- fasgadh ionnsaigh-adhair air raid shelter
- feachdan adhair air forces
- ionnsaigh-adhair air raid
- port-adhair airport
- spòrsan adhair air sports
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- adharail
- aerial
- adj
- dealbh-camara adharail aerial photograph
- sealladh adharail aerial view
- sealladh adharail aerial perspective
- seallaidhean adharail aerial perspectives
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- adharc
- horn
- n(f)
- adhairc(e) - horn poss chorns - adhaircean plhorns - adharcan pl
- comhachag adharcach great horned owl
- còrn drinking horn
- feadag adhairce horn whistle
- gob-adhairce mòr great hornbill
- laghairt adharcach Theagsas Texas horned lizard
- oraigs adharcach a' chlaidheimh chruinn scimitar-horned oryx
- spàinean adhairce horn spoons
- Subject: General
- adhartachadh
- development
- n(m)
- adhartachaidh - development poss cdevelopments - adhartachaidhean pl
- earrann adhartachaidh sonàta delopment section of sonata
- toiseach an adhartachaidh start of the development
- Subject: Music
- adhartas
- progression
- n(m)
- adhartais - progression poss c
- Subject: General
- adhbhar
- purpose
- n(m)
- adhbhair - purpose poss cpurposes - adhbhair plpurposes - adhbharan pl
- adhbharan agus amasan a' Churraicealam airson Sàr-mhathais purposes and aims of Curriculum for Excellence
- adhbharan sònraichte specific purposes
- togalaichean airson adhbharan creideimh buildings for religious purposes
- Subject: General
- adhbharachadh
- causation
- n(m)
- adhbharachaidh - causation poss c
- aithne-eòlas, adhbharachadh agus daonnachd epistemology, causation and humankind
- Subject: General
- adhbrann
- ankle
- n(m/f)
- adhbrainn - ankle poss cankles - adhbrainn plankles - adhbrannan pl
- Subject: Science
- adhlacadh
- funeral
- n(m)
- adhlacaidh - funeral poss cfunerals - adhlacaidh plfunerals - adhlacaidhean pl
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- adhrachail
- devotional
- adj
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- adhradh
- devotions
- n(m)
- adhraidh - devotions poss cdevotions - adhradh pl
- eòlas-diadhachd Crìosdail, moraltan agus adhradh Christian moral and devotional theology
- lathaichean, uairean agus àiteachan adhraidh days, times and places of observance
- litreachas adhraidh devotional literature
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- adhradh
- worship
- n(m)
- adhraidh - worship poss cworship - adhraidhean pl
- adhradh poblach public worship
- adhradh poblach agus gnàthasan eile public worship and other practices
- àite adhraidh place of worship
- eagrachadh, obair shòisealta agus adhradh Crìosdail Christian organization, social work and worship
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- adiabataig
- adiabataic
- adj
- fiodh adiabataig adiabatic wood
- Subject: Science
- Afganach
- Afghan
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Afganach
- Afghan
- n(m)
- Afganaich - Afghan poss cAfghans - Afganaich pl
- Subject: Geography
- Afganastan
- Afghanistan
- n(m)
- Afganastain - Afghanistan poss c
- cogadh ann an Afganastan war in Afghanistan
- saighdearan Afganastain Afghanistan's soldiers
- Subject: Geography
- Afraga
- Africa
- n(f)
- Afraga - Africa poss c
- Afraga a Deas Southern Africa
- Afraga a Deas South Africa
- Afraga a Tuath North Africa
- costa Iar-thuath Afraga Northwest African coast
- eachdraidh Afraga history of Africa
- Meadhan Afraga Central Africa
- Poblachd Afraga a Deas Republic of South Africa
- saidheansan talmhainn Afraga earth sciences of Africa
- siubhal ann an Afraga travel in Africa
- staitistigs choitcheann Afraga general statistics of Africa
- Taobh Siar Afraga West Africa
- Subject: Geography
- Afraganach
- African
- adj
- am Pleata Afraganach African plate
- cànanan Afraganach African languages
- costa Iar-thuath Afraga agus eileanan bhon chladach Northwest African coast and offshore islands
- litreachasan Afraganach African literatures
- Subject: Geography
- Afraganach
- African
- n(m)
- Afraganaich - African poss cAfricans - Afraganaich pl
- Subject: Geography
- Afro-Àisianach
- Afro-Asiatic
- adj
- cànanan Afro-Àisianach Afro-Asiatic languages
- cànanan Afro-Àisianach neo-Sheimitig non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic languages
- litreachasan Afro-Àisianach Afro-Asiatic literatures
- Subject: Language
- ag aiseag
- transferring
- vb n
- Subject: General
- ag aomadh
- sloping
- vb n
- ag aomadh gu aon taobh sloping to one side
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag àrdachadh
- elevating
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag àrdachadh
- increasing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag ath-rèiteachadh
- rearranging
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag ath-sgrìobhadh
- copying
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag ath-sgrùdadh
- checking-up
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag ath-sgrùdadh
- revising
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag atharrachadh
- adjusting
- vb n
- ag atharrachadh na h-uaireach adjusting the time
- Subject: Science
- ag eadar-chàireachadh
- translating
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag eadar-mheudachadh
- dilating
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag eadar-sgaoileadh
- dissolving
- vb n
- Subject: Science
- ag eagrachadh
- arraying
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag iasgach
- fishing
- vb n
- Subject: General
- ag indeacsadh
- indexing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag iomadachadh
- multiplying
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag iomlaid
- exchanging
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag ionadachadh
- substituting
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag iontagrachadh
- integrating
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag ìsleachadh
- decrease
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag ìsleachadh
- reducing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag obrachadh
- operating
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag obrachadh a-mach
- calculating
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- ag ogsaideachadh
- oxygenating
- vb n
- Subject: Science
- ag ogsaideanachadh
- oxidising
- vb n
- Subject: Science
- agallamh
- interview
- n(m)
- agallaimh - interview poss cinterviews - agallamhan pl
- clàradh de dh'agallamh recording of an interview
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- aghaidh
- front
- n(f)
- aghaidh(e) - front poss cfronts - aghaidhean pl
- aghaidh bhlàth warm front
- aghaidh fhuar cold front
- Subject: Geography
- aibidil
- alphabet
- n(f)
- aibidil - alphabet poss calphabets - aibidilean pl
- a rèir na h-aibidil alphabetical
- òrdugh na h-aibidil alphabetical order
- Subject: General
- aibidileach
- alphabetical
- adj
- Subject: General
- àichear
- disclaimer
- n(m)
- àicheir - disclaimer poss cdisclaimers - àichearan pl
- Subject: Computing
- àicheil
- negative
- adj
- àireamh àicheil negative number
- Subject: Mathematics
- àicheil
- negative
- n(m)
- àicheil - negative poss cnegatives - àicheilean pl
- an t-àicheil aig the negative of
- Subject: Mathematics
- aicinn
- accent
- n(m)
- aicinn - accent poss caccents - aicinnean pl
- Subject: Music
- aidheon
- ion
- n(m)
- aidheon - ion poss cions - aidheonan pl
- earball aidheon ion tail
- Subject: Science
- aidheonach
- ionic
- adj
- Subject: Science
- aidheonaich
- ionise
- vb
- Subject: Science
- aidhodain
- iodine
- n(m)
- aidhodain - iodine poss c
- Subject: Science
- aidhonospeur
- ionosphere
- n(m)
- aidhonospeura - ionosphere poss c
- Subject: Science
- Aidmheinteach
- Adventist
- n(m)
- Aidmheintich - Adventist poss cAdventist - Aidmheintich pl
- Baistich, Deisciobail Chrìosd agus Aidmheintich Baptist, Disciples of Christ and Adventist
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Aidmheinteil
- Adventist
- adj
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
- n(f)
- AIDS - AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) poss c
- Subject: Science
- aig tàmh
- standby
- adv
- Subject: Computing
- ailbhean
- elephant
- n(m)
- ailbhein - elephant poss celephants - ailbheanan pl
- Subject: Science
- ailbheòlar
- alveolar
- adj
- Subject: Science
- ailbheòlas
- alveolus
- n(m)
- ailbheòlas - alveolus poss calveoli - ailbheòlasan pl
- Subject: Science
- àile
- atmosphere
- n(m)
- àile - atmosphere poss catmospheres - àilean pl
- àile na Talmhainn the Earth's atmosphere
- Subject: Science
- aileal
- allele
- n(f)
- aileil - allele poss calleles - ailealan pl
- Subject: Science
- ailealomorf
- allelomorph
- n(m)
- ailealomorf - allelomorph poss callelomorphs - ailealomorfan pl
- Subject: Science
- aileirdsidh
- allergy
- n(f)
- aileirdsidh(e) - allergy poss callergies - aileirdsidhean pl
- Subject: Science
- aileirdsig
- allergic
- adj
- Subject: Science
- ailigeutair
- alligator
- n(m)
- ailigeutair - alligator poss calligators - ailigeutairean pl
- Subject: Science
- ailseabra
- algebra
- n(m)
- ailseabra - algebra poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- ailseabrach
- algebraic
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- ailtire
- architect
- n(m)
- ailtire - architect poss carchitects - ailtirean pl
- Subject: Technical
- ailtireach
- architectonic
- adj
- Subject: Technical
- ailtireachail
- architectural
- adj
- structar ailtireachail architectural structure
- Subject: Technical
- ailtireachd
- architecture
- n(f)
- ailtireachd - architecture poss c
- ailtireachd bho 1400 architecture from 1400
- ailtireachd deilbh-tìre landscape architecture
- ailtireachd deilbh-tìre shlighean-trafaig landscape architecture of trafficways
- ailtireachd gu ca. 300 architecture to ca. 300
- ailtireachd nuadh-chlasaigeach neoclassical architecture
- structaran ann an ailtireachd deilbh-tìre structures in landscape architecture
- Subject: General
- àin
- climax
- n(f)
- àine - climax poss cclimaxes - àinean pl
- àin bhrosnachail rousing climax
- soirbheachadh àine success of climax
- Subject: Music
- ain-dligheach
- unjust
- adj
- cogadh ain-dligheach unjust war
- Subject: General
- aingidheachd
- evil
- n(f)
- aingidheachd - evil poss c
- Subject: General
- ainm
- name
- n(m)
- ainm(e) - name poss cnames - ainmean plnames - ainmeannan pl
- ainm neach-cleachdaidh user name
- ainm taisbeanaichte display name
- ainm-faidhle filename
- ainm-sgrìobhte signature
- ainmean àireamhan number names
- ainmean àite place names
- Ainmean Àite na h-Alba Gaelic Place Names of Scotland
- ciad ainm first name
- cinneadh surname
- cuir d' ainm ri sign your name
- dè a' chiad ainm a thoirt? what is your first name?
- droch ainm bad name
- gun ainm nameless
- Seirbheis Stòr Ainmean Eadar-lìn (iSNS) Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS)
- sloinneadh surname
- Subject: General
- ainm neach-cleachdaidh
- user name
- n(m)
- ainm neach-cleachdaidh - user name poss cuser names - ainmean neach-cleachdaidh pluser names - ainmeanan neach-cleachdaidh pl
- Subject: Computing
- ainm-faidhle
- file name
- n(m)
- ainm-faidhle - filename poss cfilenames - ainmean-faidhle pl
- Subject: Computing
- ainm-loga
- login
- n(m)
- ainm-loga - login poss clogins - ainmean-loga pl
- Subject: Computing
- ainm-pinn
- pseudonymous
- n(m)
- ainm-pinn - pseudonymous poss c
- sgrìobhadh gun urra agus fo ainm-pinn of anonymous and pseudonymous works
- Subject: General
- ainm-sgrìobhte
- signature
- n(m)
- ainm-sgrìobhte - signature poss csignatures - ainmean-sgrìobhte pl
- seatadh ainm-sgrìobhte signature setup
- Subject: Computing
- ainmear
- noun
- n(m)
- ainmeir - noun poss cnouns - ainmearan pl
- ainmear/buadhair noun/adjective
- gnìomh-ainmear verbal noun
- Subject: Language
- ainmh-eòlas
- zoology
- n(m)
- ainmh-eòlais - zoology poss c
- Subject: Science
- ainmhidh
- animal
- n(m)
- ainmhidh - animal poss canimals - ainmhidhean pl
- àrainn ainmhidhean animal habitat
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- ainmhidheach
- animal
- adj
- planctan ainmhidheach animal plankton
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- ainmneach
- nominative
- adj
- tuiseal ainmneach nominative case
- Subject: Language
- ainneart
- violence
- n(m)
- ainneirt - violence poss c
- Subject: General
- ainneartach
- violent
- adj
- neach ainneartach violent person
- Subject: General
- air a chairteal(ach)adh
- quartered
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- air a d(h)ìon
- immune
- tha e air a dhìon bhuaithe he is immune from it
- Subject: Science
- air adhart
- forward
- adv
- a' cunntadh air adhart counting on
- Subject: Mathematics
- air ais
- back
- adv
- air ais chun a' mhullaich back to top
- air ais chun an toisich back to start
- Subject: Computing
- air ais
- back(wards)
- adv
- cunnt air ais (bho) count back (from)
- Subject: Mathematics
- Air Ais (Ann) An Tiota
- Be Right Back
- adv phr
- Subject: Computing
- air bhog
- afloat
- adv
- bha am bàta air bhog sa mhuir the ship was afloat in the sea
- Subject: Science
- air chruth siolandair
- cylindrical
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- air fhad
- longitudinally
- adv
- Subject: Geography
- air fhad
- longitudinal
- adv
- tomhas air fhad longitudinal measurement
- Subject: Geography
- air-loidhne
- online
- adj
- "Ionnsaich Èisteachd Air-loidhne" "Learn Listening Online"
- coimhearsnachd ionnsachaidh air-loidhne online learning community
- coimhearsnachdan air-loidhne online communities
- geamannan air-loidhne online games
- leasanan air-loidhne online tutorials
- obraich air-loidhne work online
- sgoiltean na h-Alba air-loidhne Scottish schools online
- taic air-loidhne online support
- Subject: Computing
- àird
- direction
- n(f)
- àirde - direction poss cdirections - àirdean pl
- àird na gaoithe wind direction
- dè an àird às a bheil a' ghaoth what direction is the wind coming from
- Subject: MathematicsGeography
- Àird Rosain
- Ardrossan
- aiseag Àird Rosain Ardrossan ferry
- Subject: Geography
- àirde
- height
- n(f)
- àirde - height poss cheights - àirdean pl
- àirde ann am meatairean height in metres
- àirde bheartagail vertical height
- àirde-tuinn wave height
- puing-àirde spot height
- Subject: MathematicsGeography
- àirde
- radiant
- n(m)
- àirde - radiant poss cradiants - àirdean pl
- àirde Perseid Perseid radiant
- Subject: Science
- àirde
- altitude
- n(f)
- àirde - altitude poss caltitudes - àirdean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- àirde Perseid
- Perseid radiant
- n(m/f)
- Subject: Science
- airdse
- arch
- n(f)
- airdse - arch poss carches - airdsichean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- airdse
- arch
- n(f)
- airdse - arch poss carches - airdsichean pl
- Subject: Geography
- àireamh
- number
- n(f)
- àireimh - number poss cnumbers - àireamhan pl
- ainmean àireamhan number names
- àireamh àicheil negative number
- àireamh àrdail cardinal number
- àireamh cheàrnagach (1, 4, 9) square number
- àireamh cheàrnagaichte (\( 3^2, 7^2 \)) squared number
- àireamh choileanta perfect number
- àireamh choimpleacs complex number
- àireamh chòrr odd number
- àireamh chothromach even number
- àireamh dhearbhte positive number
- àireamh mhionaideach exact number
- àireamh nàdarra natural number
- àireamh neo-raiseanail irrational number
- àireamh òrdail ordinal number
- àireamh phalandromaig palindromic number
- àireamh raiseanail rational number
- àireamh shlàn whole number
- àireamh thuaireamach random number
- àireamh-meadhain median number
- àireamhan còrra odd numbers
- àireamhan leantainneach consecutive numbers
- àireamhan measgaichte mixed numbers
- àireamhan roinnte divided numbers
- àireamhan Ròmanach Roman numerals
- àireamhan triantanach triangular numbers
- àireamhan-dìridh ascending numbers
- àireamhan-teàrnaidh descending numbers
- clàr àireamhan tuaireamach random number table
- clàr-àireamhan number chart
- còd-àireamhan number code
- cuir-ris grunnan àireamhan add several numbers
- fìor-àireamh real number
- inneal-àireamhan number machine
- inneal-àireamhan-ceangailte combined number machine
- loidhne-àireamhan number line
- òrdugh-àireamhan number sequence
- prìomh àireamh prime number
- riochd àbhaisteach number form/standard notation
- seantans-àireamhan number sentence
- sèine-àireamhan number chain
- stòiridh-àireamhan number story
- Subject: Mathematics
- àireamh-sluaigh
- population
- n(f)
- àireimh-sluaigh - population poss cpopulations - àireamhan-sluaigh pl
- àireamh-sluaigh na Frainge population of France
- àireamh-sluaigh ris a bheil dùil expected population
- fàs àireamh-sluaigh population growth
- fàs àireamh-sluaigh na RA UK population growth
- grad-mheudachadh àireamh-sluaigh population explosion
- structar àireamh-sluaigh population structure
- structar àireamh-sluaigh na RA UK population structure
- Subject: Geography
- àireamhach
- numerical
- adj
- anailis àireamhach numerical analysis
- buadhair àireamhach numerical adjective
- Subject: Mathematics
- àireamhachd
- numeracy
- n(f)
- àireamhachd - numeracy poss c
- àireamhachd tar-ionnsachaidh numeracy across learning
- litearrachd agus àireamhachd literacy and numeracy
- Subject: General
- àireamhaiche
- numerator
- n(m)
- àireamhaiche - numerator poss cnumerators - àireamhaichean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- àireamhair
- calculator
- n(m)
- àireamhair - calculator poss ccalculators - àireamhairean pl
- cleachd àireamhair use a calculator
- cleachd an àireamhair use the calculator
- Subject: Mathematics
- airgead
- silver
- n(m)
- airgid - silver poss c
- airgead bròmaid silver bromide
- airgead clòraid silver chloride
- Subject: Science
- airgead
- money
- n(m)
- airgid - money poss cmonies - airgeadan pl
- àireamh, airgead agus tomhas number, money and measure
- airgead cèin foreign money
- airgead, uair agus tomhas money, time and measure
- dè an t-suim airgead a tha agad? how much (what amount/sum of) money do you have?
- faigh airgead air iasad bhon bhanca borrow money from the bank
- siostam airgid monetary system
- Subject: Mathematics
- airgead
- currency
- n(m)
- airgid - currency poss ccurrencies - airgeadan pl
- airgead cèin foreign currency
- siostam airgid monetary system
- Subject: Mathematics
- airgead cèin
- foreign currency
- Subject: Mathematics
- airgead-beò
- quicksilver
- n(m)
- airgid-bheò - quicksilver poss c
- Subject: Science
- àiria
- aria
- n(f)
- àiria - aria poss carias - àiriathan pl
- a' seinn àiria fhada singing a long aria
- àiria coloratura coloratura aria
- Subject: Music
- àirleas
- deposit
- n(m)
- àirleis - deposit poss cdeposits - àirleasan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- àirne
- kidney
- n(f)
- àirne - kidney poss ckidneys - àirnean pl
- pònair-àirneach kidney beans
- Subject: Science
- àirneis
- furnishing
- n(f)
- àirneis - furnishing poss cfurnishings - àirneis pl
- àirneis agus bùthan-obrach na dachaigh furnishings and home workshops
- àirneis eaglais church furnishings
- àirneis taighe household furnishings
- Subject: General
- àirneis
- furniture
- n(f)
- àirneis - furniture poss c
- àirneis agus sgeadachadh furniture and accessories
- àirneis mhahoganaidh mahogany furniture
- àirneis thìoca teak furniture
- Subject: General
- ais-phàigheadh
- repayment
- n(m)
- ais-phàighidh - repayment poss crepayments - ais-phàighidhean pl
- plana àis-phàigheadh repayment plan
- ùine àis-phàighidh repayment period
- Subject: Mathematics
- ais-shluaisreadh
- backwash
- n(m)
- ais-shluaisridh - backwash poss c
- Subject: Geography
- ais-theoram
- converse theorem
- n(f)
- ais-theoram - converse theorem poss cconverse theorems - ais-theoraman pl
- ais-theoram Phythagoras converse theorem of Pythagoras
- Subject: Mathematics
- ais-theoram
- reverse theorem
- n(f)
- ais-theoram - reverse theorem poss creverse theorems - ais-theoraman pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- aiseag
- ferry
- n(f)
- aiseig - ferry poss caisig - ferry poss cferries - aiseagan pl
- aiseag chàraichean car ferry
- aiseag na Hearadh Harris ferry
- bàt'-aiseig ferry boat
- còmhdhail aiseig ferry transportation
- ionad-aiseig ferry terminal
- ionad-aiseig Mhalaig Mallaig ferry terminal
- port aiseig chàraichean car ferry port
- slighe aiseig chàraichean car ferry route
- Subject: Geography
- aiseag
- transfer
- n(m)
- aiseig - transfer poss caisig - transfer poss ctransfers - aiseagan pl
- aiseag lùtha energy transfer
- aiseag teas heat transfer
- Subject: General
- Àisianach
- Asiatic
- adj
- Afro-Àisianach Afro-Asiatic
- An Ruis Àisianach Asiatic Russia
- Subject: Geography
- aisig
- ferry
- vb
- aisig air ais ferry back
- Subject: Geography
- aisig
- transfer
- vb
- aisig teas transfer heat
- Subject: General
- aisigeach
- transitive
- adj
- gnìomhar aisigeach transitive verb
- Subject: Language
- aisling
- dream
- n(f)
- aisling(e) - dream poss cdreams - aislingean pl
- aislingean agus dìomhaireachdan dreams and mysteries
- aislingean fliuch wet dreams
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- aiste
- essay
- n(f)
- aiste - essay poss cessays - aistean pl
- aistean Gearmailtis German essays
- Subject: Language
- aiste
- composition
- n(f)
- aiste - composition poss ccompositions - aistean pl
- aiste dhealbhach descriptive essay
- Subject: Language
- aistear
- essayist
- n(m)
- aisteir - essayist poss cessayists - aistearan pl
- Subject: Language
- àite
- place
- n(m)
- àite - place poss cplaces - àiteachan pl
- ainmean àite place names
- Ainmean Àite na h-Alba Gaelic Place Names of Scotland
- daoine, àite agus àrainneachd people, place and environment
- lathaichean, uairean agus àiteachan adhraidh days, times and places of observance
- Subject: General
- àite
- location
- n(m)
- àite - location poss clocations - àitean pl
- Subject: Computing
- àite falamh
- vacancy
- n(m)
- àite fhalaimh - vacancy poss cvacancies - àitean falamh pl
- rumannan falamh vacanies (eg in a hotel)
- Subject: General
- àiteach
- cultivation
- n(m)
- àitich - cultivation poss c
- àiteachas gluasadach shifting cultivation
- Subject: Geography
- àiteachas
- agriculture
- n(m)
- àiteachais - agriculture poss c
- àiteachas agus teicneòlasan co-cheangailte agriculture and related technologies
- Poileasaidh Coitcheann an Àiteachais (CAP) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
- Subject: Geography
- àiteachas
- farming
- n(m)
- àiteachais - farming poss c
- dlùth-àiteachas intense farming
- dlùth-àiteachas intensive farming
- dlùth-àiteachas intense peasant farming
- dlùth-àiteachas bith-beò intensive subsistence farming
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- àiteachas gluasadach
- shifting cultivation
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- àiteachas-coille
- agro-forestry
- n(m)
- àiteachais-coille - agro-forestry poss c
- Subject: Geography
- aitheamh
- fathom
- n(m)
- aitheimh - fathom poss cfathoms - aitheamhan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- aithisg
- statement
- n(f)
- aithisg - statement poss cstatements - aithisgean pl
- aithisg-banca bank statement
- fiosrachadh mu atharrachadh statement of variation
- Subject: Mathematics
- aithne-eòlas
- epistemology
- n(m)
- aithne-eòlais - epistemology poss c
- aithne-eòlas, adhbharachadh agus daonnachd epistemology, causation and humankind
- Subject: General
- àithneach
- imperative
- adj
- modh àithneach imperative mood
- Subject: Language
- aithnich
- identify
- vb
- cairt-aithneachaidh identity card
- Subject: General
- aithreachas
- regret
- n(m)
- aithreachais - regret poss c
- Subject: General
- àitich
- arable
- adj
- talamh àitich arable land
- tuathanachas àitich arable farming
- tuathanachas àitich coimeirsealta commercial arable farming
- Subject: Geography
- aitrisean
- attrition
- n(m)
- aitrisean - attrition poss c
- Subject: Geography
- Alasga
- Alaska
- pìob-ola Alasga Trans-Alaskan oil pipeline
- Subject: Geography
- Alba
- Scotland
- n(f)
- na h-Alba - Scotland poss c
- Alba agus cur-às do mhalairt nan tràillean Scotland and the abolition of the slave trade
- Alba gu bràth Scotland forever
- cultar, eachdraidh agus dualchas na h-Alba Scotland's culture, history and heritage
- Foghlam Alba Education Scotland
- Ionnsachadh agus Teagasg Alba Learning and Teaching Scotland
- sgrùdadh leantainneach - me Fàs suas an Alba (GUS) longitudinal study - e.g. Growing Up in Scotland (GUS)
- Subject: Geography
- Albàinia
- Albania
- n(f)
- Albàinia - Albania poss c
- muinntir Albàinia people of Albania
- Poblachd Albàinia Republic of Albania
- Subject: Geography
- Albàinianach
- Albanian
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Albàinianach
- Albanian
- n(m)
- Albàinianaich - Albanian poss cAlbanians - Albàinianaich pl
- Subject: Geography
- Albàinianais
- Albanian
- n(f)
- Albàinianais - Albanian poss c
- a' bruidhinn Albàinianais speaking Albanian
- Subject: Geography
- Albais
- Scots
- n(f)
- Subject: Language
- albino
- albino
- n(m)
- albino - albino poss calbinos - albinothan pl
- Subject: Science
- albino
- albino
- adj
- Subject: Science
- albinothachd
- albinism
- n(f)
- albinothachd - albinism poss c
- Subject: Science
- alcaileach
- alkaline
- adj
- eileamaid talmhaidh alcaileach alkaline earth element
- meatailtean talmhaidh alcaileach alkaline earth metals
- Subject: Science
- alcaileachd
- alkalinity
- n(f)
- alcaileachd - alkalinity poss calkalinities - alcaileachdan pl
- Subject: Science
- alcalaidh
- alkali
- n(f)
- alcalaidh - alkali poss calkalis - alcalaidhean pl
- meatailtean alcalaidh alkali metals
- Subject: Science
- alcol
- alcohol
- n(m)
- alcol - alcohol poss calcohol - alcolan pl
- dearbh alcol absolute alcohol
- Subject: Science
- aleatoric
- aleatoric
- adj
- Subject: Music
- alga
- alga
- n(m)
- alga - alga poss calgae - algae pl
- micro-fhàs-bheairtean, fungasan agus algae microorganisms, fungi and algae
- Subject: Science
- algach
- algal
- adj
- Subject: Science
- Algeria
- Algeria
- n(f)
- Algeria - Algeria poss c
- crìochan Algeria borders of Algeria
- Subject: Geography
- Algerianach
- Algerian
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Algerianach
- Algerian
- n(m)
- Algerianaich - Algerian poss cAlgerians - Algerianaich pl
- Subject: Geography
- algoritim
- algorithm
- n(m)
- algoritim - algorithm poss calgorithms - algoritimean pl
- algoritim Euclid Euclidean algorithm
- algoritim roinnidh division algorithm
- Subject: Mathematics
- alibi
- alibi
- n(m/f)
- alibi - alibi poss calibis - alibis pl
- Subject: General
- allegro
- allegro
- n(m/f)
- allegro - allegro poss callegros - allegrothan pl
- allegro aig toiseach siomfonaidh allegro at beginning of symphony
- allegro assai allegro assai
- Subject: Music
- allemande
- allemande
- n(f)
- allemande - allemande poss callemandes - allemandeathan pl
- Subject: Music
- Allmhagh
- Alloa
- Port Allmhaigh Port of Alloa
- Subject: Geography
- allt
- stream
- n(m)
- uillt - stream poss cstreams - uillt pl
- allt lùbach meandering stream
- allt neo-chuimseach misfit stream
- Subject: Geography
- almanac
- almanac
- n(m/f)
- almanac - almanac poss calmanacs - almanacan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- almand
- almand
- n(m/f)
- almand - almand poss calmands - almandathan pl
- Subject: Music
- Alnwick
- Alnwick
- Caisteal Alnwick Alnwick Castle
- Subject: Geography
- aloidh
- alloy
- n(f)
- aloidh(e) - alloy poss calloys - aloidhean pl
- aloidh niceil nickel alloy
- aloidh titanium titanium alloy
- aloidhean iarainn iron alloys
- Subject: Science
- alt
- article
- n(m)
- uilt - article poss carticles - altan pl
- Subject: Language
- n(m)
- ALT - ALT poss c
- iuchair ALT ALT key
- taga ALT ALT tag
- Subject: Computing
- alt
- joint
- n(m)
- uilt - joint poss cjoints - altan pljoints - uilt pl
- Subject: Geography
- Altaig
- Altaic
- adj
- cànanan Altaig Altaic languages
- Subject: Language
- Altaig
- Altaic
- n(f)
- Altaig - Altaic poss c
- Subject: Language
- alto
- alto
- n(f)
- alto - alto poss caltos - altothan pl
- seinneadair alto alto singer
- Subject: Music
- alùbhiach
- alluvial
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- alùbhium
- alluvium
- n(m)
- alùbhium - alluvium poss c
- Subject: Geography
- aluiminium
- aluminium
- n(m)
- aluiminium - aluminium poss c
- Subject: Science
- Am Baile Meadhanach
- Ballymena
- muinntir a' Bhaile Mheadhanaich people of Ballymena
- Subject: Geography
- Am Blàr Dubh
- Muir of Ord
- muinntir a' Bhlàir Dhuibh people of Muir of Ord
- Subject: Geography
- Am Blàran Odhar
- Bettyhill
- taigh-tasgaidh a' Bhlàrain Odhair Bettyhill museum
- Subject: Geography
- Am Brag Mòr
- The Big Bang
- n(m)
- a' Bhraig Mhòir - The Big Bang poss c
- deasbad a' Bhraig Mhòir The Big Bang debate
- teòiridh a' Bhraig Mhòir The Big Bang theory
- Subject: Science
- àm eile
- not now
- n(m)
- Subject: Computing
- Am Monadh a Deas
- Southern Uplands
- n(m)
- beanntan a' Mhonaidh a Deas mountains of (the) Southern Uplands
- Subject: Geography
- Am Monadh Cambrian
- Cambrian Mountains
- n(m)
- A' Mhonaidh Chambrian - Cambrian Mountains poss c
- Comunn a' Mhonaidh Chambrian Cambrian Mountains Society
- Subject: Geography
- Am Monadh Dubh
- Black Mountains
- n(m)
- A' Mhonaidh Dhuibh - Black Mountains poss c
- gleann anns a' Mhonadh Dubh a valley in the Black Mountains
- Subject: Geography
- Am Monadh Liath
- Monadhliath Mountains
- n(m)
- creagan a' Mhonaidh Liath rocks of Monadhliath Mountains
- mullaich a' Mhonaidh Liath Monadhliath Mountain summits
- Subject: Geography
- Am Monadh Ruadh
- Cairngorms
- n(m)
- Pàirc Nàiseanta a' Mhonaidh Ruaidh Cairngorms National Park
- Subject: Geography
- Am Parbh
- Cape Wrath
- n(m)
- taigh-solais a' Phairbh Cape Wrath lighthouse
- Subject: Geography
- Am Peak
- The Peak
- n(m)
- a' Pheak - The Peak poss c
- Sgìre a' Pheak The Peak District
- Subject: Geography
- am Pleata Indo-Astràilianach
- Indo-Australian Plate
- Subject: Geography
- Am Pòla a Deas
- South Pole
- n(m)
- a' Phòla a Deas - South Pole poss c
- Subject: Science
- Am Pòla a Tuath
- North Pole
- n(m)
- a' Phòla a Tuath - North Pole poss c
- am Pòla cruinn-eòlach a Tuath geographic North Pole
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- am-meidheadair
- ammeter
- n(m)
- am-meidheadair - ammeter poss cammeters - am-meidheadairean pl
- Subject: Science
- amalaichte
- integrated
- adj
- ceannard theicneòlasan amalaichte head of integrated technologies
- sgrùdadh amalaichte integrated inspection
- teicneòlasan amalaichte integrated technologies
- Subject: General
- amalas
- amylase
- n(m)
- amalas - amylase poss camylase - amalasan pl
- Subject: Science
- amar
- bath
- n(m)
- amair - bath poss cbaths - amaran pl
- Subject: Technical
- Ameireaga
- America
- n(f)
- Ameireaga - America poss c
- Ameireaga a Deas South America
- Ameireaga a Deas South American
- Ameireaga a Tuath North America
- Ameireaga a Tuath North American
- buidhnean ann an Ameireaga a Tuath organisations in North America
- cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal ann an Ameireaga a Deas geography of and travel in South America
- cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal ann an Ameireaga a Tuath geography of and travel in North America
- eachdraidh Ameireaga a Deas history of South America
- eachdraidh Ameireaga a Tuath history of North America
- eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd ann an Ameireaga a Deas history of Christianity in South America
- eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd ann an Ameireaga a Tuath history of Christianity in North America
- Meadhan Ameireaga Middle America
- Na Stàitean Aonaichte United States of America
- pàipearan-naidheachd ann an Ameireaga a Tuath newspapers in North America
- saidhseansan talmhainn Ameireaga a Deas earth sciences of South America
- saidhseansan talmhainn Ameireaga a Tuath earth sciences of North America
- staitistigs choitcheann Ameireaga a Deas general statistics of South America
- staitistigs choitcheann Ameireaga a Tuath general statistics of North America
- Subject: Geography
- Ameireaga a Deas
- South America
- n phr
- cànanan dùthchasach Ameireaga a Deas South American native languages
- litreachasan dùthchasach Ameireaga a Deas South American native literature
- Pleata Ameireaga a Deas South American Plate
- Subject: Geography
- Ameireaga a Tuath
- North America
- n phr
- cànanan dùthchasach Ameireaga a Tuath North American native languages
- litreachasan dùthchasach Ameireaga a Tuath North American native literature
- Pleata Ameireaga a Tuath North American Plate
- Subject: Geography
- Ameireaganach
- American
- adj
- aistean Ameireaganach American essays
- cruinneachaidhean anns a' Bheurla Amearaganaich collections in American English
- litreachasan dùthchasach Ameireaga a Tuath North American native literature
- Subject: General
- Ameireaganach
- American
- n(m)
- Ameireaganaich - American poss cAmericans - Ameireaganaich pl
- ban-Ameireaganach American woman
- Subject: Geography
- ameireagium
- americium
- n(m)
- ameireagium - americium poss c
- Subject: Science
- amino
- amino
- adj
- searbhag amino amino acid
- Subject: Science
- amnion
- amnion
- n(m)
- amnion - amnion poss camnions - amnionan pl
- Subject: Science
- amniotaig
- amniotic
- adj
- lionn amniotaig amniotic fluid
- poca amniotaig amniotic sac
- Subject: Science
- amoeba
- amoeba
- n(f)
- amoeba - amoeba poss camoeba - amoebathan pl
- Subject: Science
- amoebach
- amoeboid
- adj
- Subject: Science
- amòinia
- ammonia
- n(m)
- amòinia - ammonia poss c
- Subject: Science
- An Abhainn Dubh
- Blackwater
- Subject: Geography
- An Abhainn Mhór
- Blackwater
- Subject: Geography
- An Abhainn Mhór
- Blackwater
- Subject: Geography
- An Abhainn Mhór
- Blackwater
- Subject: Geography
- An Abhainn Mhór
- River Blackwater
- Subject: Geography
- an aghaidh daoine gèidh
- homophobic
- n phr
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- An Aghaidh Mhòr
- Aviemore
- sgitheadh san Aghaidh Mhòir skiing in Aviemore
- stèisean na h-Aghaidh Mòire Aviemore station
- Subject: Geography
- An Àird
- Aird
- sgoil na h-Àirde Aird school
- Subject: Geography
- An Aird
- Ards Peninsula
- Subject: Geography
- an àird a deas
- south
- n phr
- na h-àird a deas - south poss c
- ghabh iad cùrsa chun na h-àird a deas they took a southerly route
- Subject: Geography
- an àird a tuath
- north
- n phr
- àird a tuath - north poss c
- bhon àird a tuath coming from a northerly direction
- daoine a thàinig bhon an àird a tuath people who came from the north
- Subject: Geography
- an àird an ear
- east
- n phr
- an eaglais thràth agus eaglaisean na h-àird an ear early church and eastern churches
- buidhnean ann an Taobh Sear na Roinn Eòrpa; anns an Ruis organizations in Eastern Europe; in Russia
- feallsanachd àrsaidh, nam meadhan-aoisean agus na h-àird an ear ancient, medieval and eastern philosophy
- feallsanachd na h-àird an ear eastern philosophy
- fir ghlice bhon àird an ear wise men from the east
- pàipearan-naidheachd ann an Taobh Sear na Roinn Eòrpa; anns an Ruis newspapers in Eastern Europe; in Russia
- Taobh Sear na Roinn Eòrpa; An Ruis Eastern Europe; Russia
- Subject: Geography
- an àird an iar
- west
- n phr
- feallsanachd meadhan-aoiseil na h-àird an iar medieval western philosophy
- feallsanachd nuadh na h-àird an iar modern western philosophy
- Subject: Geography
- An Amazon
- The Amazon
- n(f)
- Abhainn Amason Amazon River
- An Amason The Amazon
- coille-uisge na h-Amason Amazon rainforest
- Rathad Mòr na h-Amason Trans-Amazonian Highway
- Subject: Geography
- An Antartaig
- Antarctica
- n(f)
- na h-Antartaig - Antarctica poss c
- meud na h-Antartaig size of Antarctica
- Subject: Geography
- An Antartaig
- Antarctic
- n(f)
- na h-Antartaig - Antarctic poss c
- An Antartaig the Antarctic
- An Cuan Antartaigeach Antarctic Ocean
- Cearcall na h-Antartaig Antarctic Circle
- Cuan na h-Antartaig Antarctic Ocean
- mòr-thìr na h-Antartaig Antarctic continent
- Subject: Geography
- an aonamh tè deug
- eleventh
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- An Artaig
- Arctic
- n(f)
- na h-Artaig - Arctic poss c
- Artaig Cuantach Arctic Maritime
- Cearcall na h-Artaig Arctic Circle
- eileanan na h-Artaig Arctic islands
- roinn na h-Artaig Arctic region
- Subject: Geography
- An Baile Meánach
- Ballymena
- Subject: Geography
- An Baile Nua
- Newtonstewart
- Subject: Geography
- An Bhanna
- Bann
- Subject: Geography
- An Bhanna
- River Bann
- Subject: Geography
- An Bhearú
- Barrow
- Subject: Geography
- An Bhearú
- River Barrow
- Subject: Geography
- An Bhinn Mhór
- Fair Head (Moyle)
- Subject: Geography
- An Bhlarna
- Blarney
- Subject: Geography
- An Bhograch
- Boggeragh Mountains
- Subject: Geography
- An Bhóinn
- Boyne
- Subject: Geography
- An Bhóinn
- River Boyne
- Subject: Geography
- An Bhrosnach
- Brosna
- Subject: Geography
- An Bhrosnach
- River Brosna
- Subject: Geography
- An Bhuais
- Bush
- Subject: Geography
- An Bhuais
- River Bush
- Subject: Geography
- An Cabhán
- Cavan
- Subject: Geography
- An Caisleán Nua
- Newcastle
- Subject: Geography
- An Caisleán Nua
- Newcastle West
- Subject: Geography
- An Caisleán Riabhach
- Castlerea
- Subject: Geography
- An Caisteal Nuadh
- Newcastle upon Tyne
- n(m)
- a' Chaisteil Nuaidh - Newcastle upon Tyne poss c
- Oilthigh a' Chaisteil Nuaidh Newcastle University
- Subject: Geography
- An Caol Arcach
- Pentland Firth
- n(m)
- uisgeachan a' Chaoil Arcaich waters of the Pentland Firth
- Subject: Geography
- An Caribbean
- Caribbean
- n(m)
- a' Charibbean - Caribbean poss c
- Eileanan a' Charibbean the Caribbean Islands
- Muir a' Charibbean the Caribbean Sea
- sgìre a' Charibbean the region of the Caribbean
- Subject: Geography
- An Càrn Gorm
- Cairn Gorm
- n(m)
- Beinn a' Chùirn Ghuirm Cairn Gorm Mountain
- Subject: Geography
- An Ceann a Deas
- Southend
- n(m)
- muinntir a' Chinn a Deas people of Southend
- Subject: Geography
- An Ceathramh Mòr
- Kirriemuir
- clachan snaighte a' Cheathraimh Mhòir Kirriemuir sculptured stones
- Subject: Geography
- An Céide
- Keady
- Subject: Geography
- An Chanáil Mhór
- Grand Canal
- Subject: Geography
- An Chanáil Mhór
- Grand Canal
- Subject: Geography
- An Chanáil Ríoga
- Royal Canal
- Subject: Geography
- An Chathair
- Caher
- Subject: Geography
- An Cheacha
- Caha Mountains
- Subject: Geography
- An Cheviot
- The Cheviot
- n(f)
- an Cheviot - The Cheviot poss c
- 'S e an Cheviot am mullach as àirde air Monadh Cheviot the Cheviot is the highest summit in the Cheviot Hills
- Subject: Geography
- An Clachan
- Clachan
- taighean a' Chlachain Clachan houses
- Subject: Geography
- An Cliseam
- Clisham
- rathad a' Chliseim the Clisham road
- Subject: Geography
- An Clochán
- Clifden
- Subject: Geography
- An Cóbh
- Cobh
- Subject: Geography
- An Congo
- Congo
- n(f)
- a' Chongo - Congo poss c
- Poblachd Dheamocratach a' Chongo Democratic Republic of Congo
- Subject: Geography
- an Crann Arain
- the Plough
- n(m)
- a' Chrainn Arain - the Plough poss c
- Subject: Science
- An Craoslach
- Creeslough
- Subject: Geography
- an creideamh Bahai
- Bahai Faith
- n phr
- Ioslam, Babachd agus an creideamh Bahai Islam, Babism and Bahai Faith
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- An Cuan a Tuath
- North Sea
- n(m)
- a' Chuain a Tuath - North Sea poss c
- aiseagan a' Chuain a Tuath North Sea ferries
- ola a' Chuain a Tuath North Sea oil
- Subject: Geography
- An Cuan Atlantaig
- Atlantic Ocean
- n(m)
- a' Chuain Atlantaig - Atlantic Ocean poss c
- An Cuan Atlantaig agus eileanan Atlantic ocean and islands
- Rids Meadhan na h-Atlantaig Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Subject: Geography
- An Cuan Sèimh
- Pacific Ocean
- n(m)
- a' Chuain Shèimh - Pacific Ocean poss c
- An Sgìre-uisge Mhòr agus Leathad a' Chuain Shèimh Great Basin and Pacific slope region
- Cearcall Teine a’ Chuain Shèimh Pacific Ring of Fire
- ceàrnaidhean eile a' Chuain Shèimh other parts of the Pacific
- Leathad a' Chuain Shèimh Pacific slope region
- ochd-chasach mòr a’ Chuain Shèimh giant Pacific octopus
- Pleata a' Chuain Shèimh Pacific Plate
- roinn a' Chuain Shèimh Pacific region
- Subject: Geography
- An Cuan Sgìth
- Little Minch
- tonnan a' Chuain Sgìth waves of the Little Minch
- Subject: Geography
- An Cuan Siar
- Atlantic Ocean
- n(m)
- a' Chuain Shiair - Atlantic Ocean poss c
- beucail a' Chuain Shiair the roar of the Atlantic
- Subject: Geography
- An Cuiltheann
- Cullin Hills
- n(m)
- a' sreap a' Chuiltheinn climbing the Cullin Hills
- Subject: Geography
- An Daingean
- Dingle
- Subject: Geography
- An Danmhairg
- Denmark
- n(f)
- na Danmhairg - Denmark poss c
- muinntir na Danmhairg people of Denmark
- Subject: Geography
- an dara fear deug
- twelfth
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- an dara tè deug
- twelfth
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- An Druim Mòr
- Drummore
- baile an Druim Mhòir village of Drummore
- Subject: Geography
- An Dubhabhainn
- River Blackwater
- Subject: Geography
- An Eadailt
- Italy
- n(f)
- na h-Eadailt - Italy poss c
- An Eadailt agus na h-eileanan mun cuairt Italian Peninsula and adjacent islands
- An Eadailt agus tìrean mun cuairt gu 476 Italy and adjacent territories to 476
- beanntan na h-Eadailt mountains of Italy
- buidhnean anns an Eadailt agus anns na h-eileanan mun cuairt organisations in Italy and adjacent islands
- feallsanachd na h-Eadailt philosophy of Italy
- pàipearan-naidheachd anns an Eadailt agus anns na h-eileanan mun cuairt newspapers in Italy and adjacent islands
- siar air an Eadailt west of Italy
- taobh siar na h-Eadailt western Italy
- Subject: Geography
- An Eaglais Bhreac
- Falkirk
- Blàr na h-Eaglaise Brice Battle of Falkirk
- Subject: Geography
- an ear
- easterly
- adj
- gaoth an ear an easterly wind
- Subject: Geography
- An Earagail
- Errigal Mountain
- Subject: Geography
- An Eilbheis
- Switzerland
- n(f)
- na h-Eilbheis - Switzerland poss c
- beanntan na h-Eilbheis mountains of Switzerland
- Subject: Geography
- An Èipheit
- Egypt
- n(f)
- na h-Èipheit - Egypt poss c
- An Èipheit gu 640 Egypt to 640
- eachdraidh na h-Èipheit history of Egypt
- Subject: Geography
- An Feabhal
- Foyle
- Subject: Geography
- An Feabhal
- River Foyle
- Subject: Geography
- An Fhéil
- Feale
- Subject: Geography
- An Fhéil
- River Feale
- Subject: Geography
- An Fheoir
- Nore
- Subject: Geography
- An Fhinn
- Finn
- Subject: Geography
- An Fhinn
- River Finn
- Subject: Geography
- An Fhraing
- France
- n(f)
- na Frainge - France poss c
- àireamh-sluaigh na Frainge population of France
- An Fhraing agus Monaco France and Monaco
- buidhnean anns an Fhraing agus ann am Monaco organisations in France and Monaco
- feallsanachd na Frainge philosophy of France
- pàipearan-naidheachd anns an Fhraing agus ann am Monaco newspapers in France and Monaco
- Subject: Geography
- An Fhùirneis
- Furnace
- muinntir na Fùirneis people of Furnace
- Subject: Geography
- An Gearasdan
- Fort William
- camanachd a' Ghearasdain Fort William shinty
- Subject: Geography
- An Gleann Garbh
- Glengarriff
- Subject: Geography
- An Gort
- Gort (Gallway)
- Subject: Geography
- an iar
- westerly
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- an iar
- westerly
- adv
- gaoth an iar a westerly wind
- Subject: Geography
- An Laoi
- Lee
- Subject: Geography
- An Laoi
- River Lee
- Subject: Geography
- an làrach nam bonn
- impromptu
- adv phr
- Subject: General
- An Leargaidh Ghallta
- Largs
- Blàr na Leargaidh Ghallta Battle of Largs
- Subject: Geography
- An Life
- Liffey
- Subject: Geography
- An Life
- River Liffey
- Subject: Geography
- An Lighe Ratharsaireach
- Inner Sound
- n(f)
- uisge na Lighe Ratharsairich water of Inner Sound
- Subject: Geography
- An Linne Latharnach
- Firth of Lorn
- n(f)
- uisge na Linne Latharnaich water of Firth of Lorn
- Subject: Geography
- An Linne Ratharsaireach
- Sound of Raasay
- n(f)
- tursan-iasgaich na Linne Ratharsairich Sound of Raasay fishing trips
- Subject: Geography
- An Linne Rosach
- Sound of Jura
- n(f)
- sgeirean na Linne Rosaich Sound of Jura skerries
- Subject: Geography
- An Linne Sheileach
- Loch Linnhe
- n(f)
- Fad na Linne Seilich Length of Loch Linnhe
- Subject: Geography
- An Linne Shlèiteach
- Sound of Sleat
- n(f)
- uisge na Linne Shlèitich water of (the) Sound of Sleat
- Subject: Geography
- An Lios Mór
- Lismore
- Subject: Geography
- An Loch a Tuath
- Broad Bay
- sgìre an Loch a Tuath Broad Bay district
- Subject: Geography
- An Longfort
- Longford
- Subject: Geography
- An Lorgain
- Lurgan
- Subject: Geography
- An Luirg
- Lairg
- seachdain-gala na Luirg Lairg gala week
- Subject: Geography
- An Mhaing
- Maine
- Subject: Geography
- An Mhaing
- River Maine
- Subject: Geography
- An Mhean
- Main
- Subject: Geography
- An Mhuaidh
- Moy
- Subject: Geography
- An Mhuaidh
- River Moy
- Subject: Geography
- An Muileann gCearr
- Mullingar
- Subject: Geography
- An Muirthead
- Mullet Peninsula
- Subject: Geography
- An Nás
- Naas
- Subject: Geography
- An Òlaind
- Netherlands
- n(f)
- na h-Òlaind - Netherlands poss c
- Rìoghachd na h-Òlaind Kingdom of Netherlands
- Subject: Geography
- An Ómaigh
- Omagh
- Subject: Geography
- An Ostair
- Austria
- n(f)
- na h-Ostair - Austria poss c
- Ìompaireachd na h-Ostair Austrian Empire
- Poblachd na h-Ostair Republic of Austria
- siubhal dhan Ostair travel to Austria
- Subject: Geography
- An Pasáiste Thiar
- Passage West
- Subject: Geography
- An Pointe
- Warrenpoint
- Subject: Geography
- An Ráth
- Rath Luirc
- Subject: Geography
- An Rìoghachd Aonaichte
- United Kingdom
- n(f)
- na Rìoghachd Aonaichte - United Kingdom poss c
- Pàrlamaid na Rìoghachd Aonaichte United Kingdom Parliament
- Subject: Geography
- An Roinn Eòrpa
- Europe
- n(f)
- na Roinn Eòrpa - Europe poss c
- An Roinn Eòrpa tuath agus an iar air an Eadailt gu ca. 499 Europe north and west of Italy to ca. 499
- buidhnean ann an Taobh Sear na Roinn Eòrpa organisations in Eastern Europe
- ceàrnaidhean eile na Roinn Eòrpa other parts of Europe
- cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal anns an Roinn Eòrpa geography of and travel in Europe
- eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd san Roinn Eòrpa history of Christianity in Europe
- eachdraidh na Roinn-Eòrpa history of Europe
- Meadhan na Roinn Eòrpa Central Europe
- pàipearan-naidheachd ann am meadhan na Roinn Eòrpa newspapers in Central Europe
- saidhseansan talmhainn na Roinn Eòrpa earth sciences of Europe
- staitistigs choitcheann na Roinn Eòrpa general statistics of Europe
- Taobh Sear na Roinn Eòrpa Eastern Europe
- Subject: Geography
- An Ros Muileach
- Ross of Mull
- n(m)
- cladach an Rois Mhuilich shore of (the) Ross of Mull
- Subject: Geography
- An Ruadh-Ghleann
- Rutherglen
- stèisean-rèile An Ruadh-Ghlinn Rutherglen railway station
- Subject: Geography
- An Ruis
- Russia
- n(f)
- na Ruis - Russia poss c
- An Ruis Àisianach Asiatic Russia
- buidhnean ann an Taobh Sear na Roinn Eòrpa; anns an Ruis organizations in Eastern Europe; in Russia
- muinntir na Ruis people of Russia
- pàipearan-naidheachd ann an Taobh Sear na Roinn Eòrpa; anns an Ruis newspapers in Eastern Europe; in Russia
- Taobh Sear na Roinn Eòrpa; An Ruis Eastern Europe; Russia
- Subject: Geography
- An Ruis
- Russian Federation
- n(f)
- na Ruis - Russian Federation poss c
- ceanna-bhaile na Ruis capital city of the Russian Federation
- comann-sòisealta na Ruis Russian society
- Subject: Geography
- An Sciobairín
- Skibbereen
- Subject: Geography
- An Scoil
- Skull
- Subject: Geography
- An Seanncheann
- Old Head of Kinale
- Subject: Geography
- An Sgarp
- Scarp
- falamhachadh na Sgarp evacuation of Scarp
- Subject: Geography
- An Sgùrr Mòr
- Sgurr Mor
- n(m)
- àirde an Sgùrr Mhòir height of Sgurr Mor
- Subject: Geography
- An Solent
- The Solent
- n(m)
- an t-Solent - The Solent poss c
- 'S e caolas eadar Eilean Wight agus tìr-mòr Shasainn a th' anns an t-Solent The Solent is a strait between the Isle of Wight and the mainland of England
- Blàr an t-Solent Battle of the Solent
- Subject: Geography
- An Spàinn
- Spain
- n(f)
- na Spàinne - Spain poss c
- Rìgh na Spàinne King of Spain
- Subject: Geography
- An Srath Bán
- Strabane
- Subject: Geography
- An Stòr
- The Storr
- n(m)
- caisead an Stòir steepness of The Storr
- Subject: Geography
- An t-Aonadh Eòrpach (EU)
- European Union (EU)
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- an t-aonamh fear deug
- eleventh
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- An t-Àrd-Ruigh
- Airdrie
- sgoiltean an Àrd-Ruighe schools of Airdrie
- Subject: Geography
- An t-Àth Leathann
- Broadford
- sràidean an Àth Leathainn streets of Broadford
- Subject: Geography
- An t-Eilean Naomh
- Holy Island
- n(m)
- an Eilein Naoimh - Holy Island poss c
- An t-Eilean Naomh, A' Chuimrigh a Tuath Holy Island, North Wales
- Subject: Geography
- An t-Eilean Sgitheanach
- Skye
- n(m)
- muinntir an Eilein Sgitheanaich people of Skye
- Subject: Geography
- An t-Òban
- Oban
- Mòd an Òbain Oban Mod
- port-adhair an Òbain Oban airport
- Subject: Geography
- An t-Seann Chathair
- Sanquhar
- seann oifis-puist na Seann Chathrach Sanquhar old post office
- Subject: Geography
- An t-Sròn Reamhar
- Stranraer
- Caisteal na Sròine Reamhair Stranraer Castle
- Subject: Geography
- An t-Suain
- Sweden
- n(f)
- na Suain - Sweden poss c
- Rìgh na Suain King of Sweden
- Subject: Geography
- An Tairbeart
- Tarbert
- aiseag an Tairbeirt Tarbert ferry
- Subject: Geography
- An Tairbeart
- Tarbet
- baile an Tairbeirt village of Tarbet
- Subject: Geography
- An tAonach
- Nenagh
- Subject: Geography
- An Teampall Mór
- Templemore
- Subject: Geography
- An tInbhear Mór
- Arklow
- Subject: Geography
- An tIúr
- Newry
- Subject: Geography
- An Truthail
- Troon
- raon goilf an Truthail Troon golf course
- Subject: Geography
- An tSionainn
- Shannon
- Subject: Geography
- An tSiúir
- Suir
- Subject: Geography
- An tSláine
- Slaney
- Subject: Geography
- An tSuca
- Suck
- Subject: Geography
- An Tuirc
- Turkey
- n(f)
- na Tuirce - Turkey poss c
- Poblachd na Tuirce Republic of Turkey
- Subject: Geography
- An Tulach
- Tullow
- Subject: Geography
- An Uaimh
- Navan
- Subject: Geography
- An Ugràin
- Ukraine
- n(f)
- na h-Ugràin(e) - Ukraine poss c
- àireamh-sluaigh na h-Ugràin population of the Ukraine
- Subject: Geography
- An Ungair
- Hungary
- n(f)
- na h-Ungaire - Hungary poss c
- Poblachd na h-Ungaire Republic of Hungary
- Subject: Geography
- An Wash
- The Wash
- n(m)
- a' Wash - The Wash poss c
- cruinn-eòlas a' Wash geography of the Wash
- Subject: Geography
- An Wrekin
- The Wrekin
- n(m)
- a' Wrekin - The Wrekin poss c
- Urras Taigheadais a' Wrekin The Wrekin Housing Trust
- Subject: Geography
- an-aidheonach
- anionic
- adj
- Subject: Science
- an-èarobaig
- anaerobic
- adj
- bha e an-èarobaig air sgàth cus ogsaidein he was anaerobic due to too much oxygen
- Subject: Science
- an-gnìomh
- acting
- adj
- ceannard roinne an-gnìomh acting head of department
- deadhan an-gnìomh, saidheans agus teicneòlas acting dean of science and technology
- Subject: General
- ana-cnàmhach
- indigestible
- adj
- biadh ana-cnàmhach indigestible food
- Subject: Science
- ana-cnàmhadh
- indigestion
- n(m)
- ana-cnàmhaidh - indigestion poss c
- Subject: Science
- anabharr
- improper
- adj
- bloigh anabharr improper fraction
- bloigh anabharr vulgar fraction
- Subject: Mathematics
- anaconda
- anaconda
- n(f)
- anaconda - anaconda poss canaconda - anacondathan pl
- Subject: Science
- anacrusis
- anacrusis
- n(f)
- anacrusis - anacrusis poss canacruses - anancruses pl
- Subject: Music
- anagram
- anagram
- n(m/f)
- anagram - anagram poss canagrams - anagraman pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- anail
- breath
- n(f)
- anail(e) - breath poss canalach - breath poss cbreaths - anailean pl
- anail na beatha the breath of life
- leig d' anail get your breath back
- Subject: Science
- anailis
- analysis
- n(f)
- anailis - analysis poss canalyses - anailisean pl
- anailis àireamhach numerical analysis
- dàta agus anailis data and analysis
- Subject: General
- anailiseach
- analytical
- adj
- ceimigeachd anailiseach analytical chemistry
- Subject: General
- anainn
- eaves
- n(f)
- anainn(e) - eaves poss ceaves - anainnean pl
- Subject: Technical
- analachadh
- respiration
- n(m)
- analachaidh - respiration poss c
- analachadh an-èarobaig anaerobic respiration
- reat-analachaidh respiration rate
- siostam analachaidh respiratory system
- siostam iom-fhillte an analachaidh the complex respiratory system
- Subject: Science
- analog
- analogue
- n(m/f)
- analog - analogue poss canalogues - analogan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- anam
- soul
- n(m)
- anama - soul poss csouls - anaman plsouls - anamannan pl
- tùs agus crìoch anaman fa leth origin and destiny of individual souls
- Subject: General
- Ancara
- Ankara
- meadhan Ankara centre of Ankara
- Subject: Geography
- Andòra
- Andorra
- n(f)
- Andòra - Andorra poss c
- beanntan Andòra mountains of Andorra
- crìochan Andòra Andorra's borders
- Subject: Geography
- Angòla
- Angola
- n(f)
- Angòla - Angola poss c
- muinntir Angòla people of Angola
- Poblachd Angòla Republic of Angola
- Subject: Geography
- Angòlanach
- Angolan
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Angòlanach
- Angolan
- n(m)
- Angòlanaich - Angolan poss cAngolans - Angòlanaich pl
- Subject: Geography
- ann am matraigs
- arrayed
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- antamonaidh
- antimony
- n(m)
- antamonaidh - antimony poss c
- Subject: Science
- antartaigeach
- antarctic
- adj
- aimsir antartaigeach antarctic weather
- am Pleata Antartaigeach Antarctic Plate
- Subject: Geography
- anti-biotaig
- antibiotic
- n(m)
- anti-biotaig - antibiotic poss cantibiotics - anti-biotaigean pl
- Subject: Science
- anti-ogsaideant
- anti-oxidant
- n(m)
- anti-ogsaideant - anti-oxidant poss c
- Subject: Science
- anti-saidhcleon
- anticyclone
- n(m)
- anti-saidhcleon - anticyclone poss canticyclones - anti-saidhcleonan pl
- Subject: Geography
- anti-seaptaig
- anti-septic
- adj
- Subject: Science
- antifonail
- antiphonal
- adj
- Subject: Music
- Antigua agus Barbuda
- Antigua and Barbuda
- n(f)
- Antigua agus Barbuda - Antigua and Barbuda poss c
- eileanan Antigua Agus Barbuda islands of Antigua and Barbuda
- Subject: Geography
- antropaig
- anthropic
- adj
- prionnsabal antropaig anthropic principle
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- anus
- anus
- n(f)
- anus - anus poss canuses - anusan pl
- sgiath anus anal fin
- Subject: Science
- aodach
- clothing
- n(m)
- aodaich - clothing poss c
- aodach agus sgeadachadh clothing and accessories
- fuaigheal, aodach agus beatha làitheil sewing, clothing and personal living
- Subject: Home Economics
- aodach fighte
- textile
- n phr
- aodach fighte Ghalashiels Galashiels textiles
- ealain aodach fìghte textile arts
- Subject: Home Economics
- aodann
- face
- n(m)
- aodainn - face poss cfaces - aodainn pl
- aodainn cheàrnagach square faces
- aodann cearcaill circle face
- aodann claon sloping face
- aodann còmhnard flat face
- aodann flat flat face
- aodann rèidh flat face
- aodann triantain triangle face
- aodann triantanach triangular face
- trastan aodainn face diagonal
- Subject: Mathematics
- aoghaireil
- pastoral
- adj
- cùram aoghaireil theaghlaichean agus dhaoine eadar-dhealaichte pastoral care of families and kinds of persons
- cùram is comhairle pastoral care
- gnàthas aoghaireil Crìosdail agus òrdughan cràbhach Christian pastoral practice and religious orders
- oifig agus obair aoghaireil pastoral office and work
- siomfonaidh pastarail pastoral symphony
- Subject: General
- aoigheachd
- hospitality
- n(f)
- aoigheachd - hospitality poss c
- Aoigheachd - Teisteanais Nàiseanta Hospitality - National Qualifications
- Subject: General
- aoir
- satire
- n(f)
- aoir(e) - satire poss csatires - aoirean pl
- aoir a rinn Iain MacIlleathain air bàrd eile a satire by John Maclean on another bard
- Subject: General
- aoireadh
- satire
- n(f)
- aoiridh - satire poss c
- aoireadh Spàinntis Spanish satire
- Subject: General
- aol-charragh
- stalagmite
- n(f)
- aol-charraigh - stalagmite poss cstalagmites - aol-charraighean pl
- Subject: Geography
- aol-chluigean
- stalactite
- n(m)
- aol-chluigein - stalactite poss cstalactites - aol-chluigeanan pl
- Subject: Geography
- aom
- slope
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- aomach
- sloping
- adj
- an taobh aomach the sloping side
- Subject: Mathematics
- aomadh
- slope
- n(m)
- aomaidh - slope poss cslopes - aomaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- aon
- one
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- aon-deug
- eleven
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- aon-ghuthach
- unison
- adj
- seinn aon-ghuthach unison singing
- Subject: Music
- aon-shligheach
- one-way
- adj
- sràid aon-shligheach one-way street
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- aon-theirmeach
- monomial
- n(m)
- aon-theirmeach - monomial poss cmonomials - aon-theirmich pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- aon-theirmeach
- monomial
- adj
- ’s e abairt aon-theirmeach a th’ ann an 3xy 3xy is a monomial expression
- Subject: Mathematics
- aonad
- unit
- n(m)
- aonaid - unit poss cunits - aonadan pl
- aonad ceàrnagach square unit
- aonad-minig repeating unit
- aonad-obrach work unit
- aonadan neo-àbhaisteach non-standard units
- aonadan reultach (AR) astronomical units
- bheactor-aonaid unit vector
- bun-aonad basic unit
- ceudan, deichean agus aonadan hundreds, tens and units
- chun an aonaid as fhaisge to the nearest unit
- Subject: Mathematics
- aonadach
- unitary
- adj
- an dòigh aonadach the unitary method
- Subject: Mathematics
- aonaichte
- united
- adj
- An Rìoghachd Aonaichte United Kingdom
- Na h-Emirates Arabach Aonaichte United Arab Emirates
- Na Stàitean Aonaichte United States
- Subject: General
- aonaichte
- integrated
- adj
- cuairt aonaichte integrated circuit
- muileann-stàilinn aonaichte integrated steelworks
- Subject: General
- aonaran
- loner
- n(m)
- aonarain - loner poss cloners - aonarain pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- Aontroim
- Antrim
- Subject: Geography
- aotrom
- light
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- apa
- ape
- n(m)
- apa - ape poss capes - apaichean pl
- Subject: Science
- apex
- apex
- n(m)
- apex - apex poss capexes - apexan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- Apocrypha
- Apocrypha
- n(m)
- Apocrypha - Apocrypha poss c
- Apocrypha agus Pseudepigrapha Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- ar-a-mach
- revolution
- n(m)
- ar-a-mach - revolution poss crevolutions - ar-a-mach pl
- Ar-a-mach na Frainge The French Revolution
- Ar-a-mach nan Seumasach The Jacobite Rebellion
- Subject: GeneralHistory
- Arabach
- Arab
- adj
- an t-Ar-a-mach Arabach the Arab Uprising
- Na h-Emirates Arabach Aonaichte United Arab Emirates (UAE)
- Subject: Geography
- Arabais
- Arabic
- n(f)
- Arabais - Arabic poss c
- Subject: Language
- Aràbianach
- Arabian
- adj
- An Leth-eilean Aràbianach the Arabian Peninsula
- càmhal Aràbianach Arabian camel
- Subject: Geography
- àrach fheusgan
- mussel farming
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- àrachas
- insurance
- n(m)
- àrachais - insurance poss c
- Àrachas Nàiseanta National Insurance
- àrachas treas-partaidh third party insurance
- Subject: GeneralMathematics
- arachniod
- arachnid
- n(m)
- arachniod - arachnid poss carachnids - arachniodan pl
- Subject: Science
- àradh
- ladder
- n(m)
- àraidh - ladder poss cladders - àraidhean pl
- Subject: General
- Arainn
- Arran
- Eilean Arainn Isle of Arran
- Subject: Geography
- àrainn
- zone
- n(f)
- àrainn(e) - zone poss czones - àrainnean pl
- àrainn phàrantan parent zone
- Subject: General
- àrainn
- habitat
- n(f)
- àrainn(e) - habitat poss chabitats - àrainnean pl
- àrainn ainmhidhean animal habitat
- àrainn fiadh-bheatha wildlife habitat
- Prògraman Glèidhteachas Àrainnean Habitat Conservation Programmes
- Subject: Geography
- Árainn Mhór
- Aran Island
- Subject: Geography
- àrainneachd
- environment
- n(f)
- àrainneachd - environment poss cenvironments - àrainneachdan pl
- àrainneachd bhailteil urban environment
- àrainneachd nàdarra natural environment
- Buidheann Dìon Àrainneachd na h-Alba (SEPA) Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
- cleachdaidhean neo-mhillteach don àrainneachd environmentally positive behaviour
- daoine, àite agus àrainneachd people, place and environment
- lùth san àrainneachd energy in the environment
- manaidseadh stòrasan na h-àrainneachd managing environmental resources
- neo-mhillteach don àrainneachd environmentally friendly
- suirbhidh càileachd àrainneachd environmental quality survey
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- àrainneachdail
- environmental
- adj
- gàbhadh àrainneachdail environmental hazard
- stòrasan na h-àrainneachd environmental resources
- suirbhidh càileachd àrainneachd environmental quality survey
- Subject: Geography
- Àrasaig
- Arisaig
- Taigh-òsta Àrasaig Arisaig Hotel
- Subject: Geography
- Arastotalach
- Aristotelian
- adj
- feallsanachdan Arastotalach Aristotelian philosophy
- Subject: General
- arc
- arc
- n(m/f)
- arc - arc poss carcs - arcan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- àrc
- cork
- n(f)
- àirce - cork poss càrca - cork poss ccorks - àrcan pl
- Subject: Technical
- Arcaibh
- Orkney
- Eileanan Arcaibh Orkney Islands
- muinntir Eileanan Arcaibh people of the Orkney Islands
- Subject: Geography
- arco
- arco
- n(m)
- arco - arco poss carcos - arcothan pl
- Subject: Music
- àrd
- high
- adj
- talamh àrd high land
- Subject: MathematicsGeographyScience
- àrd
- tall
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- Ard an Fhéaraigh
- Mizen Head
- Subject: Geography
- Ard Mhacha
- Armagh
- Subject: Geography
- àrd-chlàr
- plateau
- n(m)
- àrd-chlàir - plateau poss cplateaux - àrd-chlàran pl
- Mesopotàmia agus Àrd-chlàr Iran gu 637 Mesopotamia and Iranian Plateau to 637
- Subject: Geography
- àrd-chlàr
- tableland
- n(m)
- àrd-chlàir - tableland poss ctablelands - àrd-chlàran pl
- àrd-chlàr Atherton Atherton Tableland
- àrd-chlàr Bharkly Barkly Tableland
- Subject: Geography
- àrd-chleaf
- treble clef
- n(m)
- àrd-chleaf - treble clef poss ctreble clefs - àrd-chleafan pl
- Subject: Music
- àrd-sgoil
- secondary
- n(f)
- àrd-sgoile - secondary poss csecondaries - àrd-sgoiltean pl
- a' cur ri foghlam àrd-sgoile enhancing secondary school education
- foghlam àrd-sgoile secondary education
- Subject: General
- àrd-thalamh
- highlands
- n(m)
- àrd-thalaimh - highlands poss c
- àrd-thalamh Bhrasil Brazilian Highlands
- àrd-thalamh Etiòpia Ethiopian Highlands
- Subject: Geography
- àrd-thalamh
- upland
- n(m)
- àrd-thalaimh - upland poss c
- àrd-thalamh clach-aoil limestone upland
- àrd-thalamh eighichte glaciated upland
- clach-aoil àrd-thalamh upland limestone
- Subject: Geography
- àrd-ùrlar
- stage
- n(m)
- àrd-ùrlair - stage poss cstages - àrd-ùrlair pl
- taisbeanaidhean àrd-ùrlair stage presentations
- Subject: General
- àrdachadh
- elevation
- n(m)
- àrdachaidh - elevation poss celevations - àrdachaidhean pl
- àrdachadh-aghaidh front elevation
- àrdachadh-cinn end elevation
- àrdachadh-cliathaich side elevation
- ceàrn-àrdachaidh angle of elevation
- Subject: Mathematics
- àrdachadh
- appreciation
- n(m)
- àrdachaidh - appreciation poss cappreciations - àrdachaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- àrdachadh
- increase
- n(m)
- àrdachaidh - increase poss cincreases - àrdachaidhean pl
- àrdachadh ceudadach percentage increase
- àrdachadh pàighidh pay increase
- Subject: Mathematics
- àrdaich
- elevate
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- àrdaich
- increase
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- àrdail
- cardinal
- adj
- àireamh àrdail cardinal number
- figear àrdail cardinal numeral
- Subject: Mathematics
- Arête
- Arête
- n(m)
- Arête - Arête poss cArêtes - Arêtean pl
- Subject: Geography
- argamaid
- argument
- n(f)
- argamaid(e) - argument poss carguments - argamaidean pl
- a' toirt argamaidean air adhart developing arguments
- argamaid agus ìmpidheachd argument and persuasion
- argamaid chosmeòlasach cosmological argument
- argamaid dealbhaidh design argument
- argamaid thele-eòlasach teleological argument
- Subject: General
- Argentina
- Argentina
- n(f)
- Argentina - Argentina poss c
- beanntan Argentina mountains of Argentina
- Subject: Geography
- Argentinianach
- Argentinian
- adj
- ball-coise Argentinianach Argentinian football
- Subject: Geography
- Argentinianach
- Argentinian
- n(m)
- Argentinianaich - Argentinian poss cArgentinians - Argentinianaich pl
- tha na h-Argentinianaich math air ball-coise the Argentinians are good at football
- Subject: Geography
- argon
- argon
- n(m)
- argoin - argon poss c
- Subject: Science
- arioso
- arioso
- n(m)
- arioso - arioso poss cariosos - ariosothan pl
- Subject: Music
- aritmeataig
- arithmetic
- n(f)
- aritmeataig - arithmetic poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- aritmeataigeach
- arithmetic
- adj
- cuibheas aritmeataigeach arithmetic mean
- òrdugh aritmeataigeach arithmetic sequence
- sreath arimteataigeach arithmetic series
- Subject: Mathematics
- arm
- army
- n(m)
- airm - army poss carmies - airm pl
- an t-arm the army
- an t-Arm Dearg the Red Army
- An t-Arm Dùthchail Territorial Army
- lannsair-airm army surgeon
- tha e anns an arm he is in the army
- Subject: General
- armachd
- weaponry
- n(f)
- armachd - weaponry poss c
- armachd niuclasach nuclear weapons
- Subject: General
- armailt
- army
- n(m)
- armailt(e) - army poss carmies - armailtean pl
- armailt an army
- armailt Shasainn English army
- Subject: General
- armailteach
- military
- adj
- còmhlan airm military band
- einnseanaireachd airm agus seòlaidh military and nautical engineering
- lagh armailteach military law
- rianachd phoblach agus saidheans armailteach public administration and military science
- rianachd phoblach agus seirbheis armailteach public administration and military service
- saidheansan armailteach military sciences
- seirbheis armailteach military service
- Subject: General
- Arminia
- Armenia
- n(f)
- Arminia - Armenia poss c
- beanntan Arminia mountains of Armenia
- Poblachd Arminia Republic of Armenia
- Subject: Geography
- Arminianach
- Armenian
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Arminianach
- Armenian
- n(m)
- Arminianaich - Armenian poss cArmenians - Arminianaich pl
- Subject: Geography
- Arminianais
- Armenian
- n(f)
- Arminianais - Armenian poss c
- a' bruidhinn Arminianais speaking Armenian
- Subject: Geography
- arpeggio
- arpeggio
- n(m/f)
- arpeggio - arpeggio poss carpeggios - arpeggiothan pl
- Subject: Music
- àrsaidh
- ancient
- adj
- ceàrnaidhean eile den t-saoghal àrsaidh gu ca. 640 other parts of ancient world to ca. 640
- cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal anns an t-saoghal àrsaidh geography of and travel in ancient world
- eachdraidh an t-saoghail àrsaidh gu ca. 499 history of ancient world to ca. 499
- feallsanachd àrsaidh, nam meadhan-aoisean agus na h-àird an ear ancient, medieval and eastern philosophy
- Subject: General
- arsnaig
- arsenic
- n(f)
- arsnaig - arsenic poss c
- Subject: Science
- Artaig Cuantach
- Arctic Maritime
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Artaigeach
- Arctic
- adj
- An Cuan Artaigeach Arctic Ocean
- Tèarmann Nàiseanta Fiadh-bheatha Artaigeach Arctic National Wildlife Reserve
- Subject: Geography
- artaigil
- article
- n(m)
- artaigil - article poss carticles - artaigilean pl
- Subject: Language
- artropod
- arthropod
- n(m)
- artropoid - arthropod poss carthropods - artropodan pl
- artropodan fosaileach fossil arthropods
- Subject: Science
- as àirde
- highest
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- as àirde
- tallest
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- as àirde
- maximum
- adj
- luach as àirde maximum value
- puing-tionndaidh as àirde maximum turning point
- Subject: Mathematics
- as aotruime
- lightest
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- as coltaiche
- most likely
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- as cuinge
- narrowest
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- as fhaide
- longest
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- as giorra
- shortest
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- as ìsle
- lowest
- sup
- teirm as ìsle lowest term
- Subject: Mathematics
- as ìsle
- minimum
- adj
- puing-tionndaidh as ìsle minimum turning point
- Subject: Mathematics
- as leatha
- broadest
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- as leatha
- widest
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- as leithne
- broadest
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- as leithne
- widest
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- as lugha
- smallest
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- as lugha
- minimum
- adj
- luach as lugha minimum value
- Subject: Mathematics
- as motha
- largest
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- as motha
- biggest
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- as motha
- maximum
- adj
- luach as motha maximum value
- Subject: Mathematics
- as neo-choltaiche
- least likely
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- as sìmplidhe
- simplest
- sup
- an riochd as sìmplidhe simplest form
- Subject: Mathematics
- as taine
- thinnest
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- as tighe
- thickest
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- as truime
- heaviest
- sup
- Subject: Mathematics
- às-bhailteachadh
- counter-urbanisation
- n(m)
- às-bhailteachaidh - counter-urbanisation poss c
- Subject: Geography
- às-imrich
- emigration
- n(f)
- às-imrich(e) - emigration poss c
- Subject: Geography
- às-mhalairt
- export
- n(f) / n
- às-mhalairt - export poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneralBusiness Studies
- às-mhalairt
- export
- vb
- bidh Alba ag às-mhalairt iasg Scotland exports fish
- Subject: GeographyGeneralBusiness Studies
- às-mheadhanachadh
- decentralisation
- n(m)
- às-mheadhanachaidh - decentralisation poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- asamptot
- asymptote
- n(m)
- asamptot - asymptote poss casymptotes - asamptotan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- Asarbajan
- Azerbaijan
- n(f)
- Asarbajan - Azerbaijan poss c
- mapaichean de dh'Asarbajan maps of Azerbaijan
- Poblachd Asarbajan Republic of Azerbaijan
- Subject: Geography
- asna
- rib
- asna - rib poss cribs - asnaichean pl
- cliabh asnaichean ribcage
- Subject: Science
- astar
- distance
- n(m)
- astair - distance poss cdistances - astaran pl
- astar reultach (AR) astronomical distance
- astar-meadhain median distance
- astar-stad stopping distance
- Subject: Mathematics
- astar-stad
- stopping distance
- n(m)
- astair-stad - stopping distance poss cstopping distances - astaran-stad pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- astaroid
- asteroid
- n(f)
- astaroid - asteroid poss casteroids - astaroidean pl
- Subject: Science
- astatain
- astatine
- n(f)
- astatain - astatine poss c
- Subject: Science
- Astràilia
- Australia
- n(f)
- Astràilia - Australia poss c
- cangarùthan Astràilia Australia's kangaroos
- Subject: Geography
- Astràilianach
- Australian
- adj
- am Pleata Indo-Astràilianach Indo-Australian Plate
- Indo-Astràilianach Indo-Australian
- spòrs Astràilianach Australian sport
- Subject: Geography
- Astràilianach
- Australian
- n(m)
- Astràilianaich - Australian poss cAustralians - Astràilianaich pl
- Subject: Geography
- Astronìsianach
- Austronesian
- adj
- cànanan Astronìsianach Austronesian languages
- litreachasan Astronìsianach Austronesian literatures
- Subject: Language
- atam
- atom
- n(m)
- ataim - atom poss catoms - ataman pl
- Subject: Science
- atamach
- atomic
- adj
- boma atamach atomic bomb
- cumhachd atamach atomic power
- Subject: Science
- àth
- ford
- n(m)
- àth - ford poss cfords - àthan pl
- Subject: Geography
- Áth Trasna
- Newmarket
- Subject: Geography
- ath-bheothachadh
- regeneration
- n(m)
- ath-bheothachaidh - regeneration poss c
- ath-bheothachadh bailteil urban regeneration
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- ath-bhreith
- rebirth
- n(f)
- ath-bhreith - rebirth poss c
- Subject: General
- ath-chleachdadh
- reuse
- n(m)
- ath-chleachdaidh - reuse poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- ath-chluiche
- repetition
- n(f)
- ath-chluiche - repetition poss crepetitions - ath-chluichean pl
- Subject: Music
- ath-cholainneadh
- reincarnation
- n(m)
- ath-cholainnidh - reincarnation poss creincarnations - ath-cholainnidhean pl
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- ath-chuartachadh
- recycling
- n(m)
- ath-chuartachaidh - recycling poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- ath-dhèan
- redo
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- ath-dhèanamh
- iterative
- adj
- Subject: Language
- ath-fhuaim
- resonance
- n(m/f)
- ath-fhuaim - resonance poss cresonances - ath-fhuaimean pl
- Subject: GeneralMusic
- ath-ghineamhainn
- regeneration
- n(m)
- ath-ghineamhainn - regeneration poss c
- Subject: Geography
- ath-innse
- recapitulation
- n(f)
- ath-innse - recapitulation poss crecapitulations - ath-innse pl
- dèan ath-innse trì tursan air a' phìos do three recapitulations of the piece
- Subject: Music
- ath-leasachadh
- reform
- n(m) / n
- ath-leasachaidh - reform poss creforms - ath-leasachaidhean pl
- ath-leasachadh fearainn land reform
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- ath-leasachadh
- redevelopment
- n(m)
- ath-leasachaidh - redevelopment poss credevelopments - ath-leasachaidhean pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- ath-leasachail
- reform
- adj
- seactaichean agus gluasadan ath-leasachail sects and reform movements
- Subject: General
- ath-leasaichte
- reformed
- adj
- an Eaglais Ath-leasaichte the Reformed Church
- Clèireach, Ath-leasaichte agus Coitheanalach Presbyterian, Reformed and Congregational
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- ath-nuadhachadh
- renewal
- n(m)
- ath-nuadhachaidh - renewal poss c
- ath-nuadhachadh bailteil urban renewal
- ath-nuadhachadh spioradail spiritual renewal
- Subject: General
- ath-nuadhachadh
- renovation
- n(m)
- ath-nuadhachaidh - renovation poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- ath-nuadhachail
- renewable
- adj
- lùth ath-nuadhachail renewable energy
- lùthan ath-nuadhachail renewables
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- ath-rèiteachadh
- rearrangement
- n(m)
- ath-rèiteachaidh - rearrangement poss crearrangements - ath-rèiteachaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ath-rèitich
- rearrange
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- ath-riochdachadh
- adaptation
- n(m)
- ath-riochdachaidh - adaptation poss cadaptations - ath-riochdachaidhean pl
- freagarrachd an ath-riochdachaidh suitability of the adaptation
- Subject: Music
- ath-riochdaichte
- adapted
- adj
- Subject: Music
- ath-sgrìobh
- copy
- vb
- ath-sgrìobh agus crìochnaich copy and complete
- Subject: Mathematics
- ath-sgrùd
- check-up
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- ath-sgrùd
- revise
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- ath-sgrùdadh
- revision
- n(m)
- ath-sgrùdaidh - revision poss crevisions - ath-sgrùdaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ath-sgrùdadh
- check-up
- n(m)
- ath-sgrùdaidh - check-up poss ccheck-ups - ath-sgrùdaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ath-theàrrdsach
- rechargeable
- adj
- bataraidhean ath-theàrrdsach rechargeable batteries
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- ath-thòisich
- restart
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- athair
- father
- n(m)
- athair-cèile father-in-law
- athar father
- athraichean fathers
- Bodach na Nollaig Father Christmas
- latha nan athraichean father's day
- m' athair my father
- Subject: General
- atharrachadh
- adjustment
- n(m)
- atharrachaidh - adjustment poss cadjustments - atharrachaidhean pl
- Subject: Science
- atharrachadh
- change
- n(m)
- atharrachaidh - change poss cchanges - atharrachaidhean plchanges - atharraichean pl
- adhbharan airson atharrachadh background to change
- argamaid airson atharrachadh case for change
- atharrachadh tempo change of tempo
- planadh airson roghainnean agus atharrachaidhean planning for choices and changes
- pròiseas atharrachaidh process of change
- Subject: General
- atharrachadh
- variation
- n(m)
- atharrachaidh - variation poss cvariations - atharrachaidhean pl
- atharrachadh co-amail simultaneous variation
- atharrachadh dìreach direct variation
- atharrachadh inbhearsach inverse variation
- atharrachadh neo-dhìreach indirect variation
- atharrachadh neo-dhìreach inverse variation
- co-atharrachadh joint variation
- cunbhal atharrachaidh constant of variation
- fiosrachadh mu atharrachadh statement of variation
- Subject: Mathematics
- atharrachadh
- modification
- n(m)
- atharrachaidh - modification poss cmodifications - atharrachaidhean plmodifications - atharraichean pl
- atharrachadh ginteil genetic modification
- Subject: Science
- atharrachail
- non-rigid
- adj
- cumadh atharrachail non-rigid shape
- Subject: Mathematics
- atharrachail
- metamorphic
- adj
- clach atharrachail metamorphic rock
- Subject: GeographyScience
- atharraich mòd
- modulate
- vb
- Subject: Music
- atharrais
- imitation
- n(f)
- atharrais - imitation poss c
- Subject: Music
- atlas
- atlas
- n(m)
- atlas - atlas poss catlases - atlasan pl
- atlasan, mapaichean, càirtean-iùil agus planaichean atlases, maps, charts and plans
- Beanntan Atlas Atlas Mountains
- Subject: Geography
- AutoArchive
- AutoArchive
- n(m)
- Subject: Computing
- AutoArchive
- AutoArchive
- imp
- Subject: Computing
- axis
- axis
- n(m/f)
- axis - axis poss caxes - axes pl
- air an x-axis on the x-axis
- axis-cothromachaidh axis of symmetry
- Subject: Mathematics
- ayre
- ayre
- n(m)
- ayre - ayre poss cayres - ayreathan pl
- Subject: Music
- a’ beagachadh
- reducing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ càradh
- plotting
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ Chonair Mhoire
- The Rosary
- n phr
- gabh a’ Chonair Mhoire say the rosary
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- a’ clàr(ach)adh
- tabulating
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ cnàmhadh
- digesting
- vb
- Subject: Science
- a’ comharrachadh
- marking
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ cothromachadh
- weighing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ cur air clàr
- tabulating
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ cur ann an òrdugh
- putting in sequence
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ cur car de
- rotating
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ cur fiaradh ann
- slanting
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ cur mun cuairt
- revolving
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ dealbh matraigs
- creating a matrix
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ dèanamh sgeidse
- sketching
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ faighinn iasad de . . .
- taking out a loan
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ fiarachadh
- slanting
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ fiaradh
- slanting
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ lorg luach
- evaluating
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ lùghdachadh
- reducing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ nochdadh faileas-sgàthain
- reflecting
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ raiseanailachadh
- rationalising
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ raiseanaileadh
- rationalising
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ riochdachadh
- representing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ seallatinn faileas-sgàthain
- reflecting
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ tar-laighe
- overlaying
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ tar-shìneadh
- overlapping
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ tasgadh
- investing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ tionndadh bun-os-cionn
- inverting
- vb n
- a’ tionndadh bhloighean bun-os-cionn inverting fractions
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ tomhas
- weighing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ transpòsadh
- transposing
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics
- a’ trìoblachadh
- trebling
- vb n
- Subject: Mathematics