Facail a’ tòiseachadh le:
- da capo
- da capo
- adj
- Subject: Music
- dà-chànanach
- bilingual
- adj
- clann dà-chànanach bilingual children
- Subject: Language
- dà-ogsaid
- dioxide
- n(f)
- dà-ogsaid - dioxide poss cdioxides - dà-ogsaideannan pl
- carbon dà-ogsaid carbon dioxide
- sneachd carbon dà-ogsaid carbon dioxide snow
- sulfar dà-ogsaid sulphur dioxide
- titanium dà-ogsaid titanium dioxide
- Subject: Science
- dà-sheallach (2sh)
- two-dimensional (2d)
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- dà-shileacat
- disilicate
- n(m)
- dà-shileacat - disilicate poss cdisilicates - dà-shileacatan pl
- Subject: Science
- dà-shligheach
- two-way
- adj
- clàr dà-shligheach two-way table
- Subject: Mathematics
- dà-shulfaid
- disulphide
- n(f)
- dà-shulfaid - disulphide poss cdisulphides - dà-shulfaideannan pl
- carbon dà-shulfaid carbon disulphide
- Subject: Science
- dà-thaobhach
- bilateral
- adj
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- dà-theirmeach
- binomial
- n(m)
- dà-theirmich - binomial poss cbinomials - dà-theirmich pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- dà-theirmeach
- binomial
- adj
- abairt dhà-theirmeach binomial expression
- leudachadh dà-theirmeach binomial expansion
- teòram nan dà-theirmeach binomial theorem
- Subject: Mathematics
- dachaigh
- home
- n(f)
- Dachaigh(e) - home poss c
- cealla-dachaigh home cell
- duilleag-dachaigh home page
- duilleag-dachaigh homepage
- Subject: Computing
- dachaigh
- home
- n(f)
- dachaigh(e) - home poss chomes - dachaighean pl
- àirneis agus bùthan-obrach na dachaigh furnishings and home workshops
- compàirteachasan dachaigh agus sgoile home-school partnerships
- Eaconamas Dachaigh Home Economics
- gun dachaigh homeless
- rian dachaigh home management
- rian dachaigh agus teaghlaich home and family management
- togail chloinne agus cùram anns an dachaigh child rearing and home care of persons
- Subject: General
- dachaigheil
- domestic
- adj
- beatha na dachaigh domestic life
- Subject: Home Economics
- Daibhidh
- David
- n(m)
- Dhaibhidh - David poss c
- Latha Dhaibhidh St David's Day
- Naomh Daibhidh St David
- Reul Dhaibhidh Star of David
- Subject: General
- daibìotas
- diabetes
- n(m)
- daibìotas - diabetes poss c
- cathair daibìotas (oilthigh) chair in diabetes (university)
- Subject: General
- Dail Chè
- Dalkeith
- rathad Dhail Chè Dalkeith road
- Subject: Geography
- Dail Chuinnidh
- Dalwhinnie
- taigh-staile Dhail Chuinnidh Dalwhinnie distillery
- Subject: Geography
- dàimh
- relationship
- n(m/f)
- dàimhe - relationship poss crelationships - dàimhean pl
- dàimh-tillteachais recurrence relationship
- pàtrain agus dàimhean patterns and relationships
- Subject: Mathematics
- dàimh
- relationship
- n(m/f)
- dàimhe - relationship poss crelationships - dàimhean pl
- beus-eòlas dàimhean teaghlaich ethics of family relationships
- dàimhean leabharlannan library relationships
- eòlas gnèitheachais agus dhàimhean sex and relationships education
- Subject: General
- dàimh
- relation
- n(m/f)
- dàimhe - realation poss crealations - dàimhean pl
- beus-eòlas dhàimhean sòisealta ethics of social relations
- dàimh stàite ri buidhnean eagraichte relation of state to organized groups
- dàimhean a-muigh external relations
- dàimhean eadar-nàiseanta international relations
- dàimhean poblach public relations
- manaidsear conaltraidh agus dhàimhean a-muigh communications and external relations manager
- neach-taice dhàimhean a-muigh external relations assistant
- sanasachd agus dàimhean poblach advertising and public relations
- stiùireadh agus dàimhean poblach management and public relations
- Subject: General
- dàimheach
- relative
- adj
- tricead dàimheach relative frequency
- Subject: Mathematics
- daineamaigs
- dynamics
- n(pl)
- daineamaigs - dynamics poss cdynamics - daineamaigs pl
- daineamaigs dhràmadach dramatic dynamics
- daineamaigs iomsgarach contrasting dynamics
- Subject: Music
- daingneachadh
- consolidation
- n(m)
- daingneachaidh - consolidation poss cconsolidations - daingneachaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- daingnich
- consolidate
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- Dairbheal
- Darvel
- eaglais Dhairbheil Darvel church
- Subject: Geography
- Dairbhre
- Valencia I.
- Subject: Geography
- daithead
- diet
- n(f)
- daithead - diet poss cdiets - daitheadan pl
- Subject: GeographyHome Economics
- Dalbeattie
- Dalbeattie
- eachdraidh Dhalbeattie history of Dalbeattie
- Subject: Geography
- dam
- dam
- n(m)
- dam - dam poss cdams - daman pl
- Subject: Geography
- Dàmhair
- October
- n(f)
- Dàmhair - October poss c
- 8 Dàmhair 8 October
- 8mh (An) Dàmhair 8th of October
- an 8mh dhen Dàmhair 8th of October
- an Dàmhair October
- an t-ochdamh latha dhen Dàmhair the eighth of October
- Dàmh Oct
- latha anns an Dàmhair a day in October
- meadhan na Dàmhair middle of October
- Subject: General
- damhan-allaidh
- spider
- n(m)
- damhain-allaidh - spider poss cspiders - damhain-allaidh pl
- damhan-allaidh tarantula tarantula spider
- Subject: Science
- damhan-eòin
- bird spider
- n(m)
- damhain-eòin - bird spider poss cbird spiders - damhain-eòin pl
- Subject: Science
- dannsa-cruinn
- jig
- n(m)
- dannsa-cruinn - jig poss cjigs - dannsaichean-cruinne pl
- Subject: Music
- daoimean
- diamond
- n(m)
- daoimein - diamond poss cdiamaonds - daoimeanan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- daolag
- beetle
- n(f)
- daolaig(e) - beetle poss cbeetles - daolagan pl
- Subject: Science
- daolag-bhreac-dhearg
- ladybird
- n(f)
- daolaig-bhreac-dhearg - ladybird poss cladybirds - daolagan-breac-dearg pl
- Subject: Science
- daonn-eòlas
- anthropology
- n(m)
- daonn-eòlais - anthropology poss c
- saidheansan sòisealta, soiseòlas agus daonn-eòlas social sciences, sociology and anthropology
- soiseòlas agus daonn-eòlas sociology and anthropology
- Subject: General
- daonna
- human
- adj
- beò-eòlas daonna human physiology
- ceannard ghoireasan daonna head of human resources
- Clàr Gineòm a Chinne-daonna Human Genome Project
- còraichean a' chinne-daonna human rights
- cruinn-eòlas daonna human geography
- cumaidhean dhaoine human figures
- factar daonna human factor
- Foillseachadh UN air Còraichean a' Chinne-daonna UN Declaration of Human Rights
- goireasan daonna human resources
- staid a’ chinne-daonna the human condition
- Subject: General
- daonnachas
- humanism
- n(m)
- daonnachais - humanism poss c
- daonnachas agus siostaman co-cheangailte humanism and related systems
- Subject: General
- daonnachd
- humankind
- n(f)
- daonnachd - humankind poss c
- aithne-eòlas, adhbharachadh agus daonnachd epistemology, causation and humankind
- Subject: General
- daonnaire
- humanist
- n(m)
- daonnaire - humanist poss chumanists - daonnairean pl
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- daonnarach
- humanist
- adj
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- daphnia
- daphnia
- n(f)
- daphnia - daphnia poss cdaphnias - daphniathan pl
- slige daphnia daphnia shell
- Subject: Science
- dara
- second
- adj
- 2ra 2nd
- an dara fear/tè the second one
- An Dara Geàrr-Chunntas Second Summary
- Subject: Mathematics
- darmstatium
- darmstadtium
- n(m)
- darmstatium - darmstadtium poss c
- Subject: Science
- dàrna
- second
- adj
- 2ra 2nd
- An Dàrna Cogadh The Second World War
- an dàrna fear/tè the second one
- co-aontar diofarail den dàrna òrdugh second order differential equation
- Subject: Mathematics
- dàta
- data
- n(m)
- dàta - data poss c
- dàta pearsanta personal data
- làimhseachadh dàta agus saidheans coimpiutair data processing and computer science
- prògramadh coimpiutair, prògraman agus dàta computer programming, programs and data
- sàbhail do dhàta pearsanta save your personal data
- Subject: Computing
- dàta
- data
- n(m)
- dàta - data poss c
- dàta cuspaireil discrete data
- dàta deuchainn experimental data
- dàta leantainneach continuous data
- làimhseachadh dàta data handling
- Subject: Mathematics
- dath
- colour
- n(m)
- datha - colour poss ccolours - dathan pl
- bun-dhath local colour
- cearcall dhathan colour sphere
- clàr dhathan colour chart
- dath adhartach advancing colour
- dath briste broken colour
- dath falbhach receding colour
- dath tòna tone colour
- dathan co-chòrdach harmonious colours
- dòighean datha colour techniques
- iar-dhath secondary colour
- leas-dhath tertiary colour
- prìomh-dhath primary colour
- Subject: Art
- dath
- pigment
- n(m)
- datha - pigment poss cpigments - dathan pl
- pròiseasan dathaidh priontaidh pigment processes of printing
- Subject: Art
- dath
- dye
- vb
- a' dathadh dying
- pròiseasan dathaidh priontaidh pigment processes of printing
- Subject: Art
- dathte
- shaded
- adj
- obraich a-mach meud an raoin dhathte work out the size of the shaded area
- Subject: Mathematics
- Deadard
- Jedburgh
- Abaid Dheadaird Jedburgh Abbey
- Subject: Geography
- deadhan
- dean
- n(m)
- deadhain - dean poss cdeans - deadhain pl
- deadhan an-gnìomh, saidheans agus teicneòlas acting dean of science and technology
- deadhan facaltaidh nan ealain dean of the faculty of arts
- Subject: General
- deagh-ghnè
- quality
- n(m)
- deagh-ghnè - quality poss c
- slatan-tomhais deagh-ghnè quality indicators
- Subject: General
- dealaichte
- detached
- adj
- taigh dealaichte detached house
- taigh leth-dhealaichte semi-detached house
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- dealain
- electric
- adj
- teine dealain electric fire
- Subject: GeographyScience
- dealain-uisge
- hydro-electric
- adj
- cumhachd dealain-uisge hydro-electric power
- sgeamaichean dealain-uisge hydro-electric schemes
- stèisean dealain-uisge hydro-electric station
- Subject: GeographyScience
- dealan
- electricity
- n(m)
- dealain - electricity poss c
- stèisean-dealain electricity station
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- dealan-dè
- butterfly
- n(m)
- dealain-dè - butterfly poss cbutterflies - dealain-dè pl
- dealan-dè puist postman butterfly
- Subject: Science
- dealan-mhagnaiteach
- electromagnetic
- adj
- a' cleachdadh an speactraim dealan-mhagnaitich using the electromagnetic spectrum
- Subject: Science
- dealan-uisge
- hydro-electricity
- n(m)
- dealain-uisge - hydro-electric poss c
- Subject: GeographyScience
- dealanach
- lightning
- n(m)
- dealanaich - lightning poss clightning - dealanaich pl
- tàirneanaich agus dealanaich thunder and lightning
- Subject: Geography
- dealas
- drive
- n(m)
- dealais - drive poss c
- lèirsinn, gluasad, faireachdainn agus dealas perception, movement, emotions and drive
- Subject: General
- dealbh
- drawing
- n(m/f)
- dealbha - drawing poss cdeilbh - drawing poss cdeilbh(e) - drawing poss cdrawings - dealbhan pldrawings - deilbh pl
- a' dèanamh dealbh making a picture
- a' tarraing dhealbhan drawing pictures
- a' tarraing dhealbhan agus dealbhan air an tarraing drawing and drawings
- a' tarraing dhealbhan agus dealbhan air an tarraing a rèir cuspair drawing and drawings by subject
- a' tarraing dhealbhan agus ealain maiseachaidh drawing and decorative arts
- Subject: Art
- dealbh
- illustration
- n(m/f)
- dealbha - illustration poss cdeilbh - illustration poss cdeilbh(e) - illustration poss cillustrations - dealbhan plillustrations - deilbh pl
- dealbhan agus dealbhan-camara illustrations and photos
- leabhraichean comharraichte airson dhealbhan books notable for illustrations
- Subject: Art
- dealbh
- picture
- n(m/f)
- dealbha - picture poss cdeilbh - picture poss cdeilbh(e) - picture poss cpictures - dealbhan plpictures - deilbh pl
- a' dèanamh dealbh making a picture
- a' tarraing dhealbhan drawing pictures
- Subject: Art
- dealbh matraigs
- array
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- dealbh matraigs
- create a matrix
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- dealbh-camara
- photo
- n(m/f)
- dealbh-camara - photo poss cdeilbh-camara - photo poss cphotos - dealbhan-camara pl
- dealbhan agus dealbhan-camara illustrations and photos
- Subject: General
- dealbh-camara
- photograph
- deilbh-camara - photograph poss cphotographs - dealbhan-camara pl
- dealbh-camara adharail aerial photograph
- dealbh-èadhair air photograph
- dealbhan agus dealbhan-camara illustrations and photos
- dealbhan-camara agus ealain choimpiutair photographs and computer art
- Subject: Art
- dealbh-chruth
- layout
- n(m)
- dealbh-chrutha - layout poss clayouts - dealbh-chruthan pl
- Subject: Computing
- dealbh-chruthaich
- layout
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- dealbh-peant
- painting
- n(m)
- dealbh-peant - painting poss cdeilbh-peant - painting poss cpaintings - dealbhan-peant pl
- dealbh-uaimhe cave painting
- dealbhan-òrain word painting
- dealbhan-peant Genre Genre paintings
- peantadh agus dealbhan-peant painting and paintings
- Subject: Art
- dealbh-tìre
- landscape
- n(m/f)
- deilbh-tìre - landscape poss clandscapes - dealbhan-tìre pl
- ailtireachd deilbh-tìre landscape architecture
- ailtireachd deilbh-tìre shlighean-trafaig landscape architecture of trafficways
- dealbh-tìre landscape (painting)
- dealbh-tìre dùthchail rural landscape
- deilbh-tìre landscape design
- deilbh-tìre chladhan landscape design of cemeteries
- structaran ann an ailtireachd deilbh-tìre structures in landscape architecture
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- dealbh-tìre millte
- scarred landscape
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- dealbhadh-òrain
- word painting
- n phr
- Subject: Music
- dealbhag
- icon
- n(f)
- dealbhaig - icon poss cicons - dealbhagan pl
- dealbhag fuaim audio icon
- Subject: Computing
- dealbhaich
- design
- vb
- Subject: Art
- dealbhaiche
- designer
- n(m)
- dealbhaiche - designer poss cdesigners - dealbhaichean pl
- dealbhaiche grafaigeach graphic designer
- dealbhaiche innleachdach intelligent designer
- dealbhaiche teagaisg instructional designer
- Subject: General
- dealbhaiche innleachdach
- intelligent designer
- n phr
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- dealta
- delta
- n(m)
- dealta - delta poss cdeltas - dealtathan pl
- Dealta Okavanga Okavanga Delta
- Subject: Geography
- Dealta Okavanga
- Okavanga Delta
- fiadh-bheatha Dealta Okavanga wildlife of the Okavanga Delta
- Subject: Geography
- deamhan driseach
- thorny devil
- n phr
- meud an deamhain dhrisich the size of the thorny devil
- meud deamhan driseach the size of a thorny devil
- Subject: Science
- deamografaig
- demographic
- n(f)
- deamografaig - demographic poss cdemographics - deamografaigean pl
- Subject: Geography
- deamografaigeach
- demographic
- adj
- modail atharrachadh sluaigh demographic transition model
- Subject: Geography
- dèan coimeas air/eadar
- compare
- vb
- dèan coimeas eadar an dà fhaid compare the two lengths
- Subject: Mathematics
- dèan copaidh (de)
- copy
- vb
- dèan copaidh den diagram seo copy this diagram
- Subject: Mathematics
- dèan copaidh-dìon
- back up
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- dèan dà leth air/de
- bisect
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- dèan dà leth air/de
- halve
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- dèan dealbh nad inntinn
- visualise
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- dèan lèirmheas air
- critique
- vb
- dèan lèirmheas air a' chonsairt critique the concert
- Subject: General
- dèan lethbhreac (de)
- copy
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- dèan sgeidse
- sketch
- vb
- Subject: Art
- dèanamh
- manufacture
- n(m)
- dèanaimh - manufacture poss c
- Subject: General
- dèanamh
- production
- n(m)
- dèanaimh - production poss c
- Subject: General
- deantain
- dentine
- n(f)
- deantain - dentine poss c
- Subject: Science
- dèante
- manufactured
- adj
- bathar dèante manufactured goods
- Subject: Geography
- dearbh
- absolute
- adj
- dearbh alcol absolute alcohol
- dearbh neoni absolute zero
- Subject: Science
- dearbh
- check
- vb
- comharra dearbhaidh - check mark poss ccheck box - bogsa-dearbhaidh pl
- Subject: Computing
- dearbh-aithne
- identity
- n(f)
- dearbh-aithne - identity poss c
- cairt-aithneachaidh identity card
- Subject: General
- dearbhadair
- validator
- n(m)
- dearbhadair - validator poss cvalidators - dearbhadairean pl
- dearbhadair HTML HTML validator
- dearbhadairean HTML HTML validators
- Subject: Computing
- dearbhte
- positive
- adj
- àireamh dhearbhte positive number
- indeacsan dearbhte positive indices
- Subject: Mathematics
- deas
- right
- adj
- sgamhan deas right lung
- tionndaidh gu do làimh dheis turn right
- Subject: General
- deas
- south
- n(f)
- deas - south poss c
- (an) ear-dheas (the) south east
- (an) iar-dheas (the) south west
- Afraga a Deas; Poblachd Afraga a Deas Southern Africa; Republic of South Africa
- Am Pòla a Deas South Pole
- an àird a deas the south
- an àirde a deas south
- An Ceann a Deas Southend
- Cànanan dùthchasach Ameireaga a Deas South American native languages
- cànanan taobh an ear agus ear-dheas Àisia languages of East and Southeast Asia
- ceann a deas meadhan nan Stàitean Aonaichte south central United States
- Coiria a Deas South Korea
- cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal ann an Ameireaga a Deas geography of and travel in South America
- eachdraidh Ameireaga a Deas history of South America
- eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd ann an Ameireaga a Deas history of Christianity in South America
- Ear-dheas Àisia Southeast Asia
- ear-dheas nan Stàitean Aonaichte southeastern United States
- eileanan a' Chuain Innseanaich a Deas South Indian Ocean islands
- litreachasan dùthchasach Ameireaga a Deas South American native literature
- litreachasan taobh an ear agus ear-dheas Àisia literatures of East and Southeast Asia
- Molton a Deas South Molton
- Na Downs a Deas South Downs
- Poblachd Afraga a Deas Republic of South Africa
- Ronaldsay a Deas South Ronaldsay
- saidheansan talmhainn Ameireaga a Deas earth sciences of South America
- Shields a Deas South Shields
- staitistigs choitcheann Ameireaga a Deas general statistics of South America
- Uibhist a Deas South Uist
- Uisge Easg a Deas South Esk
- Subject: Geography
- deas
- south
- adj
- gaoth deas south wind
- Subject: Geography
- deas
- southerly
- adj
- a' dol gu deas going in a southerly direction
- Subject: Geography
- deas-ghnàth
- rite
- n(m)
- deas-ghnàtha - rite poss crites - deas-ghnàthan pl
- sàcramaidean, deas-ghnàthan agus gnìomhan eile sacracraments, other rites and acts
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- deas-thònadh
- intonation
- n(m)
- deas-thònaidh - intonation poss cintonations - deas-thònaidhean pl
- deas-thònadh pitse intonation of pitch
- meud deas-thònaidh extent of intonation
- Subject: Music
- deasaiche
- editor
- n(m)
- deasaiche - editor poss ceditors - deasaichean pl
- Subject: General
- deasail
- clockwise
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- deasbad
- debate
- n(m/f)
- deasbaid - debate poss cdebates - deasbadan pl
- Deasbad Nàiseanta BT Alba airson Sgoiltean BT Scotland National Schools Debate
- Subject: General
- deasbaireachd
- polemics
- n(m)
- deasbaireachd - polemics poss c
- fìreanachadh agus deasbaireachd apologetics and polemics
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- deatach
- vapour
- n(f)
- deataich(e) - vapour poss cvapours - deataichean pl
- deatach uisge water vapour
- Subject: Science
- deatachadh
- evaporation
- n(m)
- deatachaidh - evaporation poss cevaporations - deatachaidhean pl
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- deatachan
- vent
- n(m)
- deatachain - vent poss cvents - deatachain plvents - deatachanan pl
- leas-dheatachan secondary vent
- taobh-dheatachan side vent
- Subject: GeographyScience
- debut
- debut
- n(f)
- debut - debut poss cdebuts - debuthan pl
- Subject: Music
- deich
- ten
- n(f)
- deich - ten poss cten - deichean pl
- cumhachdan de dheich powers of ten
- deichean agus aonadan tens and units
- Subject: Mathematics
- deich
- ten
- adj
- deich taighean ten houses
- na prìomh deich clasaichean the first ten classes
- Subject: Mathematics
- deicheach
- decimal
- adj
- bloigh dheicheach decimal fraction
- bloighean, bloighean deicheach agus ceudadan fractions, decimal fractions and percentages
- comharradh deicheach decimal notation
- ionad deicheach decimal place
- Subject: Mathematics
- deichead
- decimal
- n(m)
- deicheid - decimal poss cdecimals - deicheadan pl
- deichead crìochnach terminating decimal
- deichead neo-chrìochnach infinite decimal
- deichead neo-chrìochnach non-terminating decimal
- deicheadan co-ionann decimal equivalents
- Subject: Mathematics
- deicheamh
- tenth
- n(m)
- deicheimh - tenth poss ctenths - deicheamhan pl
- lorg deicheamh de cheud find one tenth of a hundred
- Subject: Mathematics
- deicheamh
- tenth
- adj
- an deicheamh fear/tè the tenth one
- Subject: Mathematics
- deichnear
- ten
- n(m/f)
- deichnear - ten poss c
- deichnear bhalach ten boys
- deichnear dhaoine ten people
- Subject: Mathematics
- deigh
- ice
- n(f)
- deighe - ice poss c
- deighe phacte pack ice
- Linn na Deighe Ice Age
- Subject: Geography
- deigh phacte
- pack ice
- n(f)
- deighe phacte - pack ice poss c
- Subject: Geography
- deilbh
- design
- n(f)
- deilbhe - design poss cdesigns - deilbhean pl
- ceàird agus deilbh craft and design
- deilbh agus maiseachadh design and decoration
- deilbh-tìre landscape design
- deilbh-tìre chladhan landscape design of cemeteries
- Sealladh deilbh Design view
- Subject: General
- deilbh
- design
- vb
- a' deilbh stocainn casting on (designing) a sock
- Subject: Home Economics
- deilbh-tìre
- landscaping
- n(f)
- deilbh-tìre agus planadh àrainn landscaping and area planning
- Subject: General
- deilbh-tìre
- landscape
- n(f)
- ailtireachd deilbh-tìre landscape architecture
- deilbh-tìre agus planadh àrainn landscaping and area planning
- deilbh-tìre chladhan landscape design of cemeteries
- structaran ann an ailtireachd deilbh-tìre structures in landscape architecture
- Subject: General
- dèine
- intensity
- n(f)
- dèine - intensity poss c
- dèine a' chiùil the intensity of the music
- Subject: Music
- Deis
- Dyce
- port-adhair Dheis Dyce airport
- Subject: Geography
- deisciobal
- disciple
- n(m)
- deisciobail - disciple poss cdisciples - deisciobail pl
- Baistich, Deisciobail Chrìosd agus Aidmheintich Baptist, Disciples of Christ and Adventist
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- deiseil
- clockwise
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- deit
- date
- n(f)
- deite - date poss cdates - deitichean pl
- a' dol air deit going on a date
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- deit
- date
- n(f)
- deit - date poss cdates - deitichean pl
- catalog a rèir ùghdair, deit, agus eile catalogues arranged by author, date, etc.
- Subject: General
- deiteadh
- dating
- n(m)
- deiteadh - dating poss c
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- demisemicuèbhear
- demisemiquaver
- n(f)
- demisemicuèbhear - demisemiquaver poss cdemisemiquavers - demisemicuèbhearan pl
- faid na demisemicuèbhear length of the demisemiquaver
- Subject: Music
- deò
- air
- n(f)
- deò - air poss c
- deò gaoithe breath of wind
- Subject: Science
- deoch
- drink
- n(f)
- dibhe - drink poss cdighe - drink poss cdrinks - deochan pldrinks - deochannan pl
- biadh agus deoch food and drink
- deoch bhog soft drink
- deoch phro-bhitheach probiotic drink
- deoch-làidir alcohol
- Subject: Home Economics
- deoch
- beverage
- n(m)
- dibhe - beverage poss cdighe - beverage poss cbeverages - deochan plbeverages - deochannan pl
- teicneòlas dibhe beverage technology
- Subject: Home Economics
- deoch-làidir
- alcohol
- n(f)
- deoch-làidir - alcohol poss c
- diofar seòrsachan deoch-làidir different types of alcohol
- Subject: Science
- Deòrsa
- George
- n(m)
- Dheòrsa - George poss c
- Crois Dheòrsa George Cross
- Deòrsa mac Iain Dheòrsa George Campbell Hay (poet)
- Rìgh Deòrsa King George
- Subject: General
- Dereham an Ear
- East Dereham
- n(m)
- Dhereham an Ear - East Dereham poss c
- muileann-gaoithe Dhereham an Ear East Dereham windmill
- Subject: Geography
- deribheataibh
- derivative
- n(m)
- deribheataibh - derivative poss cderivatives - deribheataibhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- descant
- descant
- n(m)
- descant - descant poss cdescants - descantan pl
- Subject: Music
- deteirmeanant
- determinant
- n(m)
- deteirmeanant - determinant poss cdeterminants - deteirmeanantan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- deuchainn
- experiment
- n(f)
- deuchainn(e) - experiment poss ctoradh deuchainn - experiment result poss cexperiments - deuchainnean pl
- Subject: Science
- deuchainn
- exam
- n(f)
- deuchainn(e) - exam poss cexams - deuchainnean pl
- ullachadh airson dheuchainnean exam preparation
- Subject: General
- deuchainn
- examination
- n(f)
- deuchainn(e) - examination poss cexaminations - deuchainnean pl
- deuchainn Ghàidhlig Gaelic examination
- deuchainn Nuadh-eòlais Modern Studies examination
- Subject: General
- deuchainneach
- experimental
- adj
- dàta deuchainneach experimental data
- Subject: Science
- dhà
- two
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- dhà-dheug
- twelve
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- dì-choillteachadh
- deforestation
- n(m)
- dì-choillteachaidh - deforestation poss c
- Subject: Geography
- dì-chomharraich
- uncheck
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- dia
- god
- n(m)
- dè - god poss cgods - diathan pl
- bith, nàdar agus feartan Dhè existence, knowablility and attributes of God
- bun-bheachdan mu Dhia concepts of God
- Dia God
- obair Dhè God's work
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- diadhachd
- divinity
- n(f)
- diadhachd - divinity poss c
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- diadhaire
- theologian
- n(m)
- diadhaire - theologian poss ctheologians - diadhairean pl
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- diagram
- diagram
- n(m)
- diagram - diagram poss cdiagrams - diagraman pl
- diagram damhan-allaidh spider diagram
- diagram stoc-is-duilleach stem-and-leaf diagram
- diagram-sgapte scatter diagram
- diagram-sgèile scale diagram
- Subject: Mathematics
- diagram-sgapte
- scatter diagram
- n(m)
- diagram-sgapte - scatter diagram poss cscatter diagrams - diagraman-sgapte pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- dian
- extreme
- adj
- dian-fhuachd extreme cold
- dian-theas extreme heat
- dian-theòthachdan extreme temperatures
- gnàth-shìde dhian extreme climate
- Subject: Geography
- Diardaoin
- Thursday
- n(m)
- Diardaoin - Thursday poss c
- Diar Thurs
- Diardaoin na Traisg Fast Thursday
- feasgar Diardaoin Thursday afternoon
- oidhche Ardaoin Thursday night
- oidhche Dhiardaoin Thursday night
- Subject: General
- diatonaig
- diatonic
- adj
- semitòn diatonaig diatonic semitone
- sgèile diatonaig diatonic scale
- Subject: Music
- dibhearsain
- entertainment
- n(m)
- dibhearsain - entertainment poss c
- spòrs, geamannan agus dibhearsain sports, games and entertainment
- Subject: General
- dibhearsain
- amusement
- n(m)
- dibhearsain - amusement poss camusements - dibhearsain pl
- dibhearsain a-staigh indoor amusements
- Subject: General
- Diciadain
- Wednesday
- n(m)
- Diciadain - Wednesday poss c
- Dic Wed
- Diciadain na Luaithre Ash Wednesday
- madainn Diciadain Wednesday morning
- oidhche Chiadain Wednesday night
- Subject: General
- dicotyledon
- dicotyledon
- n(m)
- dicotyledon - dicotyledon poss cdicotyledons - dicotyledonan pl
- Subject: Science
- Didòmhnaich
- Sunday
- n(m)
- Didòmhnaich - Sunday poss c
- Did Sun
- Didòmhnaich a' Chuimhneachaidh Remembrance Sunday
- Didòmhnaich na Càisge Easter Sunday
- madainn Didòmhnaich Sunday morning
- oidhche Dhòmhnaich Sunday night
- Subject: General
- didseat
- digit
- n(f)
- didseat - digit poss cdigits - didseatan pl
- aon-didseat single digit
- Subject: Mathematics
- didseatach
- digital
- adj
- cloc didseatach digital clock
- ealain dhidseatach digital art
- ìomhaigheachd dhidseatach digital imaging
- riochd didseatach digital form
- teicneòlas didseatach digital technology
- togail dhealbhan didseatach digital photography
- uair dhidseatach digital time
- Subject: GeneralMathematicsComputing
- dìg
- channel
- n(f)
- dìge - channel poss cchannels - dìgean pl
- dìgean uisgeachaidh irrigation channels
- Subject: Geography
- Dihaoine
- Friday
- n(m)
- Dihaoine - Friday poss c
- Dih Fri
- Dihaoine a' Cheusaidh Good Friday
- Dihaoine na Càisge Good Friday
- Dihaoine na Ceusta Good Friday
- madainn Dihaoine Friday morning
- oidhche Haoine Friday night
- Subject: General
- Diluain
- Monday
- n(m)
- Diluain - Monday poss c
- an ath Dhiluain the following Monday
- Dil Mon
- Diluain na Caingis Whit Monday
- Diluain na Càisge Easter Monday
- madainn Diluain Monday morning
- oidhche Luain Monday night
- Subject: General
- Dìmàirt
- Tuesday
- n(m)
- Dìmàirt - Tuesday poss c
- Dim Tues
- Dimàirt (na h-) Inide Shrove Tuesday
- feasgar Dimàirt Tuesday afternoon
- oidhche Mhàirt Tuesday night
- Subject: General
- diminuendo
- diminuendo
- n(f)
- diminuendo - diminuendo poss cdiminuendos - diminuendothan pl
- Subject: Music
- dìneasair
- dinosaur
- n(m)
- dìneasair - dinosaur poss cdinosaurs - dìneasairean pl
- Subject: Science
- dìodorant
- deodorant
- n(m)
- dìodorant - deodorant poss cdeodorants - dìodorantan pl
- feuch diofar dhìodorantan try different deodorants
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- diofar
- difference
- n(m)
- diofair - difference poss cdifferences - diofaran pl
- diofar cumanta common difference
- diofar eadar dà luach cheàrnagaichte difference of two squares
- Subject: Mathematics
- diofarachadh
- differentiation
- n(m)
- diofarachaidh - differentiation poss cdifferentiations - diofarachaidhean pl
- diofarachadh logaritmeach logarithmic differentiation
- diofarachadh parameatrach parametric differentiation
- Subject: Mathematics
- diofaraich
- differentiate
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- diofaraichte
- differentiated
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- diofarail
- differential
- adj
- co-aontar diofarail differential equation
- co-aontar diofarail den dàrna òdugh second order differential equation
- Subject: Mathematics
- diog
- second
- n(m)
- diog - second poss cseconds - diogan pl
- meatair/meatairean san diog (msd) metres per second (mps)
- san diog per second
- Subject: Mathematics
- dìomhaireachd
- mystery
- n(f)
- dìomhaireachd - mystery poss c
- aislingean agus dìomhaireachdan dreams and mysteries
- Subject: General
- dìon
- protect
- vb
- dìon d' obair protect your work
- Subject: Computing
- dìon
- protection
- n(m)
- dìona - protection poss c
- Buidheann Dìon Àrainneachd na h-Alba (SEPA) Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
- Dìon Chloinne Child Protection
- dìon o bhìoras virus protection
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- dìon bho ghalar
- immunise
- vb
- Subject: Science
- dìon-àrainneachd
- preservation
- n(f)
- dìon-àrainneachd - preservation poss c
- Subject: Geography
- dìon-bodhaig
- immunity
- n(m)
- dìon-bodhaig - immunity poss c
- siostam dìon-bodhaig immune system
- Subject: Science
- dìon-bodhaig
- immunisation
- n(m)
- dìon-bodhaig - immunisation poss c
- Subject: Science
- dìonachd
- immunity
- n(f)
- dìonachd - immunity poss c
- dìonachd dhioplòmasach diplomatic immunity
- Subject: Science
- dìonadair
- protector
- n(m)
- dìonadair - protector poss cprotectors - dìonadairean pl
- Subject: General
- dioplòma
- diploma
- n(m)
- dioplòma - diploma poss cdiplomas - dioplòmathan pl
- dioplòma ann an Eaconamas Dachaigh diploma in Home Economics
- Subject: General
- dioplòmasach
- diplomatic
- adj
- Subject: General
- dioplòmasaidh
- diplomacy
- n(m)
- dioplòmasaidh - diplomacy poss cdiplomacies - dioplòmasaidhean pl
- cleachdaidhean cogaidh agus dioplòmasaidh customs of war and diplomacy
- Subject: General
- diosg
- disk
- n(m)
- diosg - disk poss cdisk - diosgaichean pl
- Subject: Computing
- diospròsium
- dysprosium
- n(m)
- diospròsium - dysprosium poss c
- Subject: Science
- dìreach
- direct
- adj
- atharrachadh dìreach direct variation
- co-chuid dhìreach direct proportion
- Subject: Mathematics
- dìreach
- straight
- adj
- graf loidhne-dhìreach straight-line graph
- loidhne dhìreach straight line
- oir dhìreach straight edge
- Subject: Mathematics
- dìreadh
- ascending
- vb n
- a' dìreadh gu nota nas àirde ascending to a higher note
- notaichean a tha a' dìreadh no a' teàrnadh notes which are ascending or descending
- Subject: Music
- dìrich
- ascend
- vb
- dìrich gu nota nas àirde ascend to a higher note
- Subject: Music
- dìridh
- ascending
- adj
- meud sgèile-dìridh extent of ascending scale
- ruithean-dìridh ascending sequences
- sgèile-dìridh ascending scale
- sgèilean-dìridh ascending scales
- Subject: Music
- Disathairne
- Saturday
- n(m)
- Disathairne - Saturday poss c
- Dis Sat
- feasgar Disathairne Saturday afternoon
- oidhche Shathairne Saturday night
- Subject: General
- discriomanant
- discriminant
- n(m)
- discriomanant - discriminant poss cdiscriminants - discriomanantan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- dìsinn
- dice
- n(m)
- dìsne - dice poss cdice - dìsnean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- dìsinn
- die
- n(m)
- dìsne - dice poss cdice - dìsnean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- dìth-beathachaidh
- malnutrition
- n(m/f)
- dìth-beathachaidh - malnutrition poss c
- Subject: GeographyHome Economics
- dìth-uisge
- dehydration
- n(f)
- dìth-uisge - dehydration poss c
- Subject: Geography
- dìthean
- flower
- n(m)
- dìthein - flower poss cflowers - dìtheanan plflowers - dìthein pl
- dìthean a' ginideachadh a flower germinating
- sìol dìthein flower seed
- Subject: Science
- diùbhrasach
- differential
- adj
- saidhceòlas diùbhrasach agus leasachail differential and developmental psychology
- Subject: General
- diùc
- duke
- n(m)
- diùc - duke poss cdukes - diùcan pl
- ban-diùc duchess
- Diùc Dhùn Èideann Duke of Edinburgh
- Duais Diùc Dhùn Èideann Duke of Edinburgh Award
- Subject: General
- Diùra
- Jura
- Eilean Dhiùra Isle of Jura
- Subject: Geography
- Diùranais
- Durness
- paraiste Dhiùranais parish of Durness
- Subject: Geography
- divertissement
- divertissement
- n(f)
- divertissement - divertissement poss cdivertissements - divertissementan pl
- dannsa divertissment goirid short divertissment dance
- Subject: Music
- Djibouti
- Djibouti
- n(m/f)
- Djibouti - Djibouti poss c
- roinnean Djibouti regions of Djibouti
- Subject: Geography
- dleastanas
- responsibility
- n(m)
- dleastanais - responsibility poss cresponsibilities - dleastanasan pl
- dleastanas nan uile responsibility of all
- Subject: General
- dligheach
- just
- adj
- cogadh dligheach just war
- teòiridh cogadh dligheach just war theory
- Subject: General
- dlùith
- compress
- vb
- Subject: Science
- dlùth (ri)
- adjacent (to)
- adj
- an taobh dlùth side adjacent
- Subject: Mathematics
- dlùth-cheàrn
- adjacent angle
- n(m)
- dlùth-cheàirn - adjacent angle poss cadjacent angles - dlùth-cheàrnan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- dlùth-chruth
- close position
- n(m)
- dlùth-chruth - close position poss cclose positions - dlùth-chruthan pl
- còrd dlùth-chruth close position chord
- dlùth-chruth notaichean close position of notes
- Subject: Music
- dlùths
- density
- n(m)
- dlùths - density poss c
- dlùths lionn density of a liquid
- dlùths teann-stuth density of a solid
- Subject: Science
- do-fhaotainn
- unavailable
- adj
- Subject: Computing
- do-roinnte
- non-divisible
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- do-smaoineachail
- unimaginable
- adj
- Subject: General
- doca
- dock
- n(m)
- doca - dock poss cdocks - docaichean pldocks - docan pl
- Pembroke Dock Pembroke Dock
- Subject: Geography
- docaichean
- docklands
- n(pl)
- Subject: Geography
- dodecahedron
- dodecahedron
- n(m)
- dodecahedron - dodecahedron poss cdodecahedrons - dodecahedronan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- dòigh
- method
- n(m)
- dòigh - method poss cmethods - dòighean pl
- an dòigh aonadach the unitary method
- dòigh cunntaidh method of counting
- dòigh pàighidh payment method
- dòigh-sgrìobhaidh àbhaisteach standard written method
- dòighean measaidh assessment methods
- dòighean para-saidhceòlach agus os-nàdarrach parapsychological and occult methods
- dòighean sònraichte coimpiutair special computer methods
- Subject: General
- dòigh
- technique
- n(f)
- dòigh - technique poss ctechniques - dòighean pl
- dòigh cruinneachaidh gathering technique
- dòighean còmhdachaidh coating techniques
- dòighean datha colour techniques
- dòighean glanaidh cleaning techniques
- Subject: General
- dòigh cruinneachaidh
- gathering technique
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- dòigh pròiseasaidh
- processing technique
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- dòigh-beatha thraidiseanta
- traditional lifestyle
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyGeneralHistory
- dòigh-beatha thraidiseanta
- traditional way of life
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyGeneralHistory
- doimhneachd
- depth
- n(f)
- doimhneachd - depth poss cdepths - doimhneachdan pl
- Subject: General
- doirbeardan
- minnow
- n(m)
- doirbeardain - minnow poss cminnows - doirbeardain pl
- Subject: Science
- Doire
- Londonderry
- Subject: Geography
- dol a-mach
- behaviour
- n(m)
- cùisean a tha a' toirt buaidh air modhan sòisealta factors affecting social behaviour
- dol a-mach dòigheil positive behaviour
- goireasan airson dol a-mach dòigheil resources for positive behaviour
- leasachadh proifeiseanta airson dol a-mach dòigheil professional development for positive behaviour
- modhan airson dol a-mach dòigheil approaches to positive behaviour
- Subject: General
- dol air ais na gealaich
- wane
- n phr
- a' ghealach a' dol air ais the waning moon
- tha dol air ais na gealaich air tòiseachadh the wane of the moon has begun
- Subject: Science
- dol fodha na grèine
- sunset
- n(m)
- Subject: Science
- dolair
- dollar
- n(m)
- dolair - dollar poss cdollars - dolairean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- domhan-fhad
- longitude
- n(m)
- domhan-fhaid - longitude poss clongitudes - domhan-fhaid pl
- Subject: Geography
- domhan-leud
- latitude
- n(m)
- domhan-leòid - latitude poss clatitudes - domhan-leudan pl
- Subject: Geography
- Domhnach Daoi
- Donaghadee
- Subject: Geography
- Dòmhnallach
- MacDonald
- càr Seonaig Dhòmhnallaich Joan MacDonald's car
- Dhòmhnallach MacDonald (fem)
- Dòmhnall Dòmhnallach Donald MacDonald
- Seonag Dhòmhnallach Joan MacDonald
- taigh Dhòmhnaill Dhòmhnallaich Donald MacDonald's house
- Subject: General
- Dominica
- Dominica
- n(m/f)
- Dhominica - Dominica poss c
- Co-fhlaitheas Dhominica Commonwealth of Dominica
- Subject: Geography
- domino
- domino
- n(m)
- domino - domino poss cdominoes - dominothan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- Doolish (Dùghlas)
- Douglas
- n(m)
- Dhoolish (Dhùghlais) - Douglas poss c
- Doolish (Dùghlas) - ceanna-bhaile Eilean Mhanainn Douglas - the capital of the Isle of Man
- Subject: Geography
- dorcha
- dark
- adj
- oidhche dhorcha dark night
- Subject: Science
- dorchadas
- darkness
- n(m)
- dorchadais - darkness poss c
- Subject: Science
- dòrtadh
- period
- n(m)
- dòrtaidh - period poss c
- pian dòrtaidh period pain
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- dos
- drone
- n(m)
- dois - drone poss cduis - drone poss cdrones - dois pldrones - dosan pldrones - duis pl
- Subject: Music
- dotag
- dot
- n(f)
- dotaig - dot poss cdots - dotagan pl
- buaidh dhotaig effect of a dot
- Subject: Music
- dotag
- dot
- n(f)
- dotaig - dot poss cdots - dotagan pl
- cliath-dhotagan dot grid
- cliath-dhotagan cheàrnagach square dot grid
- cliath-dhotagan isomeatrach isometric dot grid
- plot-dhotagan dot plot
- Subject: Mathematics
- dotag
- spot
- n(f)
- dotaig - spot poss cspots - dotagan pl
- cliath-dhotagan dot grid
- Subject: Mathematics
- dotagach
- dotted
- adj
- nota dhotagach dotted note
- ruitheam dhotagach dotted rhythm
- seinn nan notaichean dotagach singing of the dotted notes
- Subject: Music
- downs
- downs
- n(m)
- downs - downs poss c
- Downs Dorset a Tuath North Dorset Downs
- Downs Hampshire Hampshire Downs
- Na Downs a Deas South Downs
- Na Downs a Tuath North Downs
- Subject: Geography
- Downs Dorset a Tuath
- North Dorset Downs
- n(pl)
- Downs Dorset a Tuath - North Dorset Downs poss c
- Downs Dorset a Tuath, Sasainn North Dorset Downs, England
- Subject: Geography
- Downs Hampshire
- Hampshire Downs
- n(pl)
- Downs Hampshire - Hampshire Downs poss c
- taighean ann an Downs Hampshire houses in the Hampshire Downs
- Subject: Geography
- Drabhaidianach
- Dravidian
- adj
- cànanan Drabhaidianach Dravidian languages
- Subject: Language
- Drabhaidianach
- Dravidian
- n(f)
- Drabhaidianaich - Dravidian poss c
- Subject: Language
- dràgon
- dragon
- n(m)
- dràgoin - dragon poss cdragons - dràgoin pldragons - dràgonan pl
- ceann an dràgoin the head of the dragon
- Subject: Science
- dràibh
- drive
- n(m)
- Dràibh - Drive poss cDrives - Dràibhean pl
- Dràibh Lìonra Network Drive
- Subject: Computing
- dràibhear
- driver
- n(m)
- dràibheir - driver poss cdrivers - dràibhearan pl
- Subject: General
- dràma
- drama
- n(f)
- dràma - drama poss cdramas - dràmathan pl
- Dràma - Teisteanais Nàiseanta Drama - National Qualifications
- dràma Ameireaganach American drama
- dràma Ghreugais chlasaigeach classical Greek drama
- Subject: General
- dramataigeach
- dramatic
- adj
- bàrdachd dhramataigeach dramatic poetry
- daineamaigs dhràmadach dramatic dynamics
- Subject: General
- draoidh
- wizard
- n(m)
- draoidh - wizard poss cwizards - draoidhean pl
- Subject: Computing
- drathais
- knickers
- n(f)
- drathais(e) - knickers poss cknickers - drathaisean pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- drathais
- underpants
- n(f)
- drathais(e) - underpants poss cunderpants - drathaisean pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- dreach
- version
- n(m)
- dreacha - version poss cversions - dreachan pl
- dreach beta beta version
- dreach clò-bhualadair printer friendly version
- dreach clò-bhualaidh print version
- dreach deuchainn trial version
- dreach ruigsinneach accessible version
- dreach teacsa a-mhàin text only version
- WebDav Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning
- Subject: Computing
- dreachd
- draft
- n(f)
- dreachd - draft poss cdrafts - dreachdan pl
- dreachd de phrògram draft of programme
- Subject: Computing
- dreag
- meteor
- n(f)
- dreige - meteor poss cmeteors - dreagan pl
- Subject: Science
- dreagach
- meteoric
- adj
- Subject: Science
- dreagag
- meteorite
- n(f)
- dreagaig - meteorite poss cmeteorites - dreagagan pl
- Subject: Science
- drèanadh
- drainage
- n(m)
- drèanaidh - drainage poss c
- drèanadh eadar-ùineach intermittent drainage
- sgìre drèanaidh drainage area
- sgìre drèanaidh drainage basin
- Subject: Geography
- dreuchd bhàn
- vacancy
- n(f)
- dreuchd bhàin - vacancy poss cvacancies - dreuchdan bàna pl
- Subject: General
- drile
- drill
- n(f)
- drile - drill poss cdrills - drilichean pl
- drile crith-thalmhainn earthquake drill
- Subject: Geography
- drioftadh fad-cladaich
- longshore drift
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- dris
- bramble
- n(f)
- drise - bramble poss cbrambles - drisean pl
- Subject: Science
- drochaid
- bridge
- n(f)
- drochaid(e) - bridge poss cbridges - drochaidean pl
- a' seachnadh drochaid ìosal avoiding low bridge
- Drochaid a' Bhanna Bonar Bridge
- Drochaid Bhictòria Victoria Bridge
- Drochaid Mhenai Menai Bridge
- Drochaid Sguideil Conon Bridge
- Seann Drochaid Nibheis Old Nevis Bridge
- Subject: Geography
- Drochaid a' Bhanna
- Bonar Bridge
- eachdraidh Drochaid a' Bhanna history of Bonar Bridge
- Subject: Geography
- Drochaid Mhenai
- Menai Bridge
- n(f)
- Drochaid Mhenai - Menai Bridge poss c
- eachdraidh Drochaid Mhenai history of Menai Bridge
- Subject: Geography
- Drochaid Sguideil
- Conon Bridge
- seallaidhean Drochaid Sguideil Conon Bridge scenery
- Subject: Geography
- Droichead Nua
- Droichead Nua
- Subject: Geography
- Droichead Átha
- Drogheda
- Subject: Geography
- Droichead na Bandan
- Bandon
- Subject: Geography
- Droichead na Banna
- Banbridge
- Subject: Geography
- Droim Mór
- Dromore
- Subject: Geography
- drùidhteach
- permeable
- adj
- clach dhrùidhteach permeable rock
- Subject: Geography
- druim
- ridge
- n(m)
- droma - ridge poss cridges - dromannan pl
- Subject: Geography
- Druim na Drochaid
- Drumnadrochit
- baile Druim na Drochaid village of Drumnadrochit
- Subject: Geography
- druim-altach
- vertebrate
- adj
- Subject: Science
- druim-altachan
- vertebrate
- n(m)
- druim-altachain - vertebrate poss cvertebrates - druim-altachain pl
- druim-altachain fhuar-fhuileach cold-blooded vertebrates
- druim-altachain fhuar-fhuileach fhosaileach fossil cold-blooded vertebrates
- Subject: Science
- druma
- drum
- n(m/f)
- druma - drum poss cdrums - drumaichean pl
- coire-dhruma kettle-drum
- seata dhrumaichean drumkit
- teud-dhruma snare drum
- toirm dhrumaichean drum roll
- toirm teud-dhruma snare-drum rolls
- Subject: Music
- druma na cluaise
- eardrum
- n(m)
- druma na cluaise - eardrum poss ceardrums - drumaichean nan cluasan pl
- Subject: Science
- duais
- award
- n(f)
- duaise - award poss cawards - duaisean pl
- Duaisean Foghlaim na h-Alba Scottish Education Awards
- Subject: General
- dualchainnt
- dialect
- n(f)
- dualchainnt(e) - dialect poss cdialects - dualchainntean pl
- Subject: General
- dualchas
- heritage
- n(m)
- dualchais - heritage poss c
- cultar, eachdraidh agus dualchas na h-Alba Scotland's culture, history and heritage
- ionad-dualchais heritage centre
- làrach dualchais cultural heritage site
- Subject: General
- dùbail
- double
- n(m)
- dùbail - double poss cdoubles - dùbailean pl
- dà-thaobhach double-sided
- ’s e 4 an dùbail de 2 4 is the double of 2
- Subject: Mathematics
- dùbailte
- doubled
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- dùbailte
- double
- adj
- cumadh dùbailte double shape
- Subject: Mathematics
- dubh às
- delete
- vb
- iuchair Delete Delete key
- Subject: Computing
- dubh às
- cancel out
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- dubh-ghorm
- navy blue
- adj
- Subject: Art
- dubh-ghorm
- dark blue
- adj
- Subject: Art
- dubhadh
- blackout
- n(m)
- dubhaidh - blackout poss cblackouts - dubhaidhean pl
- dubhadh na gealaich eclipse of the moon
- dubhadh na grèine eclipse of the sun
- dubhsgàil blackout curtain
- Subject: General
- dubhadh às
- cancelling out
- n(m)
- Subject: Mathematics
- dubhag
- kidney
- n(f)
- dubhaig - kidney poss ckidneys - dubhagan pl
- Subject: Science
- Dùbhlachd
- December
- n(f)
- Dùbhlachd - December poss c
- 12 Dùbhlachd 12 December
- 12na (An) Dùbhlachd 12th of December
- an 12na latha dhen Dùbhlachd 12th of December
- an dara latha deug dhen Dùbhlachd the twelfth day of December
- An Dùbhlachd December
- deireadh na Dùbhlachd end of December
- Dùbh Dec
- latha anns an Dùbhlachd a day in December
- Subject: General
- dùbhlan
- challenge
- n(m)
- dùbhlain - challenge poss cchallenges - dùbhlain pl
- dùbhlan agus tlachd challenge and enjoyment
- Subject: General
- dubhradh
- shade
- n(m)
- dubhraidh - shade poss cshades - dubhraidhean pl
- Subject: Technical
- dubhradh
- shading
- n(m)
- cuir dubhradh air an diagram put shading on the diagram
- Subject: Technical
- dubhsgàil
- blind
- n(f)
- dubhsgàile - blind poss cblinds - dubhsgàilean pl
- Subject: Home Economics
- dùblachadh
- double
- n(m)
- dùblachaidh - double poss cdoubles - dùblaichean pl
- dà-thaobhach double-sided
- faisg-dhùblachaidhean near doubles
- ’s e 4 dùblachadh 2 the double of 2 is 4
- Subject: Mathematics
- dùblachadh
- doubling
- n(m)
- dùblachaidh - doubling poss cdoublings - dùblaichean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- dùblaich
- double
- vb
- dùblaich e double it
- Subject: Mathematics
- dublaid
- duplet
- n(f)
- dublaid(e) - duplet poss cduplets - dublaidean pl
- dà nota dublaid two duplet notes
- Subject: Music
- dubnium
- dubnium
- n(m)
- dubnium - dubnium poss c
- Subject: Science
- dùdach
- siren
- n(m/f)
- dùdaich(e) - siren poss csirens - dùdaich plsirens - dùdaichean pl
- dùdaich èiginn emergency sirens
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- dùil-aoise
- life expectancy
- n(m)
- dùil-aoise - life expectancy poss c
- Subject: Geography
- duilgheadas
- problem
- n(m)
- duilgheadais - problem poss cproblems - duilgheadasan pl
- duilgheadasan shochairean sòisealta social welfare problems
- duilgheadasan sòisealta social problems
- Subject: General
- duilleag
- page
- n(f)
- duilleig(e) - page poss cpages - duilleagan pl
- ath dhuilleag next page
- Subject: Computing
- duilleag-obrach
- worksheet
- n(f)
- duilleig-obrach - worksheet poss cworksheets - duilleagan-obrach pl
- Subject: General
- dùin
- close
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- dùin sìos
- shut down
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- duiseal
- flute
- n(m)
- duiseil - flute poss cflutes - duisealan pl
- a' cluiche an duiseil playing the flute
- Subject: Music
- duislear
- flautist
- n(m)
- duisleir - flautist poss cflautists - duislearan pl
- ceòl an duisleir the flautist's music
- Subject: Music
- dùmhail
- dense
- adj
- trafaig dhùmhail dense traffic
- Subject: Science
- dùmhail
- congested
- adj
- trafaig dhùmhail congested traffic
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- dùmhlachd
- congestion
- n(f)
- dùmhlachd - congestion poss ccongestions - dùmhlachdan pl
- cìsean dùmhlachd congestion charges
- dùmhlachd-trafaig traffic congestion
- Subject: Geography
- dùmhlachd
- density
- n(f)
- dùmhlachd - density poss cdensities - dùmhlachdan pl
- dùmhlachd-sluaigh population density
- dùmhlachd-sluaigh àrd high population density
- dùmhlachd-sluaigh ìosal low population density
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- Dùn Bàrr
- Dunbar
- stèisean Dhùn Bàrr Dunbar station
- Subject: Geography
- Dùn Bheagain
- Dunvegan
- Caisteal Dhùn Bheagain Dunvegan Castle
- Subject: Geography
- Dùn Bhlàthain
- Dunblane
- muinntir Dhùn Bhlàthain people of Dunblane
- Subject: Geography
- Dùn Breatann
- Dumbarton
- Caisteal Dhùn Breatann Dumbarton Castle
- Subject: Geography
- Dùn Chailleann
- Dunkeld
- cathair-eaglais Dhùn Chailleann Dunkeld cathedral
- Subject: Geography
- Dùn Dè
- Dundee
- Oilthigh Dhùn Dè Dundee University
- Subject: Geography
- Dún Dealgan
- Dundalk
- Subject: Geography
- Dùn Èideann
- Edinburgh
- Caisteal Dhùn Èideann Edinburgh Castle
- Diùc Dhùn Èideann Duke of Edinburgh
- Duais Diùc Dhùn Èideann Duke of Edinburgh Award
- Subject: Geography
- Dún Garbhán
- Dungarvan
- Subject: Geography
- Dùn Gasbaith
- Duncansby Head
- n(m)
- taigh-solais Dhùn Gasbaith Duncansby Head lighthouse
- Subject: Geography
- Dún Geanainn
- Dungannon
- Subject: Geography
- Dún Geimhin
- Dungiven
- Subject: Geography
- Dún Laoghaire
- Dún Laoghaire
- Subject: Geography
- Dùn MhicDhuibh
- Macduff
- muinntir Dhùn MhicDhuibh people of MacDuff
- Subject: Geography
- Dún na nGall
- Donegal
- Subject: Geography
- Dùn Omhain
- Dunoon
- baile Dhùn Omhain town of Dunoon
- Subject: Geography
- Dún Pádraig
- Downpatrick
- Subject: Geography
- Dùn Phàrlain
- Dunfermline
- Abaid Dhùn Phàrlain Dunfermline Abbey
- Subject: Geography
- Dùn Phris
- Dumfries
- baile Dhùn Phris town of Dumfries
- Subject: Geography
- dùn sgudal mèinne
- spoil heap
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- dùn sgudal mèinne
- bing
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- dùnadh
- cadence
- n(m)
- dùnaidh - cadence poss ccadences - dùnaidhean pl
- dùnadh briste interrupted cadence
- dùnadh coileanta perfect cadence
- dùnadh neo-choileanta imperfect cadence
- dùnadh plagal plagel cadence
- Subject: Music
- dùnadh sìos
- shutdown
- n(m)
- dùnaidh sìos - shutdown poss cshutdowns - dùnaidhean sìos pl
- Subject: Computing
- Duns
- Duns
- eachdraidh Dhuns history of Duns
- Subject: Geography
- Durlas
- Thurles
- Subject: Geography
- dusan
- dozen
- n(m)
- dusain - dozen poss cdozens - dusain pl
- dusan ugh a dozen eggs
- leth-dusan half a dozen
- Subject: Mathematics
- dust
- dust
- n(m)
- dust - dust poss c
- Subject: General
- dùthaich
- nation
- n(f)
- dùthcha - nation poss cnations - dùthchannan pl
- lagh dhùthchannan law of nations
- Subject: Modern Studies
- dùthaich
- country
- n(f)
- dùthcha - country poss ccountries - dùthchannan pl
- air an dùthaich in the countryside
- crìoch dùthcha country boundary
- dùthaich chobhaireach donor country
- dùthaich fo chobhair receiving country
- dùthaich fo leasachadh developing country
- dùthaich leasaichte developed country
- dùthaich MhicAoidh Mackay country
- dùthaich neo-leasaichte underdeveloped country
- Subject: Geography
- dùthchail
- rural
- adj
- cleachdadairean-fearainn dùthchail rural land users
- coimhearsnachd dhùthchail rural community
- Cùmhnantan Leasachadh Dùthchail Rural Development Contracts
- dealbh-tìre dùthchail rural landscape
- fearann dùthchail rural land
- imrich bhailteil rural-urban migration
- leasachadh dùthchail rural development
- oir dhùthchail/bhailteil rural/urban fringe
- sgìre dhùthchail rural area
- stiùireadh slàinte dhùthchail rural health management
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- dùthchasach
- native
- adj
- cànanan dùthchasach native languages
- cànanan dùthchasach Ameireaga a Tuath North American native languages
- litreachasan dùthchasach Ameireaga a Deas South American native literature
- Subject: Language
- dyslexia
- dyslexia
- n(f)
- dyslexia - dyslexia poss c
- Subject: Science