Facail a’ tòiseachadh le:
- Pabaigh
- Pabbay
- Eilean Phabaigh Island of Pabbay
- Subject: Geography
- paca
- pack
- n(m)
- paca - pack poss cpacks - pacaichean plpacks - pacan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- pacadh
- packaging
- n(m)
- pacaidh - packaging poss c
- bathar dèante agus am pacadh other final products and packaging
- Subject: General
- Pagastan
- Pakistan
- n(m/f)
- Phagastan - Pakistan poss c
- Poblachd Ioslamach Phagastan Islamic Republic of Pakistan
- Subject: Geography
- paidhir
- pair
- n(m)
- paidhir - pair poss cpairs - pàidhrichean pl
- pàidhrichean co-iomlaideach commutative pairs
- Subject: Mathematics
- paidhton
- python
- n(m)
- paidhtoin - python poss cpythons - paidhtonan pl
- Subject: Science
- paidirean
- prayer bead
- n(m)
- paidirein - prayer bead poss cprayer beads - paidireanan pl
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- pàigh
- pay
- vb
- pàigh an seo please pay here
- Subject: Mathematics
- pàigheadh
- payment
- n(m)
- pàighidh - payment poss cpayments - pàighidhean pl
- dòigh pàighidh payment method
- tagh do dhòigh pàighidh choose your payment method
- Subject: Computing
- pàigheadh
- pay
- n(m)
- pàighidh - pay poss cpays - pàighidhean pl
- àrdachadh pàighidh pay increase
- bileag-pàighidh payslip
- pàigheadh bunaiteach basic pay
- pàigheadh iomlan gross pay
- pàigheadh lom net pay
- Subject: Mathematics
- pàipear
- paper
- n(m)
- pàipeir - paper poss cpapers - pàipearan pl
- pàipear ceàrnagach squared paper
- pàipear ceàrnagach ceudameatair centimetre squared paper
- pàipear isomeatrach isometric paper
- pàipear treasaidh tracing paper
- pàipear-clèithe manuscript paper
- pàipear-naidheachd newspaper
- teicneòlas glaodhain agus pàipeir pulp and paper technology
- Subject: GeneralMathematics
- pàipear-clèithe
- manuscript paper
- n(m)
- pàipeir-clèithe - manuscript paper poss cmanuscript papers - pàipearan-clèithe pl
- Subject: Music
- pàipear-naidheachd
- newspaper
- n(m)
- pàipeir-naidheachd - newspaper poss cnewspapers - pàipearan-naidheachd pl
- pàipearan-naidheachd ann an Taobh Sear na Roinn Eòrpa; anns an Ruis newspapers in Eastern Europe; in Russia
- pàipearan-naidheachd ann am meadhan na Roinn Eòrpa; anns a' Ghearmailt newspapers in Central Europe; in Germany
- pàipearan-naidheachd ann an Ameireaga a Tuath newspapers in North America
- pàipearan-naidheachd ann an ceàrnaidhean eile newspapers in other geographic areas
- pàipearan-naidheachd ann an Eileanan Bhreatainn, ann an Sasainn newspapers in British Isles; in England
- pàipearan-naidheachd ann an Iberia agus na h-eileanan mun cuairt newspapers in Iberian Peninsula and adjacent islands
- pàipearan-naidheachd ann an Lochlainn newspapers in Scandinavia
- pàipearan-naidheachd anns an Eadailt agus anns na h-eileanan mun cuairt newspapers in Italy and adjacent islands
- pàipearan-naidheachd anns an Fhraing agus ann am Monaco newspapers in France and Monaco
- Subject: General
- pàirc(e)
- park
- n(f)
- pàirce - park poss cparks - pàircean pl
- meud pàirce size of park
- pàirc chàraichean car park
- pàirc cheannaichean retail park
- pàirc gnìomhachais industrial park
- pàirc gnothachais business park
- pàirc malairt retail park
- pàirc nàiseanta national park
- pàirce chur-seachadan leisure park
- pàirce tèama theme park
- Subject: Geography
- pàirce cheannaichean
- retail park
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- pàirt
- component
- n(m/f)
- pàirt - component poss ccomponents - pàirtean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- pàirt
- portion
- n(m/f)
- pàirt - portion poss cportions - pàirtean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- pàirteach
- partial
- adj
- bloighean pàirteach partial fractions
- Subject: Mathematics
- pàirteil
- component
- adj
- riochd pàirteil component form
- Subject: Mathematics
- pàis-dhràma
- passion-play
- n(m)
- pàis-dhràma - passion-play poss cpassion-plays - pàisean-dràma pl
- pais-dhràma a' sealltainn fulangas Chrìosd passion-play depicting Christ's suffering
- Subject: Music
- Pàislig
- Paisley
- baile Phàislig town of Paisley
- Subject: Geography
- pàiste
- child
- n(m)
- pàiste - child poss cchildren - pàistean pl
- ceartas dha gach pàiste getting it right for every child
- pàiste aig cridhe chùisean child at the centre
- Subject: General
- pàiste air fògradh
- evacuee
- n phr
- clann air fògradh evacuees
- clann air fògradh evacuee children
- Subject: General
- paladium
- palladium
- n(m)
- paladium - palladium poss c
- Subject: Science
- palandromaig
- palindromic
- adj
- àireamh phalandromaig palindromic number
- Subject: Mathematics
- Palau
- Palau
- n(m/f)
- Phalau - Palau poss c
- riaghaltas Phalau government of Palau
- Subject: Geography
- paleo-ainmh-eòlas
- paleozoology
- n(m)
- paleo-ainmh-eòlais - paleozoology poss c
- Subject: Science
- paleo-luibh-eòlas
- paleobotany
- n(m)
- paleo-luibh-eòlais - paleobotany poss c
- Subject: Science
- paleo-onteòlas
- paleontology
- n(m)
- paleo-onteòlais - paleontology poss c
- Subject: Science
- Palistin
- Palestine
- n(f)
- Phalistin - Palestine poss c
- crìoch Phalistin the border of Palestine
- Subject: Geography
- pàn
- pawn
- n(m)
- pàin - pawn poss cpawns - pànaichean pl
- Subject: General
- pan-phìob
- panpipe
- n(f)
- pan-phìoba - panpipe poss cpanpipes - pan-phìoban pl
- Subject: Music
- panail
- panel
- n(f)
- panail - panel poss cpanels - panailean pl
- panail fiosrachaidh information panel
- panail-grèine solar panel
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- Panama
- Panama
- n(m/f)
- Phanama - Panama poss c
- Canàl Phanama Panama Canal
- Poblachd Phanama Republic of Panama
- Subject: Geography
- pannal riaghlaidh
- control panel
- n(m)
- pannal riaghlaidh - control panel poss ccontrol panels - pannalan riaghlaidh pl
- Subject: Computing
- pantomaim
- pantomime
- n(m)
- pantomaim - pantomime poss cpantomimes - pantomaimean pl
- seusan pantomaim pantomime season
- Subject: Music
- Papua Guinea Nuaidh
- Papua New Guinea
- n(m/f)
- Phapua Guinea Nuaidh - Papua New Guinea poss c
- Stàit Phapua Guinea Nuaidh State of Papua New Guinea
- Subject: Geography
- para-saidhceòlach
- parapsychological
- adj
- dòighean para-saidhceòlach agus os-nàdarrach parapsychological and occult methods
- Subject: General
- para-saidhceòlas
- parapsychology
- n(m)
- para-saidhceòlais - parapsychology poss c
- cuspairean sònraichte ann am para-saidhceòlas agus os-nàdarrachd specific topics in parapsychology and occultism
- para-saidhceòlas agus os-nàdarrachd parapsychology and occultism
- Subject: General
- parabola
- parabola
- n(m)
- parabola - parabola poss cparabolas - parabolathan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- parabolaid
- paraboloid
- n(m)
- parabolaid - paraboloid poss cparaboloids - parabolaidean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- Paraguaidh
- Paraguay
- n(m/f)
- Pharaguaidh - Paraguay poss c
- Paraguaidh agus Uruguaidh Paraguay and Uruguay
- Poblachd Pharaguaidh Republic of Paraguay
- Subject: Geography
- parailealogram
- parallelogram
- n(m)
- parailealogram - parallelogram poss cparallelograms - parailealograman pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- paraiste
- parish
- n(f)
- paraiste - parish poss cparishes - paraistean pl
- rianachd paraiste parish administration
- Subject: General
- parameatair
- parameter
- n(m)
- parameatair - parameter poss cparameters - parameatairean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- parameatrach
- parametric
- adj
- co-aontaran parameatrach parametric equations
- diofarachadh parameatrach parametric differentiation
- tha lùb air a riochdachadh gu parameatrach a curve is defined parametrically
- Subject: Mathematics
- pàrant
- parent
- n(m)
- pàrant - parent poss cparents - pàrantan pl
- Achd Compàirteachas Phàrantan (2006) Parental Involvement Act 2006
- àite-coinneachaidh phàrantan parent meeting point
- àrainn Phàrantan parent zone
- comhairlean phàrantan parent councils
- feasgar phàrantan parents' evening
- pàrantan mar chompàirtichean ann an ionnsachadh parents as partners in learning
- Subject: General
- pàrantachadh
- parenting
- n(m)
- pàrantachadh corporra corporate parenting
- Subject: General
- pàrantachd
- parenthood
- n(f)
- Subject: General
- parcadh
- parking
- n(m)
- parcaidh - parking poss c
- cìsean parcaidh parking charges
- Subject: Geography
- parentesis
- parenthesis
- n(m)
- parentesis - parenthesis poss cparenthesis - parentesisan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- pàrlamaid
- parliament
- n(f)
- pàrlamaid(e) - parliament poss cparliaments - pàrlamaidean pl
- Achd Pàrlamaid Act of Parliament
- Ball Pàrlamaid Member of Parliament
- Ball Pàrlamaid na h-Alba Member of the Scottish Parliament
- Ball Pàrlamaid na h-Eòrpa Member of the European Parliament
- Pàrlamaid na h-Alba the Scottish Parliament
- Pàrlamaid na h-Eòrpa the European Parliament
- Subject: Modern Studies
- Pàrras
- Paradise
- n(m)
- Pàrrais - Paradise poss c
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- partaidh
- party
- n(m/f)
- partaidh - party poss cparties - partaidhean pl
- am Partaidh Làbarach Labour Party
- am Partaidh Libearalach Deamocratach Liberal Democratic Party
- Am Partaidh Nàsach Nazi Party
- am Partaidh Tòraidheach the Tory Party
- am Partaidh Tòraidheach the Conservative Party
- am Partaidh Uaine Green Party
- Partaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba Scottish National Party
- partaidh poilitigeach political party
- Partaidh Sòisealach na h-Alba Scottish Socialist Party
- Partaidh Uaine na h-Alba Scottish Green Party
- tar-phartaidh cross-party
- Subject: General
- partita
- partita
- n(m)
- partita - partita poss cpartitas - partitathan pl
- Subject: Music
- pasainsear
- passenger
- n(m)
- pasainseir - passenger poss cpassengers - pasainsearan pl
- còmhdhail phasainsearan passenger transport
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- pasgan
- folder
- n(m)
- pasgain - folder poss cfolders - pasgain pl
- pasgan coimpiutair computer folder
- Subject: Computing
- pasgan-fianais
- portfolio
- n(m)
- pasgain-fianais - portfolio poss cportfolios - pasgain-fianais plportfolios - pasganan-fianais pl
- Subject: General
- passacaglia
- passacaglia
- n(m)
- passacaglia - passacaglia poss cpassacaglias - passacagliathan pl
- Subject: Music
- passepied
- passepied
- n(m)
- passepied - passepied poss cpassepieds - passepiedean pl
- Subject: Music
- pastail
- pastel
- n(m)
- pastail - pastel poss cpastel - pastailean pl
- cailc phastail chalk pastel
- dathan pastail pastel colours
- Subject: Art
- pàtran
- pattern
- n(m)
- pàtrain - pattern poss cpatterns - pàtrain pl
- pàtran soilleir clear pattern
- pàtran-triceid frequency pattern
- Subject: General
- pàtran
- pattern
- n(m)
- pàtrain - pattern poss cpatterns - pàtrain plpatterns - pàtranan pl
- pàtrain agus dàimhean patterns and relationships
- pàtrain co-chothromach symmetrical patterns
- pàtrain loidhnichean-àirde contour patterns
- pàtran cearcallach circle pattern
- pàtran cuartail cyclic pattern
- pàtran-leacaidh tiling pattern
- pàtran-minig repeating pattern
- Subject: Mathematics
- pàtran-clèithe shràidean
- gridiron street pattern
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- pàtran-triceid
- frequency pattern
- n(m)
- pàtrain-triceid - frequency pattern poss cfrequency patterns - pàtrain-triceid pl
- Subject: Geography
- pavan
- pavan
- n(m)
- pavan - pavan poss cpavans - pavanan pl
- Subject: Music
- peacadh
- sin
- n(m)
- peacaidh - sin poss csins - peacaidhean pl
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- peacaraidh
- peccary
- n(m)
- peacaraidh - peccary poss cpeccaries - peacaraidhean pl
- Subject: Science
- Peairt
- Perth
- eachdraidh Pheairt history of Perth
- Subject: Geography
- peanas
- punishment
- n(m)
- peanais - punishment poss cpunishments - peanasan pl
- peanas reusanta reasonable punishment
- Subject: General
- peanasachaidh
- penal
- adj
- ionad-peanasachaidh penal institution
- Subject: General
- peann
- pen
- n(m)
- pinn - pen poss cpens - pinn pl
- peann-comharrachaidh marker pen
- Subject: Art
- peansail
- pencil
- n(m)
- peansail - pencil poss cpencils - peansailean pl
- peansail dathte coloured pencil
- peansail graifit graphite pencil
- Subject: Art
- peant
- paint
- n(m)
- peant - paint poss cpaints - peantaichean plpaints - peantan pl
- peant ola oil paint
- peant ròiseid acriolach acrylic resin paint
- Subject: Art
- peant
- paint
- vb
- a' peantadh painting
- a' peantadh na h-uinneig painting the window
- peant an dorus paint the door
- Subject: General
- peantadh
- painting
- vb n
- peantadh agus dealbhan-peant painting and paintings
- Subject: Art
- peantair
- painter
- n(m)
- peantair - painter poss cpainters - peantairean pl
- Subject: General
- pearsa
- person
- n(m)
- pearsa - person poss cpersons - pearsachan pl
- a' chiad phearsa singilte first person singular
- an treas pearsa iomarra third person plural
- làimhseachadh dhaoine persons treatment
- Subject: General
- pearsanachadh
- personalisation
- n(m)
- pearsanachadh agus roghainn personalisation and choice
- Subject: General
- pearsanta
- personal
- adj
- àireamh aithneachaidh phearsanta personal identification number
- clàr d' àireamh aithneachaidh phearsanta note your personal identification number
- dàta pearsanta personal data
- fiosrachadh pearsanta personal information
- fiosrachadh pearsanta dìomhair private personal information
- Leabhar Sheòlaidhean Pearsanta Personal Address Book
- nad Leabhar Sheòlaidhean Phearsanta in your Personal Address Book
- sàbhail do dhàta pearsanta save your personal data
- seatadh pearsanta personal settings
- Subject: Computing
- pearsanta
- personal
- adj
- coltas pearsanta personal appearance
- Eòlas Pearsanta agus Sòisealta Personal and Social Education
- ionnsachadh pearsanta personal learning
- leasachadh pearsanta personal development
- Subject: General
- Peel Fell
- Peel Fell
- a' sreap Peel Fell climbing Peel Fell
- Subject: Geography
- peinnsean
- pension
- n(m)
- peinnsein - pension poss cpensions - peinnseanan pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneralBusiness Studies
- peisteal
- pestle
- n(m)
- peisteil - pestle poss cpestles - peistealan pl
- Subject: Home Economics
- Penicuik
- Penicuik
- baile Phenicuik town of Penicuik
- Subject: Geography
- Perseus
- Perseus
- n(m/f)
- Perseus - Perseus poss c
- Subject: Science
- Persia
- Persia
- n(f)
- Phersia - Persia poss c
- eachdraidh Phersia Persia's history
- Ìmpireachd Phersia the Persian Empire
- Subject: Geography
- Peru
- Peru
- n(m/f)
- Pheru - Peru poss c
- dùthaich Pheru country of Peru
- Subject: Geography
- petreòlas
- petrology
- n(m)
- petreòlais - petrology poss c
- Subject: Science
- peutant
- patent
- n(m)
- peutant - patent poss cpatents - peutantan pl
- nuadh-innleachdan agus peutantan inventions and patents
- Subject: General
- piàna
- piano
- n(m)
- piàna - piano poss cpiano - piànathan pl
- sgòr-piàna piano score
- Subject: Music
- piccolo
- piccolo
- n(m)
- piccolo - piccolo poss cpiccolos - piccolothan pl
- Subject: Music
- pictearail
- pictorial
- adj
- dealbh pictearail pictorial drawing
- Subject: Technical
- pìob Eustachio
- Eustachian tube
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- pìob-ola Alasga
- Trans-Alaskan oil pipeline
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- pìob-sìl
- sperm tube
- n(f)
- pìoba-sìl - sperm tube poss csperm tubes - pìoban-sìl pl
- Subject: Science
- pìob-uighe
- Fallopian tube
- n(f)
- pìoba-uighe - Fallopian tube poss cFallopian tubes - pìoban-uighe pl
- Subject: Science
- pìob-uighe
- oviduct
- n(f)
- pìoba-uighe - oviduct poss coviducts - pìoban-uighe pl
- Subject: Science
- piocadh
- plucking
- n(m)
- piocaidh - plucking poss c
- Subject: Music
- pioramaid
- pyramid
- n(f)
- pioramaid - pyramid poss cpyramids - pioramaidean pl
- pioramaid chnàmhach skeleton pyramid
- pioramaid le bonn ceàrnagach square based pyramid
- pioramaid le bonn triantanach triangle based pyramid
- pioramaid-sluaigh population pyramid
- Subject: Mathematics
- pìos-chosnadh
- piece work
- Subject: Mathematics
- pìos-ciùil
- composition
- n(m)
- pìos-ciùil - composition poss ccompositions - pìosan-ciùil pl
- Subject: Music
- pitse
- pitch
- n(m)
- pitse - pitch poss cpitches - pitsichean pl
- fìor phitse perfect pitch
- pitse eadar-dhealaichte a different pitch
- pitse math good pitch
- Subject: Music
- pizzicato
- pizzicato
- n(m)
- pizzicato - pizzicato poss cpizzicati - pizzicatothan pl
- Subject: Music
- pizzicato
- pizzicato
- adv
- Subject: Music
- pizzicato
- pizzicato
- adj
- Subject: Music
- plàigh
- pest
- n(f)
- plàighe - pest poss cpests - plàighean pl
- leòin, galaran agus plàighean lusan plant injuries, diseases and pests
- Subject: General
- plaiseanta
- placenta
- n(m)
- plaiseanta - placenta poss cplacentas - plaiseantathan pl
- Subject: Science
- planadh
- planning
- n(m)
- planaidh - planning poss c
- deilbh-tìre agus planadh àrainn landscaping and area planning
- oifigear planaidh planning officer
- planadh airson ionnsachadh pearsanta personal learning planning
- planadh airson roghainnean agus atharrachaidhean planning for choices and changes
- planadh àrainn area planning
- stiùiriche ionmhais agus planaidh director of finance and planning
- Subject: General
- planadh-teaghlaich
- family planning
- n(m)
- planaidh-teaghlaich - family planning poss c
- Subject: Geography
- planaid
- planet
- n(f)
- planaid(e) - planet poss cplanets - planaidean pl
- An Talamh planet earth
- fo-phlanaid dwarf planet
- Subject: Science
- plana
- plan
- n(m)
- plana - plan poss cplans - planaichean pl
- plana bloc block plan
- plana-làir floor plan
- plana-làraich site plan
- plana-suidheachaidh location plan
- Subject: Technical
- planctan
- plankton
- n(m)
- planctain - plankton poss cplanktons - planctain plplanktons - planctanan pl
- planctan ainmhidheach animal plankton
- Subject: Science
- planntachadh
- implantation
- n(m)
- planntachaidh - implantation poss cimplantations - planntachaidhean pl
- Subject: Science
- planntachas
- plantation
- n(m)
- planntachais - plantation poss cplantations - planntachasan pl
- bàrr achaidh agus planntachais field and plantation crops
- bàrr planntachais plantation crops
- planntachas cofaidh coffee plantation
- tuathanachas planntachaidh plantation agriculture
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- planntrais
- seedling
- n(f)
- planntrais - seedling poss cseedlings - planntrais pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneralScience
- plasma
- plasma
- n(m)
- plasma - plasma poss c
- Subject: Science
- plastaig
- plastic
- adj
- ealain phlastaig plastic arts
- Subject: General
- plastaig
- plastic
- n(m)
- plastaig - plastic poss cplastics - plastaigean pl
- Subject: General
- plastaigheachd
- plasticity
- n(f)
- plastaigheachd - plasticity poss c
- Subject: General
- platanum
- platinum
- adj
- diosg phlatanum platinum disc
- meatailt phlatanum platinum metal
- Subject: General
- platanum
- platinum
- n(m)
- platanum - platinum poss c
- Subject: Science
- Platonach
- Platonic
- adj
- feallsanachdan Platonach Platonic philosophies
- Subject: General
- pleata
- plate
- n(m)
- pleata - plate poss cplates - pleataichean pl
- am Pleata Afraganach African plate
- am Pleata Antartaigeach Antarctic Plate
- am Pleata Arabach Arabian Plate
- am Pleata Caribbeanach Caribbean Plate
- am Pleata Euràisianach Eurasian Plate
- am Pleata Filipìonach Philipine Plate
- am Pleata Hellenic Hellenic Plate
- am Pleata Indo-Astràilianach Indo-Australian Plate
- am Pleata Innseanach Indian Plate
- am Pleata Iranianach Iranian Plate
- crìoch-pleata plate boundary
- crìoch-pleata constructach constructive plate boundary
- crìoch-pleata glèidhteach conservative plate boundary
- crìoch-pleata millteach destructive plate boundary
- Pleata a' Chuain Shèimh Pacific Plate
- Pleata Ameireaga a Deas South American Plate
- Pleata Ameireaga a Tuath North American Plate
- Pleata Chocos Cocos Plate
- Pleata Juan de Fuca Juan de Fuca Plate
- Pleata Nazca Nazca Plate
- Pleata Scotia Scotia Plate
- pleataichean rùisg crustal plates
- pleataichean teactonaig tectonic plates
- sòn crìoch-pleata plate boundary zone
- Subject: Geography
- Pleata Ameireaga a Deas
- South American Plate
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Pleata Ameireaga a Tuath
- North American Plate
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Pleata Chocos
- Cocos Plate
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Pleata Juan de Fuca
- Juan de Fuca Plate
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Pleata Nazca
- Nazca Plate
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Pleata Scotia
- Scotia Plate
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- pleiteag
- platelet
- n(f)
- pleiteig(e) - platelet poss cplatelets - pleiteagan pl
- pleiteag fala blood platelet
- Subject: Science
- pliùrail
- pleural
- adj
- còs pliùrail pleural cavity
- meamran pliùrail pleural membrane
- Subject: Science
- plot-bhogsaichean
- box plot
- n(m)
- plot-bhogsaichean - box graph poss cbox plots - plotaichean-bhogsaichean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- plot-stoc (plot stoc-is-duilleach)
- stem plot
- n(m)
- Subject: Mathematics
- Pluto
- Pluto
- n(m)
- Phluto - Pluto poss c
- 'S e Pluto an nì as motha ann an Crios Kuiper Pluto is the largest object in the Kuiper belt
- gealaich Phluto moons of Pluto
- Subject: Science
- plutonium
- plutonium
- n(m)
- plutonium - plutonium poss c
- Subject: Science
- poball
- public
- n(m)
- pobaill - public poss c
- beachd a' phobaill public attitude
- Subject: General
- poblach
- public
- adj
- adhradh poblach public worship
- adhradh poblach agus gnàthasan eile public worship and other practices
- dàimhean poblach public relations
- fosgladh poblach public access
- gu poblach in public
- ionmhas poblach public finance
- poileasaidh poblach public policy
- raointean sònraichte de rianachd phoblach specific fields of public administration
- rianachd phoblach public administration
- sanasachd agus dàimhean poblach advertising and public relations
- slighe phoblach route with public access
- stiùireadh thaighean poblach management of public households
- structaran poblach public structures
- taisbeanaidhean poblach public performances
- Subject: General
- poblachd
- republic
- n(f)
- poblachd - republic poss crepublics - poblachdan pl
- Poblachd na h-Èireann the Irish Republic
- Subject: Geography
- Poblachd Afraga a Deas
- Republic of South Africa
- n(f)
- Afraga a Deas - South Africa poss c
- Afraga a Deas Southern Africa
- muinntir Afraga a Deas people of South Africa
- Subject: Geography
- Poblachd Dheamocratach a' Chongo
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- n(f)
- Poblachd Dheamocratach na Congo - Democratic Republic of Congo poss c
- Subject: Geography
- Poblachd Iemein
- Yemen Republic
- n(f)
- Poblachd Iemein Yemen Republic
- Poblachd Iemein air taobh an iar Àisia Yemen Republic in Western Asia
- Subject: Geography
- Poblachd Meadhan Afraga
- Central African Republic
- n(f)
- Poblachd Meadhan Afraga - Central African Republic poss c
- muinntir Poblachd Meadhan Afraga people of Central African Republic
- Subject: Geography
- Poblachd na h-Èireann
- Republic of Ireland
- n(f)
- àireamh-sluaigh Poblachd na h-Èireann population of the Republic of Ireland
- Poblachd na h-Èireann Republic of Ireland
- Subject: Geography
- Poblachd nan Seiceach
- Czech Republic
- n(f)
- Poblachd nan Seiceach - Czech Republic poss c
- Poblachd nan Seiceach san Roinn Eòrpa Czech Republic in Europe
- Subject: Geography
- poca amniotaig
- amniotic sac
- n(m)
- poca amniotaig - amniotic sac poss camniotic sacs - pocannan amniotaig pl
- Subject: Science
- podcast
- podcast
- n(m)
- podcast - podcast poss cpodcasts - podcastan pl
- Subject: Computing
- pòg
- kiss
- n(f)
- pòige - kiss poss ckisses - pògan pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- pòg
- smooch
- n(f)
- pòige - smooch poss csmooches - pògan pl
- pòg fhada big smooch
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- poileagan
- polygon
- n(m)
- poileagain - polygon poss cpolygons - poileaganan pl
- poileagan riaghailteach regular polygon
- Subject: Mathematics
- poileasaidh
- policy
- n(m)
- poileasaidh - policy poss cpolicies - poileasaidhean pl
- cùisean poileasaidh poblach public policy issues
- poileasaidh chòraichean copyright policy
- poileasaidh chriomagan cookies policy
- poileasaidh coitcheann comprehensive policy
- Poileasaidh Coitcheann an Àiteachais (CAP) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
- poileasaidh poblach public policy
- poileasaidh prìobhaideachd privacy policy
- poileasaidh riaghaltais government policy
- poileasaidh treas-partaidh third party policy
- poileasaidh ùine-shuidhichte fixed term policy
- sgrìobhainnean poileasaidh policy documents
- Subject: Business StudiesGeneral
- poili
- poly-
- pref
- poili-neo-shàthaichte polyunsaturated
- Subject: Science
- poili-neo-shàthaichte
- polyunsaturated
- adj
- saill phoili-neo-shàthaichte polyunsaturated fat
- searbhagan sailleach poili-neo-shàthaichte polyunsaturated fatty acids
- Subject: Science
- poilifonaidh
- polyphony
- n(m)
- poilifonaidh - polyphony poss cpolyphonies - poilifonaidhean pl
- Subject: Music
- poilifonaig
- polyphonic
- n(m)
- poilifonaig - polyphonic poss cpolyphonics - poilifonaigean pl
- Subject: Music
- poilitigeach
- political
- adj
- beus-eòlas poilitigeach political ethics
- còraichean catharra agus poilitigeach civil and political rights
- còraichean poilitigeach political rights
- mothachadh poilitigeach political awareness
- partaidh poilitigeach political party
- pròiseas poilitigeach political process
- saidheans poilitigeach political science
- Subject: Modern Studies
- poilitònalachd
- polytonality
- n(f)
- poilitònalachd - polytonality poss cpolytonalities - poilitònalachdan pl
- Subject: Music
- pointillism
- pointillism
- n(m)
- pointillism - pointillism poss c
- Subject: Music
- poit-meala
- honeypot
- n(f)
- poit-meala - honeypot poss choneypots - poitean-meala pl
- Subject: GeographyHome Economics
- poit-tholl
- pothole
- n(m)
- poit-thuill - pothole poss cpotholes - poit-thuill pl
- Subject: Geography
- poit-thollaireachd
- potholing
- n(f)
- poit-thollaireachd - potholing poss c
- Subject: GeographyPhysical Education
- Pòl
- Paul
- càr Phòil Paul's car
- Subject: General
- pòlach
- polar
- adj
- mathan bàn polar bear
- roinnean pòlach polar regions
- Subject: Geography
- Pòlainneach
- Pole
- n(m)
- Pòlainnich - Pole poss cPoles - Pòlainnich pl
- Subject: Geography
- Pòlainneach
- Polish
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Pòlainnis
- Polish
- n(f)
- Pòlainnis - Polish poss c
- Subject: Language
- pòlar
- polar
- adj
- riochd pòlar polar form
- Subject: Mathematics
- pòlarach
- polar
- adj
- ceapan-deighe pòlarach polar ice caps
- mathan bàn polar bear
- Pòlarach Cuantach Polar Maritime
- roinnean pòlarach polar regions
- Subject: Geography
- Pòlarach Cuantach
- Polar Maritime
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Pòlarach Mòr-roinneil
- Polar Continental
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Polinìsia
- Polynesia
- n(f)
- Pholinìsia - Polynesia poss c
- eileanan Pholinìsia islands of Polynesia
- Subject: Geography
- poll
- mud
- n(m)
- puill - mud poss c
- Subject: Geography
- Poll Iùbh
- Poolewe
- talla-bhaile Pholl Iùbh Poolewe village hall
- Subject: Geography
- polo
- polo
- n(m)
- polo - polo poss c
- polo-uisge water polo
- Subject: Physical Education
- polonaise
- polonaise
- n(m)
- polonaise - polonaise poss cpolonaises - polonaisean pl
- Subject: Music
- polonium
- polonium
- n(m)
- polonium - polonium poss c
- Subject: Science
- pònair
- bean
- n(m)
- pònarach - bean poss cbeans - pònair pl
- pònair soya soya beans
- Subject: Home Economics
- port
- port
- n(m)
- puirt - port poss cports - puirt pl
- port aiseig chàraichean car ferry port
- port iasgaich fishing port
- Subject: Geography
- Port an Dúnáin
- Portadown
- Subject: Geography
- Port Asgaig
- Port Askaig
- n(m)
- caladh Phort Asgaig Port Askaig harbour
- Subject: Geography
- Port Bhurry
- Burry Port
- n(m)
- Port Bhurry - Burry Port poss c
- 'S e 'Porth Tywyn' am facal Cuimris airson Port Bhurry Porth Tywyn' is the Welsh word for Burry Port
- Subject: Geography
- Port Chnocaidh
- Portknockie
- n(m)
- costa Phort Chnocaidh coast of Portknockie
- Subject: Geography
- Port Ellesmere
- Ellesmere Port
- n(m)
- Port Ellesmere - Ellesmere Port poss c
- bùithtean Port Ellesmere Ellesmere Port shops
- Subject: Geography
- Port Ghlaschu
- Port Glasgow
- n(m)
- stèisean Phort Ghlaschu Port Glasgow station
- Subject: Geography
- Port Ilein
- Port Ellen
- n(m)
- aiseag Phort Ilein Port Ellen ferry
- Subject: Geography
- Port Láirge
- Waterford
- Subject: Geography
- Port Laoise
- Portlaoise
- Subject: Geography
- Port na h-Abhainne
- Portnahaven
- n(m)
- caladh Phort na h-Abhainne Portnahaven harbour
- Subject: Geography
- Port Nis
- Port of Ness
- n(m)
- iasgairean Phort Nis Port of Ness fishermen
- Subject: Geography
- Port Omna
- Portumna
- Subject: Geography
- Port Rìgh
- Portree
- n(m)
- Àrd-sgoil Phort Rìgh Portree High School
- Subject: Geography
- Port Rois
- Portrush
- Subject: Geography
- Port Saoidh
- Portsoy
- n(m)
- Seann Chaladh Phort Saoidh Portsoy Old Harbour
- Subject: Geography
- Port Thalbot
- Port Talbot
- n(m)
- Port Thalbot - Port Talbot poss c
- eaconamaidh Port Thalbot Port Talbot's economy
- Subject: Geography
- port-adhair
- airport
- n(m)
- puirt-adhair - airport poss cairports - puirt-adhair pl
- port-adhair an Òbain Oban airport
- port-adhair eadar-nàiseanta international airport
- prìomh phort-adhair main airport
- snaidhm-adhair hub airport
- snaidhm-adhair mòr major hub airport
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- port-aiseig
- terminal
- puirt-aiseig - terminal poss cterminals - puirt-aiseig pl
- Subject: Geography
- port-cruinn
- jig
- n(m)
- port-cruinn - jig poss cjigs - puirt-cruinn pl
- danns a' phuirt-chruinn jig dance
- danns ri port-cruinn dance to a jig
- Subject: Music
- Portagail
- Portugal
- n(f)
- Phortagail - Portugal poss c
- feallsanachd na Spàinn agus Phortagail philosophy of Spain and Portugal
- Poblachd Phortagail Republic of Portugal
- Subject: Geography
- Portagaileach
- Portuguese
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Portagaileach
- Portuguese
- n(m)
- Portagailich - Portuguese poss cPortuguese - Portagailich pl
- ban-Phortagaileach Portuguese (female)
- Subject: Geography
- Portagailis
- Portuguese
- n(f)
- Portagailis - Portuguese poss c
- irisean ann am Portagailis serials in Portuguese
- litreachas Portagailis Portuguese literature
- Subject: Language
- post
- post
- n(m)
- puist - post poss c
- còd puist postcode
- conaltradh puist postal communication
- oifis a' phuist post office
- Subject: General
- post-d
- e-mail
- n(m)
- puist-d - e-mail poss ce-mails - puist-d pl
- brath puist-d e-mail message
- cunntas puist-d e-mail account
- frithealaiche puist-d e-mail server
- post-d malairteach gun iarraidh unsolicited commercial e-mail
- seòladh puist-d e-mail address
- ùrachaidhean puist-d e-mail updates
- Subject: Computing
- post-d
- mail
- n(m)
- puist-d - mail poss cmail - puist-d pl
- liosta puist mailing list
- neach-faighinn puist-d mail recipient
- seòladh puist mailing address
- Subject: Computing
- post-dealain
- electronic mail
- n(m)
- puist-dhealain - electronic mail poss celectronic mail - puist-dhealain pl
- Subject: Computing
- postair
- poster
- n(m)
- postair - poster poss cposters - postairean pl
- Subject:
- potasium
- potassium
- n(m)
- potasium - potassium poss c
- potasium haidreogsaid potassium hydroxide
- Subject: Science
- prasodimium
- praseodymium
- n(m)
- prasodimium - praseodymium poss c
- Subject: Science
- preas
- shrub
- n(m)
- pris - shrub poss cshrubs - preasan plshrub - pris pl
- Subject: GeographyScience
- preaslach
- shrub layer
- n(m)
- preaslaich - shrub layer poss c
- Subject: GeographyScience
- Preastabhaig
- Prestwick
- port-adhair Phreastabhaig Prestwick airport
- Subject: Geography
- prìobhaideach
- private
- adj
- Subject: Computing
- prìobhaideachd
- privacy
- n(f)
- prìobhaideachd - privacy poss c
- poileasaidh prìobhaideachd privacy policy
- Subject: Computing
- prìomh
- prime
- adj
- prìomh àireamh prime number
- prìomh fhactaran prime factors
- Subject: Mathematics
- prìomh
- prime
- n(m)
- prìomh - prime poss cprimes - prìomhan pl
- iomadan, factaran agus prìomhan multiples, factors and primes
- Subject: Mathematics
- prìomh
- primary
- adj
- prìomh dhath primary colour
- prìomh shlighe primary route
- Subject: General
- prìomh artaigil
- feature
- n phr
- prìomh artaigilean features
- Subject: General
- prìomh bhaile
- capital city
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- prìomh-bhailteil
- metropolitan
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- prìomhachas
- priority
- n(m)
- prìomhachais - priority poss cpriorities - prìomhachasan pl
- prìomhachasan nàiseanta ann am foghlam national priorities in education
- Subject: General
- prionnsapal
- principle
- n(m)
- prionnsapail - principle poss cprinciples - prionnsapalan pl
- luachan, adhbharan agus prionnsapalan Curraicealam airson Sàr-mhathais values, purposes and principles of Curriculum for Excellence
- prionsapal antropaig anthropic principle
- prionsapalan coitcheann general principles
- Subject: General
- prionnsapal
- principal
- n(m)
- prionnsapail - principal poss cprincipals - prionnsapail plprincipals - prionnsapalan pl
- leas-phrionnsapal vice principal
- prionnsapal na colaiste college principal
- Subject: General
- priont
- print
- n(m)
- priont - print poss cprints - priontan pl
- bloc-phriontadh block printing
- dèanamh phriontan printmaking
- pròiseasan bloc-phriontaidh relief processes (block printing)
- Subject: Art
- priont
- print
- vb
- a' priontadh air cotan printing on cotton
- Subject: Art
- priont
- print
- n(m)
- priont - print poss cprints - priontan pl
- Subject: Art
- priontadh
- printing
- n(m)
- priontaidh - printing poss c
- pròiseasan bloc-phriontaidh block printing processes
- pròiseasan dathaidh priontaidh pigment processes of printing
- Subject: Computing
- priontadh
- printing
- n(m)
- priontaidh - printing poss c
- pròiseasan bloc-phriontaidh block printing
- pròiseasan dathaidh priontaidh pigment processes of printing
- Subject: Art
- priosam
- prism
- n(m)
- priosam - prism poss cprisms - priosaman pl
- priosam còig-cheàrnachail pentagonal prism
- priosam le bonn còig-cheàrnach(ail) pentagon based prism
- priosam le bonn sia-cheàrnach(ail) hexagon based prism
- priosam sia-cheàrnachail hexagonal prism
- priosam triantanach triangular prism
- Subject: Mathematics
- prìosanach
- prisoner
- n(m)
- prìosanaich - prisoner poss cprisoners - prìosanaich pl
- prìosanach cogaidh prisoner of war
- Subject: General
- prìs
- price
- n(f)
- prìse - price poss cprices - prìsean pl
- cosgais buying price
- cosgais cost price
- liosta phrìsean price list
- prìs-ceannachd buying price
- prìs-ceannachd cost price
- prìs-reic selling price
- Subject: Mathematics
- prìs
- charge
- n(f)
- prìse - charge poss ccharges - prìsean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- prìs-ceannachd
- buying price
- n(f)
- prìse-ceannachd - buying price poss cbuying prices - prìsean-ceannachd pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- prò-bheus
- double bass
- n(m/f)
- prò-bheus - double bass poss cdouble basses - prò-bheusan pl
- a' cluiche prò-bheus playing double bass
- Subject: Music
- pro-bhitheach
- probiotic
- adj
- deoch phro-bhitheach probiotic drink
- Subject: Science
- profaidhl
- profile
- n(m)
- profaidhl - profile poss cprofiles - profaidhlean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- progesteron
- progesterone
- n(m)
- progesteroin - progesterone poss c
- Subject: Science
- prògram
- programme
- n(m)
- prògraim - programme poss cprogrammes - prògraman pl
- prògraman agus dàta programmes and data
- stiùireadh phrògraman programme management
- Subject: Computing
- prògram
- application
- n(m)
- prògraim - application poss capplications - prògraman pl
- adhbhar prògraim application purpose
- Àrd-Eòlaiche Phrògraman Senior Applications Specialist
- Subject: Computing
- prògramadh
- programming
- n(m)
- prògramaidh - programming poss c
- prògramadh coimpiutair, prògraman agus dàta computer programming, programs and data
- Subject: Computing
- prògramataig
- programmatic
- adj
- Subject: Music
- proifeiseanta
- professional
- adj
- leasachadh proifeasanta airson dol a-mach dòigheil professional development for positive behaviour
- Leasachadh Proifeiseanta Leantainneach Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
- Subject: General
- pròiseact
- project
- n(m/f)
- pròiseict - project poss cprojects - pròiseactan pl
- Clàr Gineòm a Chinne-daonna Human Genome Project
- co-òrdanaiche pròiseict project coordinator
- manaidsear phròiseactan Gàidhlig Gaelic project manager
- manaidsear pròiseict project manager
- oifigear pròiseict project officer
- pròiseactan rannsachaidh research projects
- rianaire pròiseict project administrator
- rùnaire pròiseict project secretary
- Subject: General
- pròiseas
- process
- n(m)
- pròiseas - process poss cprocesses - pròiseasan pl
- àireamh agus pròiseasan àireimh number and number processes
- pròiseas atharrachaidh process of change
- pròiseas thuairmsean iterative process
- pròiseasan bunaiteach àireimh basic number processes
- pròiseasan inntinn mental processes
- Subject: Mathematics
- pròiseas òrdughail
- sequential process
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- prometium
- promethium
- n(m)
- prometium - promethium poss c
- Subject: Science
- prosbaig
- telescope
- n(f)
- prosbaig - telescope poss ctelescopes - prosbaigean pl
- Subject: Science
- Pròstanach
- Protestant
- n(m)
- Pròstanaich - Protestant poss cProtestants - Pròstanaich pl
- Pròstanaich a bhuineas do Mhòr-thìr na Roinn Eòrpa Protestants of Continental origin
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Pròstanach
- Protestant
- adj
- an Eaglais Phròstanach the Protestant Church
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- pròtacal
- protocol
- n(m)
- pròtacal - protocol poss cprotocols - pròtacalan pl
- Pròtacal Eadar-lìn (IP) Internet Protocol (IP)
- Pròtacal Iomlaid Haidhpirteacsa (HTTP) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- Pròtacal Kyoto Kyoto Protocol
- Pròtacal Ruigheachd Brath Eadar-lìn (IMAP) Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
- Subject: General
- Pròtacal Kyoto
- Kyoto Protocol
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- protactinium
- protactinium
- n(m)
- protactinium - protactinium poss c
- Subject: Science
- pròtain
- protein
- n(m)
- pròtain - protein poss cproteins - pròtainean pl
- Subject: Home Economics
- prothaid
- profit
- n(f)
- prothaid(e) - profit poss cprofits - prothaidean pl
- ceudad de na prothaidean a percentage of the profits
- Subject: Mathematics
- proton
- proton
- n(m)
- proton - proton poss cprotons - protonan pl
- proton luath high speed proton
- Subject: Science
- protractair
- protractor
- n(m)
- protractair - protractor poss cprotractors - protractairean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- Proxima Centauri
- Proxima Centauri
- n(m)
- Proxima Centauri - Proxima Centauri poss c
- Subject: Science
- Pseudepigrapha
- Pseudepigrapha
- n(m)
- Pseudepigrapha - Pseudepigrapha poss c
- Apocrypha agus Pseudepigrapha Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Puerto Rico
- Puerto Rico
- n(m/f)
- Phuerto Rico - Puerto Rico poss c
- Co-fhlaitheas Phuerto Rico Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
- Subject: Geography
- puing
- degree
- n(f)
- puing(e) - degree poss cdegrees - puingean pl
- naochad puing ninety degrees
- Subject: Mathematics
- puing
- point
- n(f)
- puing(e) - point poss cpoints - puingean pl
- crasg point of intersection
- puing infleicsean point of inflexion
- puing neo-cheangailte floating point
- puing-clèithe grid point
- puing-deiridh endpoint
- puing-meadhain midpoint
- puing-suathaidh contact point
- puing-suathaidh point of contact
- puing-tionndaidh turning point
- puing-tionndaidh stationery point
- puing-tionndaidh às àirde maximum turning point
- puing-tionndaidh às ìsle minimum turning point
- puing-tòiseachaidh starting point
- puing-trasnaidh point of intersection
- puingean bònas bonus points
- puingean ionann-bheàrnach equally spaced points
- Subject: Mathematics
- puing-àirde
- spot height
- n(f)
- puing-àirde - spot height poss cspot heights - puingean-àirde pl
- Subject: Geography
- puing-deiridh
- endpoint
- n(f)
- puing-deiridh - endpoint poss cendpoints - puingean-deiridh pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- puing-mapa
- waypoint
- n(f)
- puing-mapa - waypoint poss cwaypoints - puingean-mapa pl
- puingean-mapa air cùrsa sligheadaireachd waypoints on an orienteering course
- Subject: Geography
- puing-meadhain
- midpoint
- n(f)
- puinge-meadhain - midpoint poss cmidpoints - puingean-meadhain pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- puing-suathaidh
- contact point
- n(f)
- puinge-suathaidh - contact point poss ccontact points - puingean-suathaidh pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- puing-tionndaidh
- stationary point
- n(f)
- puinge-tionndaidh - stationary point poss cstationary points - puingean-tionndaidh pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- puing-tionndaidh
- turning point
- n(f)
- puinge-tionndaidh - turning point poss cturning points - puingean-tionndaidh pl
- puing-tionndaidh as àirde maximum turning point
- puing-tionndaidh as ìsle minimum turning point
- Subject: Mathematics
- puinnsean bhiastagan
- pesticide
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyScience
- pulsar
- pulsar
- n(m)
- pulsair - pulsar poss cpulsars - pulsaran pl
- Subject: Science
- punnd
- pound
- n(m)
- puinnd - pound poss cpounds - puinnd pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- purgadair
- purgatory
- n(m)
- purgadair - purgatory poss c
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- purpaidh
- purple
- adj
- Subject: Art
- Purt Çhiarn
- Port Erin
- n(m)
- Purt Çhiarn - Port Erin poss c
- còmhdhail Purt Çhiarn transport in Port Erin
- Subject: Geography
- Purt ny h-Inshey
- Peel
- n(m)
- Purt ny h-Inshey - Peel poss c
- Caisteal Purt ny h-Inshey Peel Castle
- Subject: Geography
- putan
- button
- n(m)
- putain - button poss cbuttons - putanan pl
- aodann putain button face
- brùth putan push button
- putan bàir-innealan toolbar button
- putan òrdugh command button
- putan rèidio radio button
- putan roghainn option button
- putan-bruthaidh pushbutton
- putan-menu menu button
- tagh putan roghainn choose option button
- Subject: Computing
- putan
- key
- n(m)
- putain - key poss ckeys - putain plkeys - putanan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- putan-bruthaidh
- push button
- n(m)
- putain-bhruthaidh - push button poss cpush buttons - putanan-bruthaidh pl
- Subject: Computing